A world-wide problem, cattle are killed and the body is left on the farm in various conditions. On studying the body, it has been found that the body has been totally drained of blood and that there has been no trace of blood found anywhere on the ground around the body. Various incisions would also be found on the body that were so clear cut that they would have had to have been done with some sort of laser technology that we didn’t have when the mutilations started (before 1970). Bones were also clearly cut with no bone fragments around the cut. The bodies would be missing various parts which had also shown to have been removed with accurate precision. UFOs have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated bodies have been found.

Mutilations are differentiated from accidental or predatory death for several reasons. Chief among them is the manner in which the flesh has been removed from the body. Cauterization (the fusing of tissue and blood vessels by heat or chemical means) seems to be typical of mutilations. Unlike animal attack, the flesh, adjoining the area where it has been removed, is smooth and clean as if cut with a searing or laser scalpel. As well, the areas chosen for removal are quite strange. Mainly the sexual, anterior digestive tract and sensory organs are affected.(No predator differentiates so precisely). Still, no tracks of any kind can be found around the mutilation site, except, sometimes, tripod marks. Also, no carrion eaters will touch the mutilated cow even though it has plenty of flesh still left to be eaten.

See also  1997: Greys

Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, Puerto Rico, Canada, and as far away as South America, have been home to such mutilations. Speculation that it is the work of secret US government groups (paramilitary or spy)or Satanic cults therefore seem too far fetched. Surely the US government would have their own stock of cows for an experiment of this nature. Satanic cults would need to have enormous resources to carry out this type of operation throughout the world. Ranchers have witnessed strange, unmarked black helicopters fly over their herds where they will later find mutilated cattle. Some have even witnessed strange lights in the night sky previous to finding bodies. There are those who believe that the mutilations are occurring as a random radiation test by extraterrestrial visitors whose purpose is to safeguard humanity against nuclear annihilation.

Rancher C. E. Potts found one of his prize bulls alongside of the road one summer afternoon in 1990 ,late July. “We were passing down this road, and there was a thunderstorm a coming up behind us. We smelled this animal as we come by. We came back to check on it, and found it was mutilated. We examined it and its sexual organs was taken out. Its eyes were taken out, and its eyelashes were taken out. Well, there wasn’t no predators.

Not a predator bothered it since it was dead even. Couldn’t have been killed by a predator cause all the surgical work was done by an expert. I really didn’t think anything of it till it come home to me. 

Now I know it was bound to have been mutilated cause anyone who could see good could tell it was, Mr. Potts remembered.


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