Other Atmospheric Planets

Meier– Fantastic!

Semjase – That is absolutely normal. Only for the Earth human being and other non-space traveling races do these concerns seem to be monstrous and fantastic, as you call it. Your scientists can not imagine such giant worlds, even in their boldest …. The truth surpasses their ability to conceive.

Meier– I don’t doubt what you say.

Semjase – come now – on these worlds also, we will undertake a short flight. (one of the “lesa” worlds is inhabited by human forms of life.)

After the next hyper leap…:

Ptaah – This, here above us is an oxygen-world in similar size to your Earth. Also, the atmosphere has similar values, while the surface of the planet offers only a certain similarity to your wastes, and in many respects is more similar to the planet “Venus” from your system. We are still in the system “Lesa” which is very extensive and must be crossed in hyperleaps. The planet has quite primitive plant and animal life but was in earlier times more populated. A cosmic event destroyed all and reduced it to stone for millions of years. For some millenniums now, the conditions are changing again and new life is developing itself. As you are able to see from here, there are different colors shining.

These are waste, water, and forest-regions. These desert-like landscapes consist partly of massive rock, mountains, and very fried and brittle stones which slowly fall to sand again, and then, in the course of time, will change into earth. The mountains themselves are no taller than 2,000 meters, and they then, in the course of time, will change into earth. The mountains themselves are no taller than2000 meters, and they look very similar to the mountains of your Venus. But you will see this for yourself when you are there with Semjase …….

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 6c

Again the excursion took only a short time, and they returned and reboarded the mother-ship. Several more of the now becoming familiar hyperleaps were made, and the great variety and divergence of Creation boggled Meier’s mind.

The thirty-fifth contact took place at 19:14 on Tuesday the 16th of September – 75, during which Meier queried:

Meier– I am interested if there exists in the Universe, other worlds and creatures, who accord to Earth levels now?

Ptaah – Many parallels can be found. Thus also worlds are in existence which are very similar to Earth, and on which are living also human forms in nearly the same development state as the Earthman enjoys. Such a world can be found in the Galaxy “Aratom“, in the system “Neb“, and the world is called “Kartag“.

Meier – This I do consider interesting, yet with these details I can do nothing. It is “all a Spanish village” to me.

Ptaah – Kartag is a world where the human beings war against one another. Their time is one of the use of atomic sciences.

Meier– and why is this not prevented by you?

Ptaah – It is not at our disposal to interfere there, because that system is under the control of a highly developed form of life, which troubles itself for the prevention of catastrophe. Kartagian life is at an important point of change in their evolution, and near the end of their atomic age. They still destroy one another with atom bombs, but this will not last for long. They will agree with the controlling intelligence’s.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 6d

Meier– Then they are some further developed than the Earth human?

Ptaah – That is correct. They walk their last steps of unreason.

Meier– That is pleasing.

Ptaah – Certainly, but still they have to go the way of their evolution, and interference’s into this from outside are advised in few cases.

Meier– Does this mean, by this non-interference of more advanced beings who have means at their disposal, that thousands of forms of life will be killed – in this case human forms?

Ptaah – Yes, that is it, certainly. Interference can only be performed if recognizable catastrophe of great extraplanetary extent announce themselves. (but all happens according to cosmic laws. R.ø. comment.)

Meier– Then this means, that the inhabitants of a world, this world, can be completely destroyed if the greater system is not menaced?!

Ptaah – You see the facts well. Each creature must take its own path of evolution, even if this includes self-destruction.

Meier– This sees somehow rough, and even barbarous. But it is conceivable to me, for it is a law which is well established in nature. what degenerates negatively is destroyed so that it cannot menace (true) the better forms.

Ptaah – That is right. You know the laws very well. only by the observance of the laws can life proceed. It is wrong when degenerate life is maintained in such form that it becomes still worse. An elimination represents only the right observance of the laws of life. Nevertheless, they will have to learn it – sooner than the Earth human expects. But I know as well that much pain is connected to the process… We shall now transmit to the world of Kartag, for you shall get acquainted with it.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 6a


Ptaah – What you see there is Kartag. Go now with Semjase, she will show you the world from closer.

Over Kartag with Semjase

Meier– You have told me that the inhabitants of this world would be a bit more developed than Earth humans. But I don’t see any airplanes or similar. If they have atomic bombs, how do they deliver them?

Semjase – You err. They have flight machines but they are not like your Earth airplanes, for they are already more like beamships. They also do not drop their deadly weapons from out of their flying machines, but shoot them up in rockets, and then guide them back down onto their enemy. The rockets are similar to those you use on Earth for launching satellites, only their technologies and methods of propulsion are different from those of Earth. Their atomic missiles are very dangerous and much stronger than those you have on Earth. The time is up.

Meier – So we may go. Where do we jump to now?

Semjase – We will go to the Galaxy of Berberas, to the world of “Neber” there, in the system of “Kras”.

[Notes: UFO researchers are continually turning up UFO contacts where punctuality in time and a need to adhere to a predetermined time schedule is stipulated

This is mentioned in a great variety of cases taking place all over the world, and may signify a need for a certain kind of order throughout the Cosmos.

The term Galaxy as used here may not be exactly as understood in the popular sense, and might even be according to a grouping of stars different from that understood by us. We are not clear on this point.]

Chapter 6c

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