This is Part 3, and the final part of my story about the Orion “Lizards
or “Changelings“.

But probably the most important thing to realize is that all the wars
between the Changeling and Aryans against the Reptilian races are still
going on right here and now, right here on Earth. All of the races here on
Earth are related genetically to one of these races. But it goes beyond
genetics, it gets into consciousness and religious belief systems. Do you
think it is coincidence that the Mid-East is very close to erupting into a
major war again? The Israelis are of course strongly connected to the
Changelings, and the Arabs are very strongly connected to the Draco, just
like I have been trying to explain in this story. But look around at all
the other conflicts in the world and they can all be traced back to the
Changeling-Aryan conflict with the Reptilians. I will try to bring it all
into perspective by relating some of the information that I have gotten
about how all the different races here on Earth relate to the various ET

Please understand that there are no accusations or judgments intended
here, and I do not consider any one race to be any better or worse than any
other race. So please do not take any of what I say here to be an insult
in any way. Remember that we all have been one of many of these different
races in different lifetimes. Some of us have been Reptilian, others
Aryans, or Amphibians, or even Changelings before. But it doesn’t really
matter, because we all had our role to play. The point is to come to an
understanding that there have been all these different races, and there
still are. There has been a lot of conflict between many of them, and that
we all do have some connections in one way or another to each of these
races. But what is important now is to put all those differences behind us
and heal the wounds so that we can all truly live in Peace and Harmony some
day. I am presenting this information only because I think it is very
important in order to understand the truth of the situation as it stands
right now, and to trigger the Soul memory that people have about their
relationship to these races.

There has also been a lot of other interbreeding amongst many of these
Earth races, so I am only going to talk about the original basic races
here. First I’ll start with all the Reptilian Hybrid races. Since most
races have many genetic combinations, and most have at least some Aryan
genetics, I will only mention the most predominant 1 or 2 genetic origins
here. As I have said, the Native people of North and Central America are
predominantly Draco hybrids, although some of the tribes also have some
Anunnaki genetics mixed in. The Native people of South America are
predominantly Ciakar-Draco hybrids. Please note that when I mention 2
races, such as in this case, that the first race in the sequence would be
the predominate race, contributing close to 50% of the overall genetic mix,
while the second race would be more like 25%.

The Polynesians and Maori are predominantly Anunnaki-Alcyone hybrids.
The Siamese race of South-East Asia are predominantly Alcyone
Reptilian-Draco hybrids. The Chinese race are predominantly Alcyone
Reptilian-Ciakar hybrids. But of course the Mongolian race also had a very
strong genetic influence on the people of China. The Mongolians are
predominantly Sirius B or “Red Drac” hybrids, but also have a lot of
genetics of the 6th Reptilian race, that I have never really been able to
identify where they are from. The Japanese are very closely related to the
Mongolian race, so they would have mostly the same genetic combinations.
The Russians and Slavic races of Eastern Europe would be basically “Red
Drac”-Aryan hybrids, since they were also strongly influenced by the
Mongolians. The Arab races of Turkey, Syria and Iraq are predominantly
Draco. The Egyptians are predominantly Draco-Amphibian with also a large
percentage of Aryan genetics. The people of India are basically
Anunnaki-“Human” hybrids. Note that when I say “Human”, I am referring to
the race of Cloned Humans that resulted from the original and subsequent
Changeling-Anunnaki genetic experiments, those from the Mesopotamia area.

Continuing on, with the other races, the Iranians are Amphibian-“Human”
hybrids. The French are also Amphibian-“Human” hybrids, with a large
percentage of Aryan genetics. The Spanish are also predominantly
Amphibian-“Human”. The Italians are predominantly Amphibian-Aryan hybrids.
The Germans and Nordic races are predominantly Aryan. The British are
predominantly “Human”-Aryan hybrids. The black race from Africa are
basically the Dogon race, which is Taurian-Amphibian. Of course the
Israelis or Hebrew are predominantly “Human”. They are probably the race
that comes closest to the original Cloned race that the Changelings wanted
to establish on the Earth. So of course, that is why they consider
themselves to be “God’s” Chosen People. Well, maybe not truly “God”, but
certainly the Changelings’ chosen people. Then we come to the United
States, which of course is a conglomerate of just about all the different
races. But the key thing to note here is which race is in power and in
control. Of course, the answer to that is the “Human”-Aryan hybrids.

