Other Pleiadian UFOnauts

When I started my investigation of the Pleiadian UFO contacts in Switzerland in late 1976, they had already been going on for over a year and a half, kept in relative secrecy within a closed group, and very little of the true nature of the contacts was getting out. Up to that time I had never heard of UFO contacts from the Pleiades before, and the whole idea was fascinating and very exotic, and quite possibly not even true, at least that is what I thought then. For a time I thought these Pleiadian contacts originated with Eduard Meier on 28 January 1975, their first contact with him.

When I got on scene and began working directly with Meier and the other witnesses there, I discovered that these same UFOnauts had been using another contactee before Meier, one M. Rashid, a priest in Jerusalem. Then the Contact Notes being kept by the Swiss group showed that Meier had been told that this group had at least two other active contacts with Earth humans going on at the same time.

They had told him that theirs was not the only inhabited planet in the Pleiades, a comparatively young star group, and that other similar humans from some of those other planets were space travelers, and that yes, some of them were even contacting Earth. They told him that their group had contact operations going on in the Orient and in the western part of North America but would not reveal any more, saying that it had nothing to do with their relations with Meier.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7l

When I released my first article on the Swiss case in 1977, I was amazed at the amount of relevant information it stirred up. Over the next three years my attention was called to several other UFO contactee cases where the UFOnauts said they came from the Pleiades.

The first was the discovery that a well know Argentinian UFO researcher, Fabio Zerpa of Buenos Aires, was investigating a case involving Pleiadian contacts with Engineer Enrique Rincon in Bogota, Colombia. This was also a profound series of ongoing contacts that began in November of 1973, and was still going on. He thought his was the only such case too.

Then in 1979, a correspondent who had read my magazine article called my attention to another Contactee case involving Pleiadian extraterrestrials who were visiting one Guillermo Torres of Hacienda Las Cruces and had been doing so since 1974. These Pleiadian ETs were also entirely human as with the ones visiting the Colombian, but these contacts were centered near El Tocuyo on the north coast of Venezuela. These ET visits and contacts were still going on too, and hundreds of pages of notes and technical dialogue had been recorded. This was also kept highly confidential with a small select group of participants who were not letting the story out.

Then in 1983, Lou Farish of the UFO Newsclipping Service sent me some notes on another Pleiadian contactee case that began in July of 1974 and was also still going on. It involved contactee Charles A. Silva who was repeatedly met by an extraterrestrial human woman who said he could call her Ramatis, and that she and other UFOnauts associated with her came here from their home planet in the Pleiades. Those contacts were taking place in Southern Peru, and they also are still going on up to this time. Silva described these contacts in a 411-page book privately published, which got little distribution.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7i

Another correspondent who had purchased a copy of our Preliminary Report of investigation on the Swiss case, wrote me and gave me the address of another contactee whose extraterrestrial visitor told him he came from the Pleiades, and more specifically the Alcyone system. His experiences began with UFO sightings that led up to the later face-to-face contact, and long discussions after Delamer Duverus was “prepared” for telepathic communication. Those contacts continued for many years and are also still going on, and a whole philosophy of life, and being an Earth man’s relationship to the greater plan was imparted, and in 1973 Duverus published this information in a 214 page book titled “The Golden Reed“.

About the time I received that book, I received a registered letter from Argentina, From an old friend, Pedro Romaniuk of Argentina, who had seen something concerning my activities with the Swiss case, and wrote to tell me that he had been in contact with ET beings who told him their home was in what we call Alcyone in the Pleiades.

I received scores of letters from sincere people who claimed they had observed UFO craft that were very similar to or even identical with some of the spacecraft pictured in the Preliminary Report. All of the UFO clubs were receiving these too, which infuriated them to the extent that none of them ever told me what they were receiving. I had to get my information from those who were put down by the clubs for even reporting.

Having examined all of this from a knowledgeable point of view, we can draw some comparisons that seem to be of interest:

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 7g

Chapter 7b

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