Other Atmospheric Planets

After the meetings with the DALs, and the exchange of equipment, the Pleiadian ship made a number of hyper leap trips to various locations, and sometimes things of interest were pointed out to Meier. One of those areas of special interest to us is the variety of other atmospheric planets mentioned and their apparent frequency in the widths of the cosmos.

The thirty-fourth contact was a face-to-face meeting on Sunday, 14 September 1975. It began at 13:43 after being called by Meier to get some answers. He wanted to identify the writer of an anonymous letter. Semjase went into her ship, interrogated some equipment devices, and gave him the identification he sought.

They discussed the Bermuda Triangle at great length in this meeting, and then the me insisted on transmitting more of the report on the long trip. That meeting broke up with an arrangement to transmit more trip report in the very near future.

It was two days later, on the 16th of September that all things were in order to resume the Thought Transmission on the big trip.

[Here we run into a problem on distances that we cannot at this time resolve, and so we shall leave these distances out of our presentation altogether.

First of all, the ETs do not measure distance in terms of light-years because that is our unique creation. They say the speed of light is neither constant nor does it travel in a straight line (except over very small distances) — being speeded up and slowed down, and bent every which way by magnetic fields of force, which are everywhere.

They do not find Time fixed either, as we perceive it, nor linear in the full sense of the word. Therefore a light-year is a fictitious and meaningless misnomer (gal benevnelse) created by us. It is like trying to measure the distance between stars with angle worms.

We calculate the age of Creation to be 12 billion to 20 billion (milliarder) years, depending on who you consult and when. It was only a few years ago that it was thought by the same sciences to be about four billion (still a lot of years) old, but only a few hundred years ago, those same sciences said our sun was the center of the Universe and that it was created in six days only a few thousand years before that. Have we reached the ultimate answer yet?

When we asked about distances of trillions and quadrillions of lightyears, we were laughed at by scientists. There apparently is no such thing to them. We never got to decisions — which has been mentioned in the contact notes.

The lightyear is an arbitrary unit of measure, and while useful for one kind of measure is useless for another. We can measure a book very usefully in inches (the width of a thumb to primitive man), but it is a useless value for measuring the width of our local Galaxy. Perhaps lightyear is just as useless when we go beyond our familiar realms.

These terms, weak as they are for our purpose here, are all values for our known physical universe and may not apply at all in another realm or universe, such as might be postulated for “hyperspace“.

Thus, we are in no position to accurately judge the figures given. For this reason we will omit such references now and simply report the observations.]

A Hyperleap is completed and conditions stabilize.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 6c

Ptaah – we are much farther from Earth than before… This is the galaxy of “ASAP“, and there in front of you, you see the world of “Desom“. It is inhabited by human creatures which, according to your history, would be something equivalent to your Middle Ages. They live in greater villages, which are similar to those you have in your oriental regions. A second race on this world does not live in solid houses. It is nomadic and builds huts from plants and bushes.

You will be able to see this world from close-up, for Semjase will bring you there in her beamship. But look first towards this giant sun there in front. It has already declined in force and will die away after some millenniums. The moon, which you see there, is about four times as large as the Earth moon. After some 3,200 years, it will rush into that giant sun, because the three comic bodies work slowly towards one another.

Meier– And what will happen to the human beings?

Semjase – By then they will have developed a useful for them technology, by which they will then have the possibility of escaping from their world.

Meier– And if this does not happen?

Semjase – It could be. If this were prevented by something, then help from outside would be brought in. This is an obligation under cosmic law.

Meier– That is reassuring (beroligende). But how is it now? can we talk to the human beings down there?

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Ptaah – This, by regret, will be impossible, nor on any of the worlds which we will visit in the next few hours. It is everywhere there suited, that we not be recognized, thus we have to hide ourselves with our protective screens. We are only allowed to be seen, where the concerned evolution allows this…

The trip to the surface lasted only a few minutes and then they returned to the Great-Spacer where Ptaah was already preparing for the next hyper leap. Again it was made in a short time.

Ptaah – here we are… in the Galaxy of “Nepon“. what you see here is the system of “Lesa“. You see there the three big formations. The two over there, which stand close together, are two sister planets of immense size. The little farther in the distance still, great formation is the giant moon of the sister worlds. It is nearly 520 times greater than the Earth.

Chapter 6b

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