It is also important to think about the cultural differences between all
these races as well, and how they have interacted with each other. So now
look at the last 200 or 300 years of our history, and consider which race
has established the most far-reaching empire and who have dominated over
just about every other race on the planet. The British “Human”-Aryans!!!
Coincidence? Not on your life. So we are seeing the Changeling-Aryan
alliance in all its glory right here on Earth. But who really wields the
power in that alliance? The answer of course, is the Changelings or
Illuminati, just like the way that it has been for eons.

Think about the attitudes some of these races have towards one another.
Is it also coincidence that the French have snubbed their noses at the
“Ugly Americans”, and have resented the British for years? Is it also
coincidence that for years many of the British have used the derogatory
name “Frogs” for the French? The Amphibians have been servants to the
“superior” Changelings for eons. So of course they would have resented
their British and US counterparts. Who wouldn’t? Is it coincidence that
there has generally been a good relationship between the French and the
Iranians? Look at the hostility that has always existed between the
Germans and the French. Coincidence? Do you want to hear another
coincidence? When I first became aware of the Council of Six, and of the
original war on the Council World, I got the message that a large
percentage of the original inhabitants of that planet were now here on
Earth. Now I am getting the message that it is close to 80% of them who
are here now.

Then look at all the major wars and conflicts in our recent history, and
you will see a very familiar pattern there. You can start in the Mid-East,
where the Changeling Human Israelis have been fighting with the Draco
dominant Arabs for years. Then look at Bosnia and all the different ethnic
combinations there, and all the ethnic purging that went on. There were
many different combinations of Reptilian, Amphibian, Aryan and Human
genetics there. Of course who went in there to “clean up” the mess? The
Human-Aryans again. Then there was Vietnam and Korea, which were very much
Reptilian against Human-Aryan. Of course, the Amphibian based French had
ruled over those Alcyone Reptilian based Vietnamese for close to 200 years,
just like the Amphibians had been the controllers of the Alcyone Reptilians
for so long. Then when the Vietnamese rebelled against the French, whose
side did the US take? The Amphibian French of course.

Then go back to World War II. Remember how I said that the Aryans had
not always taken kindly to the Changeling control either, and that they had
been also vying for power against them? Well, look at what Hitler did, he
was trying to establish a pure Aryan nation, and the first race that he
attacked were the Reptilian based Slavs, the Czechs and the Polish. Then he
turned against the Amphibian French, and then against the Reptilian based
Russians. But which race did he really hate and persecute the most? The
Changeling controlled “Human” Jews, of course. But what really led to his
downfall? When he attacked the Changeling controlled British, and then
when the Changeling controlled US entered the war. So it became pretty
obvious who the top dog really was. Then look at the Cold War, between the
Changeling “West” and the “Red Drac” Eastern block of the Soviets and
Chinese. Is it coincidence that we refer to the communists of Russia and
China as “REDS”? So are you beginning to get the picture here? Can you
now see why I said that understanding the history of how things got to be
this way is so important? It just goes on and on and on, and then of
course you can throw in all the cultural and religious differences. I am
not going to go into all of that, but it all goes back to the same thing
and I think you can get the idea.

So now I need to come back to the present and relate what has been going
on in the last year on the “other” planes. I have been doing a lot of
pretty important energy work over the last two years. Probably one of the
greatest threats to our very existence is the possibility of a breakdown of
the barrier between our “Matter” Universe and the “Antimatter” Universe,
and yes, it really does exist. I know that the barrier between those two
Universes is at its thinnest point here on Earth. Of course, the
Changelings and the Aryans are aware of that too. But they think that they
can use that to their advantage and safely tap into that antimatter energy
to make use of the awesome power that a matter-antimatter explosion would
create. They think that they can use that power to regain complete control
of the Earth and the entire Galaxy.

