Meier– I understand completely, and I am well satisfied with what you gave. But for today this may be sufficient because I have to go home again into my bed.

Semjase – I regret having to tear you out of your sleep, and you must be still tired because (of it)?

Meier – of course, I am, and besides, I am freezing, as in spite of the warm days, the nights are still cold. But the real cause is my wife, as I left without waking and informing her. If she suddenly wakes and I am not there, then she will be afraid. Thus I have to go home again and lay in the bed like nothing has happened.

The eighteenth contact on 15 May 1975, beginning right at 21:34 in the evening offered a most profound discussion of the nature of Spirit and underscored the need for Meier’s “Mission” now. It is considered so important that the whole opening discourse is reported here.

Semjase – Before today we were discussing other things, but today I want to continue with the discussion of Spirit… A person may react to the word or the designation “creation” in different ways, as though it were something apart, and beautiful or good. Such is not exactly the case. Such characterizations as “omnipresent“, “all-powerful“, “all-knowing” are valid characterizations of the (very) nature of the Creation. Millions of religious humans do not understand the true nature of the creation. Wherever they speak of it, they tend to personify It as a God being (which is then itself a separation from the Creation), and they confuse the idea of The Creation. So it is very important to know as much as possible about the character and the nature of The Creation, for when the word is understood properly, it buoys the inner mind and connects it to its source as soon as the word is heard.

[In another context, The Creation was described as the sum of all that is manifest and unmanifest (the matter realm being only a very small part), and that all that IS is THE CREATION experiencing its polarization, which produces the created and its experience, all of which continuously adds to the total experience of the Creation for further application in that which is created. In other words, IT is in us and works through us and we are IT. There is no separate personification indicated except as some part chooses to represent itself as such, which any part can do within its own level of concept.]

The experience reveals The Creation as unlimited beauty, harmony, wisdom, knowledge, and truth enduring endlessly. whenever a human perceives a thing of beauty, a flower, an animal, clouds, water, landscape, music, color, etc., he considers it in connection with the limitless grandeur of The Creation itself. when a human recognizes and realizes this, then he knows that this recognition springs from limit-less cognition, which itself is The Creation. Wherever life moves, even inside the tiniest creatures, like a microbe, he sees the limit-less Creation.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4i

The Creation is inside of every human being (and every other creature and thing), being a fraction of that manifestation itself. Once this thought has penetrated deeply inside a person and he can experience it, he loses all fear and doubt. When he knows his contact with the all-knowing, almighty, Creation, he enjoys peace and tranquility. reflection on this gives the name “Creation” great meaning. The more one meditates in this reality, the more his intelligence is illuminated, and the more powerful his personality becomes, and his whole life and labor is blessed.

The Creation rises in his consciousness and he senses peace, strength, knowledge, wisdom, delight and hope. He can over-came obstacles, and achieve his objectives, and suddenly has no more need for purely material things. One must learn a spiritual-intellectual manner of thinking, and recognize its validity until the first successes are achieved.

But the way does not stop here, because further exploration, research and development, and further recognition leads to the limitless endurance of time. Everything may happen in the course of time to prevent one from achieving his objectives, but the spiritualized person knows no limits and does not allow himself to be stopped short of his goals by any events of the future.

For him the future always exists in the present, wherefrom he becomes determined to do everything here and now to obtain the highest spiritual state of consciousness, and he does not fear the future, for the future is now just as present as the present itself. When the spiritualized being sees others before him, he sees the creational in them…….

The conversation continues:

Meier– What you are saying sounds so understandable and logical. If only humans could comprehend it.

Semjase – So they will, but this will not happen tomorrow. You and your group are only laying the basic stones for an avalanche which will start much later…

More discussion of the nature of Spirit, and even of prayer took place, and then the dialogue took a new and unusual track.

Semjase – But now I have a question for you: You explained that you would develop our matter, about which I still have seen nothing. Have you failed in this respect?

