Name: Hyadeans


Location  – Home System:  Hyades Star Cluster in the constellation Taurus the Bull.   The Hyades Star Cluster consists of 300 to 400 stars and is approximately 151 light years from the planet earth.  The Hyadeans populate a number of planets throughout the star systems present in this part of the galaxy that stretches over 80 light years in diameter.

Distance from Earth: 151 light years



Physical Appearance: Nordic-like

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in their physical make-up a natural ‘hybrid‘ between the two is impossible. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence ‘splicing‘ human and reptilian genes, has allegedly been attempted. Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual ‘hybrid‘ (half human – half reptilian) but would fall to one side or the other.

Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do humans but instead operate on a ‘collective consciousness‘ level, the ‘hybrid‘ would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix. In most cases, one might tell the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black opaque or vertical-slit pupil eyes, or five-digit fingers as opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none. This may not always be the rule, especially when the ‘chameleons‘ are considered. Some of the hybrids without souls are ‘fed‘ with human soul-energy in an attempt to engraft an already existing human soul-matrix into the hybrid.


Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 

Origin: The Hyadeans are refugees of the constellation Lyra, after the first great galactic conflict. When the Lyran homeworld Avalon was brutally savaged, by REPTILIANS  aggressors, the inhabitants of that star system fled throughout the galaxy.  While a great many fled to the Pleiades and other star systems some of these Lyrans made their way to the Hyades Star Cluster to start a new home.

Life Form Type:


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics:  

Summary/Description: The Hyadeans have remained much less active in galactic diplomacy than their brothers the Pleiadians.  Little is known about the race of Hyadeans although they have been reported to be contactees channeling individuals on earth.   The Hyadean aliens are humanoid said to look very similar to Pleiadians and have a similar “nordic” look.  The Hyadean civilization stood as a “frontier” territory for the Lyrans seeking refuge from their invaders.  Since the Hyadean civilization has grown and prospered spreading life throughout the Hyades stream.



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