I know for a fact that they have already opened portals and tapped into
the Antimatter Universe on several occasions. But what they don’t seem to
realize is that their technology would not be able to contain those
antimatter energies for very long. Also, eventually those portals would
open up and split wide open causing the greatest matter-antimatter
explosion in the history of this Universe. I have had to do some major
work on at least 3 occasions, one just recently, to send all the antimatter
that they had collected back to where it belongs, and then close the
portals. I cannot possibly explain how I was able to do that, but just
know that I did it.

See also  1998: TALtruths

I have always suspected that the vision that some people have had and
thought they saw an image of the entire Earth “Ascending” into the “Light”,
was in reality a vision of this matter-antimatter explosion. I know we
have come close to it a couple of times. But that is NOT how we were meant
to truly “Ascend”. But that would certainly end it all in one gigantic
flash of Light, and I suppose we would all be back with the Creator
instantly, where else would we go. But we would no longer exist in either
physical or spiritual form. I would like to think that we are past the
point where that could happen, but I cannot be sure about that. That
possibility still exists and they seemed to be very determined to tap into
that antimatter reservoir.

This has been just one of many ways that I have been battling the
Changelings on the “higher” planes. In December of 1999, I had been doing
a lot of work relating to some of the Reptilian races and also the
Changelings. Just before Christmas I had been asked to open the Wormhole
in the Sun to allow many of these races to pass through and got the message
that they were leaving the Earth. Why they were leaving all of a sudden I
wasn’t too sure, but I sensed that many of them left. I had even sensed
that many of the Changelings had left as well. After all that I was
feeling absolutely ecstatic, and my energies were as clear as they had been
in a long, long time. But it didn’t last very long. Later in the day, I
started feeling a lot of negative psychic energies again, couldn’t
understand where it was coming from. Then I got an email from a friend who
told me that he had also escorted some ET’s through the Wormhole. He said
he later felt an attack and realized that many ET’s had come back through.
When I read that, I nearly broke down and cried because I knew it was the
Changelings who had tricked him into opening the Wormhole for them and they
came through in droves. I had had a dream about something like that a
month before, and unfortunately it came true. So I did a lot more work
with them, and then in March of 2000, the Draco came to me and they made a
peace offering to the Changelings through me. But unfortunately the
Changelings did not accept it. But I continued my energy work and by the
end of April, I thought things were looking really good and felt really
positive about the future.

That feeling lasted right up to the major planetary alignment that
occurred on the 3rd and 4th of May. I had gone to a favorite place of mine
where there is a major portal to do some energy work at that time. I had
been getting some really positive signs, and had gotten the message that a
dimensional window could open that would really facilitate the start of the
Ascension process. I had done a ceremony where my Guides and some of the
friendly ET’s did some major energy work through me at sunset on the 3rd.
Then that night during my sleep I sensed what seemed like a ball of Light
over my head. The energy felt really good, but then it was gone almost as
soon as it appeared. When I woke up the next morning, I was wondering what
it really was, but I couldn’t get a good reading on it. I felt a sense of
depression come over me, but still wasn’t sure what to make of it. The
energy felt OK that day, but not great.