Meier– I don’t want to call it exactly that, to have failed, as in our last discussion too many things came up, and I still could not speak thoroughly about the matter, but by the end of this month everything should be in right position. In this respect I already improved the pre-work which I still have to transmit to the others.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4m

Semjase – Then I am calmed, for I wanted to know this matter being regulated before I leave for some time, and will be in contact with you by thought-transmission only.

Meier– You mentioned this before. what are you doing that is so important?

Semjase – This is destined for your ears only

Meier– That is very interesting, and now I understand your secrecy.

[The reference was to some activities being carried out by some other extraterrestrial beings from a planet in a constellation our astronomers call RETICULUM.]

Semjase – It is well that way because there is much connected with it. But now I have a proposal for your group before I do go away for a longer time, to turn their attention once more to my ship. At a given time, which for certain reasons I do not want to announce in advance, I will again give your group the chance to see my beamship.

Regarding this, I have again chosen a time of night, because, in the darkness, everything can be better observed. I will demonstrate for them the possibilities of the different energies, which in the darkness can be well seen for their light effects. Some kinds of energy I can only use high in the atmosphere, to avoid deadly effects on Earth’s forms of life.

Nevertheless, this will be an unforgettable show for your group members observing the demonstration, as well as for any other casual observers because I will exercise no protective means against sight. You are requested to take necessary action to observe protection needed, as well as to be sure that no others besides yourself came closer to my ship than 910 meters because they could be harmed. You, I will protect and screen in this respect so that you suffer no harm.

At this action, it would be of much meaning and worth for yourself and your group, and for our whole mission too, if you would take with you some uninitiated observers who work with publication organs and in offices having decisive influences. But take care that these persons be suited for our matter, and not be detractors seeking to disrupt. In consequence, be very careful.

Select those persons carefully. But don’t initiate them by any means into how and why of the undertaking, but only explain it as dealing with an interesting matter which they will witness. Arrange for these persons according to written clarification, because this will be of importance (later).

Meier– You suddenly go very far, Semjase, as I consider that hitherto you were very eager to protect yourself and your ship at every circumstance.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4n

Semjase – it will be an unique onetime demonstration which I will not repeat again. But this demonstration has become necessary to underpin your whole coming work for your group. We don’t want to give your group only reports and objectives, but as well to help them to be of service to you when such is demanded, suitable, and necessary in our view.

Meier– That’s but really, nevertheless, very much; in fact more than I ever expected.

Semjase – I know, but now to other matters, being destined for you and me alone ……..

Much of this restricted information was never intended for other than Meier, and was only imparted to him for his own better understanding of the mission. Those parts of these messages may never be released.

This contact initiated another spectacular first in the annals of the contemporary UFO phenomenon. These extra-terrestrials had this time not only announced their appearance in advance, but they now invited the observers to bring outside witnesses, and even information media people, to witness a demonstration to be put on by the UFOnauts.

Others of Meier’s group of friends witnessed such demonstrations also earlier and later, such as:

Jacobus Bertschinger with Meier on 14 March 1976

Hans Schutzbach on 23 April 1976

Wolfgang Witzer on 6 June 1976,

…all reported in the Preliminary Investigation Report on this case.

On Saturday, 12 June 1976 another whole group, again including some outsiders, with four 35mm still cameras and one 8mrn movie camera, observed and photographed, together and simultaneously, from different vantage points, an even more astounding flight demonstration put on by the extraterrestrials. This is reported also, with samples of the photographs, in the reference indicated.

This has never been heard of before, or since, and the flight demonstrations were such, at all altitudes and all parts of the sky, that pyrotechnics was completely out of the question. There was no way one man, or even a team of men, without real spacecraft, could have staged the displays witnessed.

It was during an earlier demonstration for Meier and his group, on 3 April 1976, that they were pursued by unwelcome observers with direction-finding equipment on top of their cars. They had located Meier in the woods (evidently through an informer or by “bugging” his bike) and were closing in on him when Semjase warned of their approach and where they were. Meier was forced to take a different route out of the forest and crashed into a ditch on his Moped, fracturing a rib and dislocating his shoulder in addition to abrasions and mud all over him.

Chapter 4h

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