1999: The Great Experiment

THE PLAN THE PURPOSE In the previous articles we looked at the background as to what is transpiring in and on the outer reaches of our Solar system, and who is involved. Now let us look for an explanation as to why these events are unfolding at this time. THE EXPERIMENT Approximately 500,000 years ago, TERRA (planet earth) experienced a severe orbital problem. (tile to a glancing blow from a passing meteorite) This resulted in a rapidly decaying orbit, where failure to control this event would have created a ripple effect on neighbouring stars in addition to other neighbouring orbiting celestial bodies. Thus was the scenario that brought in the involvement of the Galactic Federation. In an unprecedented move, the Federation called upon its planetary […] Read More

2000: Memories before the Flood

Sirius A / B – This is the Original Homeworld of the Feline Family line, these have been expressed in Egyptian Mythology [Sekhmet, Bekhat]. I also notate a very curious relationship in between the Orcas and Whales with Sirius. I see Sirius as one of the main original star systems with planets where the Higher Harmonic form of many Earth Based Mamallian creatures originate from. I see an especially strong connection to the The Felines (the Lion People), which probably a couple of people could confirm through their intuitive empathic sense. You see, the Lion/Sphinx on the the Giza Plateua, and the whole entire pyramid complex as well as all the other sacred sites around the planet are part of a Gigantic Astrological Super-Computer, this can be […] Read More