Then I did another ceremony that evening, again at sunset, and still felt
pretty good about everything. But then when I woke up on the morning of
May 5th, I felt totally shut down and had some major Dark Entities all over
me, and I just couldn’t clear it. I felt more depressed than I have in a
long while, and I felt it on the entire drive back home. I kept asking my
Guides and my Higher Self what had happened, but I wasn’t getting any
answers. Finally just as I turned into my driveway, I finally heard my 6th
Dimensional Soul Self tell me “The Window didn’t open”. So then I
understood why I felt so depressed, and I got the message that the
Changelings and the Illuminati had done some kind of ceremony early that
morning or the night before, to shut things down make sure that the
“window” didn’t open. I continued to sense this very Dark and negative
energy for the entire month of May. Then finally on June 6th, my Guides
asked me to do some more major energy work. I did the work and definitely
sensed the energies, but I wasn’t really sure about what they were doing.
I just had the sense of some kind of energy shield being put in place
around the Earth, but I didn’t have a good feeling about it. But my Guides
kept assuring me that it had to be done and that it did serve the Highest
Good. So I just let it go. But now as I write this, I am getting the
message that it wasn’t the Changelings and Illuminati who closed the
“window”, in fact they had tried to force their way through it. It was the
Higher Level Beings who had to close the “window” to PREVENT the
Changelings from going through. That simply could not be allowed to happen
because it would have adversely affected our entire future.

I have been a follower of the Mayan calendar for the last 3 years. But
the Calendar that I use is based on what is called the “Classic Mayan
Count”. I do not understand what that is, I only know that it is quite a
bit different from Jose Arguelles’s calendar. But any time that I would
ask my Guides or Higher Self if the energies of the calendar as my calendar
showed them were correct, I always got a very strong “Yes”. But the Mayan
calendar has a 52 year cycle at the end of which they add in 13 days of “No
Time”, to bring their calendar back into perfect alignment with the Solar
cycle. The 13 days account for the “leap year” days during that 52 year
period. So I have always wondered what the real starting date for the
current 52 year period was and when it would end. So for some reason, that
was brought to my attention just before the end of the year last year
(2000). I was reading about a particular interpretation of the Aztec
calendar which is based on the same principles as the Mayan Calendar. But
what I was reading just didn’t add up, so I was trying to figure some
things out and was getting kind of confused. So I asked my Guides and even
asked to connect to Tzolkin himself and asked if the days on my calendar
were correct, and I got the answer “No”.

So then I was really confused because I had always gotten that it was
right before. Then it hit me that the calendar had just recently hit the
end of the cycle and had started over. Then I heard Tzolkin tell me “Yes,
your calendar is off by 13 days.” So I started going back to see when the
last date was where the calendar had reached the end of the 260 day cycle.
It turns out that according to my calendar, June 7th, 2000 was day 13 Ahau,
or Day 260 of the Calendar. So I wondered about that, and asked if that
was the end of the last 52 year cycle and got “YES”. So then I added the
13 days of “No Time” and got June 20th, which just happened to be the
Summer Solstice. I found that most intriguing, but was a bit puzzled by it
because I had always just assumed that it would be the Spring Equinox that
they would use to mark the first day of a new cycle. So I asked “Why the
Summer Solstice?”, and Tzolkin said, “Why not?”

Then the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Of course it
would be much easier for the Maya to mark the time of the Summer Solstice
than it would be to mark the Equinox. You just had to mark the day when
the shadows were the shortest. Then I thought about our clock and how 12
o’clock is high noon. So of course, the Summer Solstice would be the “high
noon” of the year. Also, just like on the clock the first full day would
be the day AFTER the Solstice, just like 1 o’clock is the first hour of the
afternoon. I also knew that this particular timing would only happen once
every 52 years, just because of how the calendar is set up. So then it
made perfect sense that June 21st was indeed the first day of the next
52-year cycle. There is also what I would call the Great Cycle of twenty
52-year cycles, which is 1040 years. That is the cycle that everyone
thinks is going to end in the year 2012. So I asked Tzolkin if that was
also the end of the 1040 year Great Cycle and I got “YES”.

Then I remembered back to the planetary alignment on the 4th of May, and
how they were expecting a dimensional “window” to open up. Several days
before that I got the message from my Guides that there was something very
important about the Mayan Calendar that I needed to know. I finally got
the message that the Mayan Calendar day for May 4th, and the planetary
alignment that occurred that day was exactly the same as when the Maya made
their Ascension several hundred years ago. But at that time I wasn’t
looking ahead to the Solstice so I hadn’t noticed that the 260 day cycle
ended at that time. So then I knew what was so special about the end of
the 1040 year cycle. That was when the Ascension “Window” was supposed to
open, only it didn’t happen.

