Hand-off to the Pleiadians

After silence and almost total absence of contact with extraterrestrial entities for nearly 10 years, they suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly returned when Semjase of the Pleiadian expeditionary team to this locality made her first rendezvous with Meier in a spot pre-selected by them to which Meier was directed by inspiration. That contact was a face-to-face meeting in a wooded meadow in a forest preserve near Hinwil, where the ETcosmonaut held a lengthy conversation articulated in excellent German in Meier’s familiar dialect. That meeting took place in mid-afternoon, in broad daylight, on 28 January 1975.

After that contact, Eduard (Billy) Meier sat down to write what he could remember of the remarkable exchange and then discovered that it was coming through to him rapidly, including the whole dialogue, word for word, just as though he had recorded it. Later he found that the dialogue was in fact recorded by the extraterrestrials, and was being mechanically/telepathically played back to him from a computer-like device aboard the ship, and he was receiving it in a form of automatic-writing. The writing came faster that he could normally write.

Later, after Meier had been loaned a manual typewriter of considerable age and well used, the Pleiadians asked to borrow it for examination, and Billy took it to them on the next contact. They brought it back to him a few days later, and then Meier found that when he sat down to hunt-and-peck out his notes, the message came through almost as rapidly as the writing, on this old typewriter, working it with only one finger on his single hand, in a kind of automatic typing — again transmitted from the computer aboard the ship. The Pleiadians had re-programmed it to transmit a different way.

Still later, after an anonymous donor had given him an IBM Selectronic electric typewriter, the transmission of the notes was shifted to it in the same way, and Meier was able to receive the transmissions at a rate of over 60 words a minute, with one finger, under mechano/telepathic control from the ship. We have recordings of this “automatic-typing“.

As the level of imparted information increased in sensitivity, the ETs began informing Meier of certain things he could reveal to no other Earthman, things that he now needed to know for his own understanding only. Then he discovered that some of the dialogue was being left out of the text in the automatic re-transmission. When he questioned this, the Pleiadians told him that they were withholding some of the sensitive information for his own good. What he did not remember could not be compromised. That resulted in one of Meier’s first serious arguments with the ET’s and he finally obtained a concession from them in this respect.


In these meetings with the extraterrestrials there was a variety of exchange. There were discourses, occasional humor, discussions, arguments and agreements. There were even some outright threats by one and then the other but the contacts were generally cooperative in nature and continued for a long time.(s.60)

Those initial contacts with the Pleiadian team developed rapidly, averaging five per month for the first six months. Meier was given background information on Earth and our Solar System; and the humanity in evolution on Earth at this time. He was told that we are a product of repeated occupations of this planet by space-traveling humans, and that we, the Europeans in particular, are descended directly from their Pleiadian ancestors, who (they say) have come here and gone away again many times over, always leaving some of their number behind.

Much of that narrative information is difficult for us to accept, because their scenario goes back some 70,000 years to their last major return here resulting in their occupation of our planet. Our recorded history only goes back a tenth of that time. Even more incredibly, they told Meier that in those days they also occupied two more planets in this Solar System, the same way. Their descendants on one of those planets has already destroyed their world and all life on it, as we are planning to do here now, they say, one of their primary concerns with us at this time.

Our history narrated by them describes some shifting of planetary positions in this solar system as orbital balances were upset, including that caused by the destruction of the one planet, which also produced catastrophic devastation of other neighboring planets.

Some of this early contact information was extensively described in our Preliminary Report of Investigation and will not be repeated here, (også på norsk i “jordens fjernhistorie i et nytt lys” under Rune Øverbys base under “galactic server”)- but there are other matters not pertinent to the presentation at that time that have now became of interest and will be offered here as we observe Meier’s preparation for a big trip coming soon.

The “Swiss” Plejadians have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating (before the Plejades) in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrians in the same manner as we refer to the human beings from what we call the Pleiades.


These early Lyrians in their numerous migrations in their great Space Arks went to many other star systems and found suitable habitations, and put down colonies, such of which flourished and eventually launched their own space travelers.

Once these later generation great space arks mastered the technology of harvesting all the energy and matter requirements they desired directly from light, which is universal throughout all space, they became completely self-independent of all other support and never needed to rely on any other planetary body again. Many of those, having produced their social ideal of enviromental living and habitat system aboard the great ships, never wanted to “go back into the planetary nest” stage, only to eventually be forced out again. we cruise space as perpetual explorers, building new ships and new habitats as desired, all perfectly controlled, exactly as their society prefers.

There are millions of these great space arks inhabited by humans cruising this Galaxy alone. Some of them put colonies of adventurers on a new planet’s surface to explore and report back to the mother-ship, and some of those colonists who have lived on that surface long enough to have missed the utopian living in space, and who have spent much of their lives on that planet, choose to remain — and thus another planet becomes inhabited. The new planet is explored and uniquely developed, according to its physical nature, and a new human society evolves. Such is the history of our Earth and our own humanity. This cycle of events proceeds ceaselessly throughout this and other Galaxies. And this is one reason we find so many space visitors to Earth. Contrary to popular belief, there are uncounted millions of freely traveling civilizations in space, and many find their way here.

In another discussion on technology, Meier was told that matter is nothing more than energy slowed down into crystallization, and that energy is light slowed down into manifestation. When he asked where the light came from he was told “thought“, the Universal Mind, the Divine Fiat, the collective thinking of all spirit… endlessly.

In the second contact on 3 February 1975, they discussed other me contactees and activities by other extraterrestrial cosmonauts visiting Earth. And during the third on 8 February they discussed the reasons for the Pleiadians being here and why they do not make mass con-tact or contacts with prominent people. A fourth contact on 15 February, late at night, described how the cosmonauts learn to speak other languages, as well as discus-sing how they make the trip from the Pleiades to Earth in such short relative times, and described some of the methods of propulsion used. And they warned that as our society begins to travel in space, we must be aware that anyone carrying a club will always meet another with one bigger still.


In the fifth contact, the next day, Semjase described the devastation caused by a destroyer comet, and the origin of our Moon, in a scenario reminiscent of the Velikovsky hypothesis. The ancient history of the early Pleiadian ancestors in another home sun system was also described and how they came to travel to the Pleiades. A much earlier migration to this solar system is also described and how and why it failed.

The one third survivors of the Pleiadian ancestors’ original planet, after its devastation, evolved a new technology, and designed and built the great-spacer evacuation arks in just 900 years, and began to launch them everywhere for many hundreds of years more. The ETs visiting Switzerland are the descendants of one of those space arks which occupied one of the three planets engineered for human habitation, in one of the sun-systems in what we call the Pleiades today. They have experienced great gains and great losses many times over since that time. In a very real sense, we are descendants of their earliest colonists attempting to settle in this solar system, together with an assortment of aborigines and human exiles from a number of places.

In the sixth contact on 23 February, the discussion centered around the relationship between the physical and spiritual lives. The seventh, only two days later, on 25 February, took place in the late afternoon. Meier was alerted telepathically, which was then confirmed in the usual way at that time in a manner consisting of ten short rings on his telephone, an impossible ring because there are not enough signal cams on the bell ringing device in those telephones to produce such a ring. This form of confirmation was used to verify the communications for a time in the earlier contacts. Meier responded and proceeded to the indicated site at the appointed time. He had no wait this time as the contact was there expecting him.

The initial dialogue went as follows:

Chapter 4b

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