Meier: Today you called me yourself. Evidently you have something to tell me of importance, Semjase?

Semjase: As you say, but you must keep silent about it…

Meier: Okay, Semjase, I will do as you want – and keep silence…

Semjase: So I want to tell you something now, that surely will delight you: Within a short time I will get a new beam ship, which then you will also be allowed to photograph from nearby, to get rather good pictures. In my present ship, regrettably, the automatic radiators are built-in, which means up to 100 meters, 90 to be more exact, would destroy your film. The radiation, as said, is not harmful to living creatures, yet, as said, it would affect your films.

Meier: marvelous, I am delighted about this. Am I also allowed then, to capture the inside equipment on the film and undertake a flight with you, which you have promised me?

Semjase: You can fly with me when the time for this comes, but I am not to allow you to make even one single picture of the inside of the beamship. perhaps at a later time, which I have not yet decided. Also at another time, you may be allowed to take a photo of me, but this is not open for discussion, because certain reasons do not allow this.

Meier: All right, Semjase, I do not want to urge you. It is sufficient for me when you tell me it may be possible some time. You also do not need to tell me the reasons, as they are surely of importance, and perhaps you are not allowed to tell.

Semjase: They are important, that’s right. Yet you err, I would be allowed to tell them to you alone, but you are not allowed to tell any others, thus you would have to hide it inside you.

Meier: I do understand, and so you should not tell me the reason.

Semjase: You are doing well. But now I must ask you not to forget my order

Meier: certainly not, how could I? But, do you already want to go?

Semjase: No, I only repeated asking it because it is very important. I really have time today, and that more then anything else.

Meier: This pleases me so we can talk calmly…

Semjase: I am delighted as well, as it is comforting to speak with a human being like you. You have a character in your being very sympathetic for me, a peculiar manner. Also, your often extreme way of thinking and your philosophy attract me.

Meier: Are you making me a proposal (forslag) of marriage, Semjase!

Semjase: (laughing loudly) That’s it; we would make a nice couple!

Meier: we need to have ideas, Semjase.

Semjase: You surely do not lack these, nor as well your peculiar humor.

Meier: Unfortunately my humor often is taken in earnest.

The conversation then turned to a discussion of Priest M. Rashid, a Greek Orthodox pastor of a small Catholic church in Jerusalem at the time the Pleiadians were using him as their contactee in that part of the world. He was also known to Asket and the DALs.

After that, Meier produced his list of questions provided him by the group of friends to whom he was confiding these contacts. The questions discussed the races of mankind on Earth, extraterrestrial bases on Earth and the activities of the visitors, etc. Part of this discussion pertained to a future photographic event and anticipated photographs that may not be immediately released.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4f

Those pictures were successfully taken on 27 February 1975 near Jacobsberg-Allenberg at about 10:00 in the morning and again at 16:00 in the afternoon. Another flight demonstration of four spacecraft together was offered, to take place at the time of departure of an old-style spacecraft being returned to the home planet.

The dialogue concerning this went as follows:

Semjase: tomorrow I receive my new beam ship which I have already announced to you earlier. For the last three days, we have had four beam ships stationed in your country. we have decided to show you these four ships one time, for which after two days, at 10:00, you should go to, where we will offer you a demonstration flight, which you may photograph. I will not make contact with you ….

Regrettably, I will not have much time, because I will still have to do something for a mission I must perform. Thus there is not time for a contact. To become more acquainted with my ship, I will perform a further journey in the afternoon, and I leave it up to you where I can meet you again for a flight contact, where you may take pictures again.

Meier: It will be suited for me at…… at 16:00 because I will be at this place then. Is this all right for you?

Semjase: Surely. I will be there at this time, at 16:00 of the 27th of February. About my old ship, I still want to explain that it is already some hundreds of years old, and of the older type. Those older ships were built on a wave principle, which was used for control of stability, which now these types are being eliminated. In this respect also, my old one will be taken home on your 3rd of March, by one of our pilots, and in the company of a second, smaller ship, of the explorer class. If you want to, then I can agree that you may also photograph them as they start on their journey.

Meier: Of course I would like that, Semjase, could they perhaps come to…….?

The schedules were observed and Meier did in fact get color photographs of all four of the ships together in the sky on a graceful fly-by as the two ships were about to depart on their trip home.

There is a lesson in punctuality here, and we, to our chagrin, received our own lesson in punctuality from the extraterrestrials. This happened when we were there in Switzerland with a film team to begin shooting a documentary movie on this case. We had hoped all during the negotiations on this movie to be able to persuade the extraterrestrials to put in an appearance on camera for the movie, and had made requests to them but got no answers, however, we also had not received any denial.

During our many days on-site, during the course of the years of investigations, we had learned that everything depended on “conditions”. Things did happen while we were there, but never on request. So we came to infer that, if we got there with the right team, with the right attitudes and the right motives, at the right time, something might happen.