Then I got the message that this “Window” should have remained open until
the end of the Calendar cycle on June 7th. That is why the next 13 days
would be a time for celebration. Then I remembered the work I did on the
night of June 6th, and I got the message that what had really happened that
night was that the dimensional “Window” was sealed closed. Even though it
had never really opened as intended, they had to bring it to its final
closure, and seal it. So believe it or not, but it looks like the great
event that everyone has been so anxiously waiting for has come and gone and
we all missed it. That is certainly the message that I keep getting. Of
course, the fact that everyone had the date all wrong is no surprise to me
at all. Of course, the Changelings would have planned it that way to make
sure that no one was prepared to do the energy work that it would have
taken to open that window. Oh, some of us tried, but without a majority of
people holding the energy for that, it was fairly simple for them to do
their work to make sure the window didn’t open. So what happens now? I
have no idea. But don’t expect any miracles to happen in December 2012,
because nothing is going to happen, of that much I am sure.

See also  1998: Aliens, Extraterrestrials and The Way to Perceive Them

So anyway, I continued to do a lot of work related to the Changelings for
most of the summer. It started reaching a critical peak in September after
the Stargate opening at the Equinox. No big surprise there either, because
at every Stargate opening in the last 4 years a tremendous amount of Dark
energy has come through. Of course, that was also the time when the
situation in the Mid-East started flaring up. Coincidence? So I was asked
to do some more major work, and some of it related to the antimatter
energies again. I had come to realize that the Changelings would rather
destroy the Earth than risk losing control of it to any other race,
particularly to the Reptilians. They had done some things that would allow
them to do just that. So I had to do some things to neutralize it. Of
course, I came under some very intense psychic attacks because of what I

Then in early December, I was doing some work with a friend over the
phone that related to the Changelings and the Amphibian race. The
Amphibians were wanting their freedom from the Changelings and were
threatening to revolt and go to war against them, if that was what it took.
But I have gotten the message lately that we have to avoid a major war on
this planet or anywhere else for that matter, because if the Earth is
destroyed, then the whole space-time fabric would collapse into a Black
Hole or there could be the major matter-antimatter explosion. Either way,
it would be the beginning of the end of this whole Creation cycle. So we
were doing some work with them and also working with the Changelings to get
them to set the Amphibians free. The end result was that the Changelings
did finally agree to set them free, partly because I had told them that a
large percentage of them would still voluntarily serve them, just like
before. There were also some other concessions that the Changelings were
given to arrange the deal.

Then shortly after we did that, the Alcyone Reptilians came to us,
saying, “Hey, you helped free the Amphibians, what about us?” So again we
worked with them and basically they were shown a way to free themselves
from their addiction to the “White Powder of Gold”. Of course before we
did that, I made them give me their word of honor that they would not turn
around and attack the Changelings once they were free. I told them that
would not be allowed. So they agreed. That of course was always the
Changelings’ biggest concern, that they would be left defenseless against
the Reptilians. But I had also gotten the Draco to give them their word of
honor that they would never attack the Changelings again either. So we
were making some good progress. Then of course, the Anunnaki Reptilians
showed up wanting their freedom as well. So we started doing some work
with them as well during one of our phone conversations. The Anunnaki
thanked us for considering how to help them and they left. But they came
back a few minutes later and I got the message that I was about to come
under attack. So we immediately got off the phone and I prepared for the

When I am under attack like that, I call on my Guides and also connect
to the Blue Crystal Portal in Andromeda to bring the energy through to fend
off the attacks. It was definitely the Changelings who were attacking, and
it was one of the worst attacks I had experienced in a long time. They
kept coming at me over and over. It would let up for a few minutes and
there would be another major attack. After the 4th attack all of a sudden
I had the thought that they were going to “blow the planet”. I immediately
connected back to the Blue Crystal and was guided to do some major work to
prevent that from happening.

