Name: Rigelians

AKA:  Malevolent Alien Life Form (ALF)

Location  – Home System: One of the many human space colonies spawned by the Lyrans was eventually established on planets in the Rigel solar system in the Orion Constellation.

Distance from Earth:  773 light-years


Motives: ALFs furnished extensive information on the Aliens and their history which is known as the “YELLOW BOOK“. Because the Aliens have a tendency to LIE, we can’t be 100% sure about all the information inside the “YELLOW BOOK“.

Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height: Between three (3) to five (5) feet in height.
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair: Absence of body hair.
  • Skin: Tough, grey skin, reptile-like in texture.
  • Eyes: Large, tear shaped eyes, opaque black with vertical slit pupils, (cats eyes). Eyes slanted approximately 35 degrees.
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:

  • Erect standing biped.  Long thin legs.
  • Small build (thin).
  • Head larger than normal, (to human proportions).
  • Small straight mouth, with thin lips.
  • Arms resemble praying mantis, (normal attitude), arms reach to the knee when extended.
  • Long hands, with small palms.
  • Claw like fingers, (two short, two long webbed fingers).
  • Small feet with four (4) small claw-like toes.
  • Some organs are similar to humans but developed in a different evolutionary process.
  • The most significant finding is that they have a nonfunctional digestive system and two separate brains.  The digestive system in those examined was atrophied, conforming to the absence of provisions in a recovered crash.  This, however, is still just preliminary findings.
  • Movement is deliberate, slow, precise.
  • Secondary findings, after crash site study – Alien subsistence requires that they must have human blood and other human biological substances to survive.  In extreme cases (circumstances) they can subsist on other animal fluids.  Food is converted to energy by Chlorophyll through photosynthesis and waste products are excreted through the skin, (some kind of botanical life form?).  These creatures possess two separate brains separated by the mind canal lateral bone partition, (anterior brain, posterior brain) with no apparent connection between the two.
  • ALFs furnished extensive information on the Aliens and their history which is known as the “Yellow Book“.
  • Because the Aliens have a tendency to LIE, we can’t be 100% sure about all the information inside the “Yellow Book”.
  • LUNA-1 is the Rigelian base at the other side of the moon, or the far side of the moon like some scientists prefer to say. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts.  A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as “Mother Ships” exist there.
  • WAVENEST is the Rigellian base in the Atlantic Ocean.  An underwater Alien base, mining and big cigar-shaped crafts.

Special Traits and Abilities: The Rigelians, either through evolvement or because the humanoid types are constructed, will exhibit tendencies for bad logic.  They appear to have more frailties and psycho weaknesses than normal humans.  The Rigelians are not to be trusted, because of the Rigelians apparent logic system, a key decision cannot be made without higher clearance.  All are under the control of what they call “The Keeper”, yet it would appear that even this is not the final authority.  Delays as long as twelve to fifteen hours can occur for a decision.

See also  Encounter

Because of this apparent control, individual instantaneous decision making by the Rigelians is limited.  If their plan goes even slightly out of balance or context, they become confused.  Psychologically their morale is near disintegration.  There is pronounced dissension in the ranks, even with the humanoids, because of their own internal vulnerability, (mind-wise) to each other, and additional there is a basic lack of trust between them.

They appear to be totally death oriented, and because of this, absolutely death fear oriented, (this is a psychological advantage to us).  The prime and weak areas discovered, probed, and tested are exactly what we had thought, their mind, “being their key strength”, and that which they use to manipulate and control our minds.  Manipulated in reverse psychology we could make them face a situation where they would have a vulnerable integrated weakness, we could use against them.

Communication Type

Origin: the original Rigelians were the Nordics until they were invaded by the Greys, a parasitic race, who took over and interbred with them against their will.  Several blonde Nordics escaped from the Grey takeover of their system and come to Earth because the original Rigellian and Uni-Terrestrials were the Nordics and claim to be the ones who seeded the Earth.  It is because of this common ancestry that terrestrial humanity is of such interest to both the Nordics and the Greys.  Greys were and are easily able to impregnate terrestrial human females either onboard their ship or while they sleep in their homes.  Males need not be manifested in visible form for this to occur. The conflict between the Nordics and the Greys is in a state of a temporary truce, although the conflict between Rigelians and the Sirius Star System is being fought actively.

