Aboard the Mother-Ship

Semjase – / Ptaah – have reached our goal.

Meier– Better explain to me now, just what are we actually going to do here? Semjase has said to me that she would have to execute here a special task?

Semjase – Just let yourself be surprised my dear friend. After about ten minutes you will understand all, and surely, as well, will be delighted.

Meier -: Well – as I see it, we are moving through space, only in front of us I see a star, which is getting bigger and bigger, and far behind that, I can see five small blue points. what kind of a star is that, and what are the blue points?

Ptaah – That is Caltos, the last point in this space. Being two times as large as your home system, it has a greater luminosity. The blue points visible beyond are also stars, They are self-radiant blue stars which generate very intense light. You may not be able to see with the naked eye, but there are not five of those, but eleven stars. If you want, you may of course take pictures of them.

Meier– Yes, I will, and get the pictures directly through the cupola. I’ll alternate a little, taking some through your device and than I will just take pictures through the cupola. That way I can later see which photographs come out better. I wonder which will ……
(cont. Under) here – inserted comment:

[CALTOS, this remote and insignificant small system, as solar systems go, offers us some measure of comparison between our own solar system and that of the homeworld of Semjase. Caltos is twice the size of our system and has 11 Sub-Suns (big planets as our Jupiter), each with a system of cold body satellites or planets. Semjase’s home planet’s parent sun, the dim violet companion to Taygeta as seen from Earth, is about the size and mass of our sun and 24 times as bright.

Our solar system had four of what the Pleiadians call “sub-suns“, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, for its size. Caltos, twice as big, has eleven sub-suns. Thus it is not unusual for a solar body about these sizes to have sub-sun systems with their own cold body or satellite systems. By simple analogy, it is entirely possible for Semjase’s planet’s parent sun to have a number of sub-suns; and her home planet Erra, with other cold bodies, orbits one of the sub-suns -one of three inhabited planets there known to Semjase’s group.

If ours has allowed development of rational intelligence and a technological race like our comparatively primitive one — how much more likely that such a one could be coming here from the Pleiades or anywhere else.

If we grant the pan-systemic theory of migration of species advocated by some schools of UFO philosophy we certainly find abundant evidence of it in the literature on UFO contacts in recent years.

Those Pleiadians visiting Switzerland have told their contactee that that is exactly how some of our Earth humanity got here in the first place. And they told him in the next moment that those same ancestors of ours, and of themselves as well, went to many other places in our visible universe, settled, and produced new societies with new technologies, some of which are also freely traveling in space — some of those even finding their way to our solar system here!

No wonder our great mythologies in all societies on all continents of this planet feature Pleiadian visitors, among others, so prominently in their lore.

There are however, a great many others as well. Some of them, like the beings from Reticulum, have been repeatedly mentioned by the visitors who claim they come from the Pleiades. And there are a great many more, perhaps even unknown to the Pleiadians visiting here.

It comes as no surprise then, that Caltos, another small sun like ours, has a number of sub-suns and planets in its solar system. What does seem surprising is that Caltos was pointed out as one similar solar system having no rational creatures evolving on its planets at this time, as though that were a noteworthy point to remember for some reason. Perhaps rational life is more widespread than we ever imagined up to now.]

cont. Conversation between Meier and Semjase/ Ptaah – :

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 5g

Ptaah – That is up to you. You may do as you prefer.

Meier – Thanks… But what about the blue stars over there, how big are they, and is there any life on them?

Ptaah – They are no bigger than your homeworld, although this kind of star is normally five to six times as big… They are as inhospitable and hostile to life, as the great planets of your solar system, such as Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The gravity alone makes life very rarely possible on these stars, and not even any spiritual forms of life are at home on them. and in the few exceptions, the existing creatures are very small, not exceeding a height or size of 70cm. The gravity of such stars would damage them if they were larger. But of course, this is different for each such star or planet, while the atmosphere itself plays no role, because different forms of life are accommodated to having different atmospheres. So, not all creatures breathe oxygen like ourselves and Earth humans.

Meier – But it is said, that very great planets or stars may be inhabited, too, by accordingly greater forms of life, if there is life at all on them?

Chapter 5e

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