Then when the attacks finally ended, I realized that this wasn’t just an
attack on me. The Changelings had launched an all-out assault on the
Amphibians, the Alcyones and the Anunnaki and several other races, like the
Capellan Draco and the Taygetan Pleiadians. I got that there had been
heavy casualties on both sides, but that the Changelings had definitely
gotten the worst of it. Then I thanked the Anunnaki Being for basically
saving my life. Because if I had not been prepared for that, I am not sure
that I would have survived it. So I asked the Higher Angelic Beings, that
if it served the Highest Good, to send a thought-form through me to the
Anunnaki to show them how to free themselves from their addiction. I felt
the energy come through and I relayed it on to the Anunnaki. He left and
then came back a bit later and told me that what they were shown would
work, and he thanked me for that.

That all happened on December 14, 2000. But that was only the beginning,
the attacks on me would continue several times a day, every day for the
next 5 weeks. I had the sense of it being an all-out war. During that
time I came under attack from a couple of different races who were allies
of the Changelings, including the Greys. One of the races was a race that
I got the message were Crocodile Beings. They were also from Orion, and
were like the SS Troops or Secret Police of the Changelings. I also got
the message that they were what some people have called “The Men in Black”.

During that time, I would try to talk to the Changelings and these other
races and show them the truth of what would happen if they ended up
destroying the Earth. I also tried to show them what would happen if they
agreed to a Peace Agreement and would work together with all the other
races in harmony. Finally after the 4th week, I started getting through to
some of them. The Greys finally agreed to peace, and finally one of the
other races. Then the Changelings said they would agree to peace too. So
I was overjoyed with that, but when I checked with the Andromedans, they
didn’t seem to sure about it. They said it might be a trick. Then sure
enough less than 24 hours later, they attacked again. They just wanted me
to drop my guard, and it almost worked. The attacks continued for another
week, then finally they came to me one more time. I talked to them and
this time they finally agreed to truly settle for peace. I later got
confirmation from the Andromedans and Pleiadians that they did in fact sign
a peace accord. So again I was elated, but did not drop my guard this

Then during the next two days, several other races would show up asking
me to show them what I had showed the Changelings that finally convinced
them to agree to the peace agreement. So I worked with all of them. There
were races that I didn’t even know existed. Then some Aryan races began
showing up asking for the same thing, and I worked with them too. But then
after 2 days of this, I came under attack again from one of the Aryan
races. I got the message that they were from Bellatrix in Orion. So I had
to go back on the defensive one more time. But the attacks would
intensify, and then I started realizing that some of these attacks were
coming from the Changelings again.

I didn’t understand that at first, but then I started getting the message
that the earlier attacks had been from the Changelings from Betelgeuse, and
that the Changelings who were attacking me now were from Bellatrix. I got
the message that these were two entirely different factions, and didn’t
always agree with each other. I got the message that the Betelgeuse
Changelings had indeed signed a peace accord and were still honoring it,
but the Bellatrix group was still bent on control. Then a little later
another Aryan group began attacking me as well. I got that they were from
the star system Alpheratz in the constellation Andromeda at the junction
with Pegasus, which is how I first became aware of them. These attacks
began on the 21st of January, and continued every day for the next couple
of weeks. Then attacks let up somewhat, but have not ended completely.

Then I started thinking about how all this related to what was going on
down here on Earth. I realized it had all started right about the time
that it was officially announced that George W. Bush had won the election.
Then it was just a day or two before his inauguration that the Betelgeuse
Changelings had finally agreed to peace. Then the attacks from the
Bellatrix group began the day after he took office. Coincidence? I don’t
think so. I also remembered reading an email where someone who had been
around President Clinton had claimed that he had said that he wasn’t going
to leave office. They had asked him how he would manage to do that, and
he supposedly said, “World War 3”. So is it coincidence that the
Betelgeuse Changelings started an all-out war on the higher dimensions
right about that time? But with all the work I and probably many others
were doing, that war never manifested itself down here on Earth. But yet,
all during that time, the Mid-East situation was very close to exploding
into a war. Again, I ask you, coincidence? Then is it also coincidence
that Prime Minister Barak of Israel agreed to open peace negotiations with
the Palestinians at just about the same time that the Betelgeuse group
settled for peace? Then there is the recent Israeli election about this
same time. Is it coincidence that the military hard-liner Sharon won the
election? I don’t think so.


