Other Pleiadian UFOnauts

“It was getting daylight, and must have been about 05:30 in the morning when they brought me in the small craft with the three crew members to let me off. In the farms of the plains many people get up early to feed their animals and milk cows. The small craft made a circle over some people below.

There were two men milking cows in a small shed behind a house. They saw the bright light and jumped up; the cow kicked one and also knocked over the pail of milk, and both men ran like they had seen the devil. We shot up rapidly behind some clouds where they couldn’t see us. Then the farmer came out and the two men pointed up, moving their arms excitedly.

A woman came out drying her hands and a child of about 8 years, and they all looked up but couldn’t see anything. We were still in the cloud. ’Observe their reaction,’ said one. ’Yes, no need to explain, we have caused panic, but these people are farmers,’ I said. ’Now we will try an experiment with slightly different people,’ the ET said. And we flew to the highway where we saw a truckload of cattle approaching.

We let it pass on. Behind it was a Jeep which we also let pass. Then came a pick-up and an automobile, very close together 100 to 120 meters apart. We let them pass. ’There comes a car alone, there is no other within kilometers,’ the ET said. We took a position above and held that so that I could see. I could see through an electronic apparatus which they had, that inside the auto were two men wit suitcoats and soft ties. One was driving while the other sat at his side talking. In the rear seat another man had his collar turned up and was sleeping. The gentlemen seemed to be cultured middle class people from their dress and the appearance of their car. We descended In front and hovered along side of the road. They were so surprised to see us so unexpectedly that the two men in front opened their doors to exit running.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7b

The other knowing nothing of what was taking place, fell off the seat when the driver hit the brakes. He stuck his head out of the window and yelled something, because I saw his mouth open. When he saw our craft parked above an to the side, he got out running and tore (rev av)his coat trying to scramble through a barbed wire fence.

That is the reaction of everyone,’ said my companion, ’Do you think that answers the question?’ ’Brothers,’ I said, ’though I know that I am with you, and this is the second time we have met, and knowing that you are living beings much advanced in evolution, there are many things which still do not understand. I hope that in time I may be able to do so.’ I felt very honored and considerably humbled(Ydmyk). They continued giving me information up to the last experience in Peru.”


“That took place on the 25th of July 1974, when Guadalupe and Monserrat, professed spacemen, met me in Bogota. It was about five in the morning, and I spent 45 minute in a spacecraft talking to them. We remained on the ground in the spacecraft and did not fly. This craft rested on three feet, and was of the Adamski type but much smaller. It was not very big. This craft could not have been more than 9 meters in diameter and no more than 2 meters 80 in height. Those spacemen that I saw then – were no more than one and a half meters tall. All of them were alike, light colored, and looked much like those of the Pleiades but smaller. I have seen others from Orion, Orton, Yamaru, Yonica, Yaraka and other places. Some of them also had no women with them.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7h

In the second encounter of the 18th of November, I saw two women, and very beautiful they were, for a few minutes. And I saw at that time, on the mother craft, a very strange being. I could not tell whether it was a human or an automaton, but they permitted me to see it. when I was talking with them in the ship, an automatic port opened and one of them passed by. It had a large head like a basketball with a transparent case. I thought I could see the brains, and the veins and the organs, and the eyes were large and moved like those of an iguana, and could look on all sides.

It walked like it was a robot, with a thin gray uniform and boots and gauntlets of a dark blue and some colored buttons at the waist, which was thin like a woman, which with their broad shoulders gave them a triangular aspect. The door opened, there was a light, and it entered. We all turned to look as I continued talking to them. I did not ask about it. For the first time I saw a kind of symbol, on its back, at the shoulder. Up to this time I had not seen any kind of mark or symbol.

Chapter 7k

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