We already had indications that we had the right team, and now we were there and ready to go. We had been to the farm and had introduced everybody around, and the technicians had examined the sites and conditions, and the first shooting was decided for the next morning at 08:00.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4i

Everybody was awakened and breakfasted on time, and the equipment was loaded into the vehicles and ready to depart on time to make our established schedule. Just as we were about to pull out of the hotel parking area, a big truck pulled in and stopped, blocking the only exit out of the loading area. We patiently waited for it to finish its business and leave so we could get going.

Finally, it departed and we left the hotel for the farm, getting there some 40 minutes late!

As we pulled into the yard, we were met by Eva and some of the others working in the garden there and asked why we were late – as three Pleiadian ships had flown over at low level at about ten minutes after 08:00, and we had only missed them by a few minutes! Had we been on schedule, there would have been our opening scene for the movie. We never had another opportunity after that. Thinking back, our situation at the hotel was not unmanageable. We could have located the driver of the truck and urged him to move it so we could get out of there, but we took the easy course, trying not to make waves in a host country who didn’t really want us there anyway.

The flight demonstrations took place two days later on the 27th, and again on the 3rd of March as planned, and Meier was ready and got his photographs. when the four-ship formation arrived, it consisted of the old 7-meter Reconnaissance ship being retired, its new 7-meter replacement, and two of the smaller Explorer craft which was primarily remote-control vehicles, but they could carry one occupant who could also operate it manually if desired.

One of these pictures of the four-ship formation came into the hands of Official UFO during the time Bernie O’Connor was editor and the magazine still enjoyed its reputation for reliability. It was printed on the cover in full color with no caption information or data of any kind identifying it. Here then is the data for that cover picture on issue number ten.

A whole roll of color photographs of the four-ship flight demonstration was taken that day, but it was very difficult for Meier to get all four of the ships in the film frame at the same time. He succeeded in getting more of the pictures with three together than with four, and in many of them, one or another of the several ships were cut-off at the edge of the picture field.

When one of the ships flew very slowly close-by overhead, Meier could see at an angle up through and between the lower central cone and the surrounding under ring flange and could see a blinding white light like an arc welding flare. It went all around the circle seen as a gap between the understructure parts, and he noticed a difference in the amount of this gap at different times and under different flight conditions. This feature was never explained to him.

(Picture/bilde: 27 February 1975, 16:00, Jacobsberg-Allenberg. Semjase demonstrates her new type of ship for Meier’s camera. On a very close approach overhead, Meier could see a brilliant white light between the central cone and the surrounding ring flange. It is visible in this picture here.)

Meier wanted to proceed with more questions on his list but Semjase suggested that it may take too long to provide suitable answers in the time available on this occasion. In winding up that face-to-face conversation with the Earthman, Semjase said:

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4n

Semjase – For today this has to be sufficient because me obligations are calling me again. Regretfully, I also have to tell you, of not being able to came here for the next 24 days. because I have to perform a journey to……. Please don’t tell the place. There I have a certain mission one has given me.

Meier – what a pity, Semjase, can I still give you then one or two more questions, when I will not see you for so long?

Semjase – Yes. Simply ask for there is sufficient time.

Meier – Thank you. Until now, you have not told me where you stay when you are not holding a conversation with me. Can you give me some details about this?

Semjase – Partly I can inform you about that, which means to you alone. I can tell you this but you may not publish all. We have our bases on Earth, as well as on many other planets, where we always can stay. Such a base we also keep in this land, Switzerland; high up in the mountains at…….. I have there me main place of stay when I am on Earth. But we also have some other important stations, which are scattered over the whole world. But they are all so built that it would be impossible to find them when one doesn’t know them exactly. But I am often on the go and perform duties on different worlds. I also go often for visits to me home planet, and so I often do stay in the Pleiades.

Meier – can we later speak more thoroughly about this?

Semjase – of course, but much of this will be for your ears only.

Meier – nevertheless I am anxious. The time will become long for me.

[It may now be revealed that Semjase’s anticipated trip had to do with some operations involving the small beings from what we call Reticulum, a constellation seen in our southern sky. This note was recorded in early 1975. I did not have access to these contact notes until 1979.

But in late 197B, Bill Herrmann of Charleston began to observe strange flying objects in the local skies, and in early 1979 he was involuntarily abducted aboard one of the flying objects observed, and those occupants of that disc-shaped space-ship told him they were from a planet in what we called Reticulum.

I became involved in the investigation of the Charleston contacts in early 1979, before I had any idea that the Swiss notes contained such references, and did not find out until the end of that year. Imagine my surprise to find such a connection between two separate UFO cases, and both of them still going on. Bill Herrmann was taken aboard the Reticulian spacecraft two more times before I finished writing up the first volume of those contact notes in a work titled UFO CONTACT FROM RETICULUM, privately published in 1981.]

The eighth contact, which took place in mid-afternoon on 18 march 1975, occurred earlier than expected because Semjase had returned from her mission two days earlier than planned, and summoned Meier to this contact almost immediately after her return. He greeted her and anxiously opened the conversation with his unfinished list of questions, now greatly expanded.

Chapter 4c

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