What follows is the original Text concerning Yellow Book from “The Aviary” by Richard Boylan, a great researcher willing to have his reports published and stand up to public scrutiny!

The Yellow Book is reported to actually be a sort of holographic compact disk, which can project images of the information it contains. It is alleged to contain references to Biblical events, even including a holographic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ.

The red Book is a human compendium of information derived from the extraterrestrials. One of the predictions is that there will be a very large rift in human society as a result of ET contact becoming publicly known. This is supposed to happen in 1997. Another reported prediction is that the ETS will return in a formal pre-planned landing on April 24, 1997, on public land in the Southwest USA, probably in the vicinity of White Sands “Missile” Range, New Mexico.

The red and Yellow Books are also supposed to contain the prediction that there is one “Horseman of the Apocalypse” left to arrive. (The other three, War, Famine and Pestilence have inarguably already arrived on Earth.) The remaining Horseman is the White Rider wearing the Crown, which is interpreted to mean the Second Coming. This raises profound questions and concerns within the Aviary. Does this mean that a formal ET landing in 1997 signifies, or is, the Second Coming of the Christ? Will the ETs be bearing an ET with Christ Consciousness? Will fundamentalist Christians against the ETs as supposed threats to Christ’s supremacy? Et cetera.

See also  1998: What the Aliens Left Me

The Aviary is quite concerned that fundamentalist Christians will experience spiritual, if not ontological, shock at the revelation of ET visitation, and over the reported contents of the red and Yellow Books, which contain information that suggests that Jesus had some connection with the extraterrestrials.

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