Life Form Type: Greys


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports: Several sources claim that the Rigelian Nordics decided to evacuate their world when it became clear to that they were about to lose the fight. They fled to Procyon where they already had established a large colony. The late Bill Cooper also mentioned a source claiming that the original Nordic / Blond Rigelians were one of the races responsible for the creation of mankind on Earth. One source, George Andrews, who claims to have been contacted by an inhabitant of Procyon, tells a slightly different story, that is more reminiscent of the story of the Apex planet. A civil war between different factions of Nordic Rigelians led to the destruction of most of their world. Part of the survivors emigrated to Procyon, while others remained and had to live underground because of surface radiation. Those that remained would have evolved into a grey species that later on was joined by other grey species.

See also  1999: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series 1

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description:  At some point in its history, Rigel with its Nordic population presumably underwent a destructive civil war and was taken over by Grays. According to George Andrews, a Nordic from the star system of Procyon, Khyla, revealed much information about the Rigelians, Procyons, and Grays to a human contactee whose information was consistent with other sources and Andrews concluded was credible.


The Rigellian Saga

The original contract between the government and the Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs), who normally are Grey in color and about three and a half to four and a half feet high and coming from the Rigel Star System (hereafter referred to as the Greys) was achieved between 1947 and 1971.  We knew that the Greys were instrumental in performing the mutilations of animals, as well as some humans and that they were using the glandular substances derived from these materials for food (absorbing through their skin) and to clone more Greys in their underground laboratories. 

The government insisted that the Greys provide then with a list that would be presented to the National Security Council (this list has never been completed).  Through all this, the government thought that the Greys were basically tolerable creatures, although a bit distasteful.  They presumed at the time that it was not unreasonable to assume that the public would and could get used to their presence.  Between 1968 and 1969 a plan was formulated to make the public aware of their existence over the succeeding twenty (20) years.  This time period would culminate with a series of documentaries that would explain the history and intentions of the Greys.

The Greys assures the government that the real purpose of the abductions was for monitoring of our civilization, and when they learned that the abductions were a lot more frequent and insidious than they were led to believe, the government became concerned. 

Their concern was also based on additional information regarding the purpose of abductions.  By the time the government had found out the truth about the intentions of the Greys, they, the Greys, intended to stay here, where they always will stay in control of Earth, “It was too late”.  The government by mistake had already “Sold Out” humanity.  Not that it would have made any difference, because they were here doing that they were doing anyway.

In 1983, a story was outlined by the government sources that said that the Greys are responsible for our biological evolution through manipulation of the DNA of already evolving primates on this planet, they don’t like to tell anybody that the real Rigelians are Nordics and they found survivors from one big catastrophe, the ancestral seven races, the Uni-Terrestrials. Various time intervals of the DNA manipulation were specified for 25,000, 15,000 5,000 and 2,500 years ago originally, the government thought that the Greys meant us no harm, but in 1982 to 1988 the picture that emerged was exactly the opposite. 


The story now is one great deception at several different levels.  The Greys “Trojan Horse” style manipulation and lying, which involved MJ-12/ Majic Forces, from over four decades ago, now it’s 2013, the government still uses disinformation on the subject of UFOs, in order to perpetuate the agreement with the Greys, free of public scrutiny; the lies to the abductees, the Greys ongoing abduction of people and mutilation of animals in order to harvest enzymes, blood, and other tissues for their own survival needs, and a genetic blend of the Grey race and a tall Nordic act to enable Grey to interface with humans to be done with greater ease. 

The apparent reasoning for the Grey preoccupation with this is due to their lack of a formal digestive tract and the fact that they absorb nutrients and excrete waste directly through their skin.  the substances that they acquire are mixed with hydrogen peroxide and painted on their skin, allowing absorption of the required nutrients.  It is construed from this that some weaponry against them might be geared in this direction.

The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Greys.  The CIA view’s interaction with the Grey as a path to greater scientific achievement.  One reason for so many UFOs is that other cultures are watching with extreme interest.  Scientists from other cultures arrive to watch.  The Greys also are working with some groups of UFO fanatics, lying to them, and using them.  The ultimate evil is masked and is of psychological complacency that leads one to adhere to a group philosophy rather than eke out one’s own horizons. 

As soon as you acquire an awareness of being a so-called “chosen special group” you are on the road to a fall.  That is the seed of destruction in any society and any culture and it left it vulnerable.  It will be the eventual undoing of the Greys as well.  To try and change a Grey, or a mistaken cult type of “Star Person” (following the Grey plan) is futile.  It will happen but all in its own good time, it is the spirit that makes anyone stand up and disagree with something that is untrue and incorrect that will be the thorn in the side of the Greys and other forces that have allied with them.


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