I have always wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are
both controlled by the Illuminati and the Changelings, why are they so
different in their beliefs and attitudes? Then I began to realize that
when Clinton and the Democrats were in control, it was the Betelgeuse
Changelings that I had always been dealing with. But now that Bush was in
office and the Republicans were in control, all of a sudden the Bellatrix
Changelings come to the forefront. Then I was thinking how the Democrats
are considered to be the “Left” of the political spectrum, and the
Republicans are considered to be the “Right”. Well, take a look at Orion
some night. Betelgeuse and Bellatrix are the two brightest stars at the
top of Orion, and guess what? Betelgeuse is on the Left, and Bellatrix is
on the Right. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Then take a look at the two parties in Israel. Just another coincidence?
So recently I have come to realize many things about the Bellatrix
Changelings and I get the message that they are the ones who are really the
most powerful of all the Changelings. They are the REAL Illuminati, and
they are the ones at the top of the Illuminati “pyramid”. They are the
true masters of mind control. That is why 2 years ago, I got the message
that the “Orions” were at the bottom of the “pyramid”. Because at that
time, the “Orions” that were here at that time were the Changelings from
Betelgeuse, and they were not the top of the totem pole. So everything all
began to make sense to me. So now the real head honchos are in full power,
both here and in Israel. Already Bush is talking about re-building the
military, and Sharon has said basically the same thing. So will we ever
really have peace here on Earth, and will the Bellatrix Changelings ever
finally come to truly accept a Peace agreement like the Betelgeuse group
did? I truly hope so, but I suspect that this planet is in for some rough
times in the coming years. I only hope and pray that they will all come to
their senses real soon and end this madness once and for all.

The only solution is to come to truly accept one another, and honor them
for who they are. We have to forgive each other for all of the past
transgressions. Then we can all work together in Peace and Harmony. Just
about every other race in this Galaxy has come to realize the importance of
a true Peace. So now it is truly up to the Bellatrix Changelings. So will
they choose peace and harmony, or will they continue their ways of war and
destruction. Up until now they have relied on death and destruction to
maintain their control. When they started losing control they would
destroy the planet and move on. But this time there is no way out, there
is no where else to go. We can’t Descend any further, we are already at
the end of the line. The only way out from here is UP, to Ascend back to
the higher dimensions. But that is not possible unless we can forgive and
bring our energies back into Harmony. Of course, they still think that
they can destroy this place and still escape. But I have shown them over
and over that all the interdimensional portals, Stargates and Wormholes
have been sealed off so that they can no longer access them, and I know
that is true. If they choose to destroy this planet, then they will end up
destroying themselves as well. So what will they choose, Life or Death?
Because those are really the only choices.

So now you say, that is all very fine, but so what, what can we do about
it? Well, the answer to that is that we can’t really do anything to change
them or the way that they think and operate. But we can learn to forgive
them and have compassion for them and send them Unconditional Love. We can
also learn some effective techniques to clear all their mind control
thought-forms and energies, and “YES” you had better believe that that is
exactly how they keep things under their control. They use etheric
implants and are constantly using different techniques to blast us with
energies designed to shut down our spiritual connections and psychic
abilities, and to keep people from truly waking up. I know that they are
using some kind of sonic devices much like sonar to constantly bombard us
with their energies.

