Other Pleiadian UFOnauts

1. All of those mentioned here who claimed they came from what we call the Pleiades looked as much human as we, and were all about our size in stature and build.

2. All of them articulated the language of their contactee, speaking fluently on our sciences, history and culture.

3. They all said that Earth humanity was descended from their own ancient ancestors, from whom we had inherited our unusual aggressiveness.

4. All of them said their ancestors had been here many times before over the ages, coming and going as conditions changed.

5. They all claimed that they participated in some of the great events in our Religious works and our mythologies, sometimes being adored and worshipped as Gods, which they said they were not.

6. They all claimed extensive life spans at least ten times what is normal for us now.

7. They all, without exception, deplore (misliker/beklager) our misuse of our sciences today, saying that our mind has outrun our spiritual development, and that we have already prepared the end of our Planet and our own species, as we know it, and that we have done this before, over and over, and still have not learned this important lesson. For this, we are a valuable laboratory study and many ETs from far and wide come here to observe.

8. They all travel faster than the speed of light as we know it in their interstellar trips.

9. There was no conclusive evidence that any of groups mentioned were in direct contact with any of the other Pleiadian groups mentioned.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7d

10. They all mentioned other inhabited planets in what we call the Pleiades.

11. They all mentioned other extraterrestrial beings from elsewhere in the Universe coming here to study and observe Earth. Three mentioned actual contact and willing cooperation with other ETs of other race-types and systems. Three of them used robotoid, part mechanical and part organic, created beings in limited operational functions.

12. They all used organic computers that could be controlled telepathically.

13. They all foresaw great changes in our planet in the near future.

14. None of them had money as we know it, Religion or a competitive political system.

15. Three of them had active bases operating on the surface of our planet.

16. They all were capable of under ocean operations and used our oceans to great advantage.

17. They all used a variety of different spacecraft in their operations, and they all had distinctive styles of ships and equipment, yet there were many similarities in many respects.

18. Three groups, that we know of, used very large carrier-type mother ships in deep space near out system while they were here.

19. In each case, to the group of individuals who formed around the contactee, the new contacts and information was so mind-boggling and so profound, and so far exceeded their knowledge of what was going on elsewhere in this world, that they carefully guarded their secret within their own immediate circle for a number of years, and then only confided it to very trusted friends.

20. Up to 1979, none of these groups had ever heard of each other, and there was no cross-correspondence!

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7c

To illustrate these similarities, we shall look at a couple of these other cases in greater detail. We will review two cases that preceded the Swiss case and one that was contemporary with it. We know of no new Pleiadian contacts since the Meier case in Switzerland.


On Tuesday morning, the 14th of January 1975, Charles A.Silva, having rested well from his grueling trip up here from Lima, was up early and checked his watch. It was 06:30 AM., and it was raining heavily, but he went on down to the bathhouse anyway as he was dying to get back in the carbonated water of the mineral bath once more. It felt so good that he stayed an hour relaxing and just thinking.

A short time later, as he was having breakfast in the tiny lunchroom along the road there, he noticed a pickup truck stop and let someone off. It was Ramatis, the ET woman from the Pleiades he had met back in July of 1974 when this all had began for him. Rama was already aware of his return to the area and had hitch-hiked a ride to the lunchroom to meet him. These contacts had already been going on for just about six months.

He had by this time become convinced, after many demonstrations and revelations, that she was exactly what she said. He was beside himself with excitement and all ears as she told him that not far down the road from here was a ship waiting for them, and today was going to be his first ride in a spaceship.

He couldn’t believe his ears. He paid his bill and they went out and got in his Volkswagen and drove for about 15 minutes in the directions the woman pointed out. They were moving towards Huancayo when they came to a clearing, where Rama asked him to pull off the road. He did and stopped the car there.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7i

Rama took him by the arm and led the way. By then the rain had let up considerably. As they walked “Chaco” saw something that resembled a small rainbow, very weak in intensity. Rama told him that what he was seeing was an electromagnetic field that surrounds the spacecraft completely, thus making it invisible from all sides while standing on the ground. They were no more than 25 feet from the ship, and his eyes had not seen it. After they crossed the electrical field barrier the ship came into full view.

This was not like the “Vimanas” he had seen previously as it was much larger, but of the same form and shape. Now that he was closer, he could see that it was definitely metallic, with a silverish glow around it… Seen from that angle it had a shape similar to a football (American style). The ship was resting on three metallic legs.

Rama asked him to take off his shoes, and he wondered if Moses did the same on top of Mount Sinai so many long years ago (Rama had told him about some Exodus events). She said his shoes were wet from the rain, and water being a conductor of electricity, she didn’t want him to get a shock.

Chapter 7c

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