What do you suppose the real purpose of all that sonar testing on the
whales was? Whales communicate with each other telepathically. They are
being bombarded with very harmful psychic energies. Is it coincidence that
they would beach themselves to commit suicide? Is it also coincidence that
there have been so many mass murders and suicides amongst us recently? I
know that they are transmitting these energies through transmitting
antennas and “dishes” and also from the satellites in orbit around the
Earth. I know because I have felt these energies many times, and I get
messages as to where it’s coming from. But I can’t stop them from doing
it, I can only become aware of it and what it is doing to me, and then use
the energetic clearing techniques that I have learned to clear myself of
these energies and thought-forms. It is not easy by any stretch of the
imagination, but it works and I can prevent them from trying to shut me
down and controlling me. So that is all that I can recommend.

This message has become too long as it is, so I won’t go into the many
different techniques that I have learned. But the key is to find a way to
connect to your Higher Self and your Guides and allow them to teach you.
That is truly the only way. No one can do the work for you and no one can
“Save You”, except yourself. Other people can help you and share with you
and teach you how to do the work, but they cannot do it for you. You have
to do the work yourself. So don’t wait around for Jesus or Sananda to
return to “Save you”, or for some friendly ET’s to come down here and take
you away from here. It isn’t going to happen, and besides we are much too
dense for that. Also, don’t expect some “planetary Ascension” miracle to
happen in 2012, because that isn’t going to happen either.

Those beliefs and thought-forms are simply part of the Changelings mind
control program. Because they know that if you sit around and do nothing,
then that is exactly what is going to happen, NOTHING. Of course, that is
exactly what they want. Do you really think that they don’t know how
dependent many people have become on “Channeled” information? Do you not
know how easy it is for them to do that and to convince people that they
are really some “Higher” Spiritual Being? Of course they can, and they
have. If you wish to truly break free of all the Changeling control and
truly “Ascend”, then you have to do the work for yourself. You have to be
able to raise the frequency of your energies, and raise your levels of
Consciousness. You have to be able to connect to your OWN Higher Self,
that is the ONLY place where your real truth lies. But once you can raise
your Consciousness and your energy levels, then perhaps the ET’s can help
you, but I don’t think that any of us are going to be “beamed up” any time

I will be glad to share some of what I know with those who ask, for as
long as I am able. But there are many good teachers out there, all you
need to do is seek them out. Find a way to connect to your Higher Self and
your Guides through meditation and ask them to lead you down the Path that
YOU need to follow, and know that your Path may not be like anyone else’s.
That is what I have been doing for many years now, and that is how I have
come to know all the things I know. It is time for the TRUTH to rise from
the depths of our Consciousness. That is what is meant when people have
visions or dreams of Atlantis or Lemuria rising from the oceans. They will
not physically rise from the oceans of Earth, because those original
continents were never ON the Earth, they were on MU. But the memories of
our lives on those continents are rising from the “Sea of Consciousness”.
Perhaps that is why my Higher Self and Guides wanted me to write this
story, and why so much of the information only came through as I was
writing it. This is meant to be a trigger to help you all REMEMBER. One
of my spiritual teachers, Robert Love, used an expression in one of his
classes that is very appropriate. He said, “Those who Know, will always
Know. Those who Believe, will always Wonder.” Of course, true Knowing
only comes from the Soul.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I know that this has been a very
long and most difficult and painful journey for all of us. But I stand in
the possibility that you will begin to see the truth in this story, and
that it will trigger something in your own awareness so that you will begin
to realize your own role in all of it. Then perhaps you can begin the
process of letting go of all the emotional pain, suffering, turmoil and
anguish, and of all the judgment and all the hate, anger and rage that
comes with that, so that you can truly heal all of it. For it is only
through true healing that you can raise your Consciousness and truly Ascend
to your rightful place. I only ask that you forgive me and all the others
who took part in this Mission for all the pain and suffering that we may
have caused. I apologize to all of you for the role that I have had to
play. But deep down in my heart, I know that it all had to Be, exactly the
way it was. It was the ONLY WAY.

Love and Peace,
Roger Kerr

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