J: Right. However, when you’re walking down the beach, and that same thing appears in the sky, and there are many people around you, and it’s over the water and people are jumping up and down in excitement, and others are scared, all that took place and several other experiences within a three week period. So the name stuck with me because of the events that followed and that direct, “The Keepers”. So it referred to itself as The Keepers.

B: Very striking. Very appropriate. Where is this going, and is there a program on track? From their point of view, if you were their program manager, would you feel, okay, we’re doing all right here? Or do you think thatthis planet is in trouble and, they’re really having to force the issue to get whatever it is that they want to accomplished from this? What’s your take on whether this is working for them?

J: In general and, not to be somewhat specific and, not too vague but somewhat specific.

B: What’s your feeling about where this is going? And why?

J: Why? Okay. (Laughing) You’ve got, again, creatures or non-human intelligent beings who are again, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years ahead. Where they would be, so to speak, socially and how they behave, and have been relative to where we are. They have technology that can take them to the past, that can take them to the future. What I’m getting, in general, is that we do reach a point, because I don’t want to be the one that says gloom and doom, and this and that, okay? Claiming the end of the world, I stay away from.

See also  2007: A interview with Jim Sparks 5

B: But you are also a very honest man in terms of reporting what it is that you’ve perceived.

J: We do evolve…

B: Okay.

J: …as a species. We do conquer a lot of things, particularly dying. We do use the tools for time travel. We do span the cosmos to get from point A to point B, without time passing. The good news is we do evolve. The unfortunate news is that only about a handful of us survive it before we repopulate and evolve.

B: Survive what?

J: Well, I would suspect very strongly that since the emphasis on almost every ET non-human intelligent race and species, is on our environment, I suspect something bad’s gonna happen there. However, the push from the future to now is to have all six billion of us, at that point close to eight billion of us, survive and evolve into the future and into the galactic neighborhood. It can be changed.

B: At what point? You say at “that” point, eight billion. What point?

J: What point in what respect?

B: Is there a year, do you mean? Or a stage?

J: Okay, here’s a very wise thing.

B: Okay.

J: A very, very wise thing. This comes from personal experience, and this comes from me seeing the way these guys are, so to speak. There’s nothing worse, and I am not religious, and there’s nothing worse than a false prophet, so to speak. Even though there’s someone who has seen the future – and I have – and the way they portrayed it is in ways that I can’t tell when and what time it is. It’s a paradox. But now I’m understanding that in the first few years of this I would always get the holograms of a different time and place, not comprehending what I’m seeing. Now 18-19 years later, I realize that I didn’t, I couldn’t, know what I was seeing and when, because I would have interfered with it. I would have gotten in my own way with what my place is in this thing. And other abductees and so forth.

See also  2007: A interview with Jim Sparks 3

B: We want to take a responsible stance in informing people with the best data available, from people’s testimony, so that those who can hear, will hear. Those that can’t hear, whatever we do, and some people will be able, for them, that will be the prompt for them to take responsible action.

J: Okay.

B: We’re not catastrophists, we’re not doom mongers. We’re not trying to scare anybody.

J: Right.

B: We’re right with you. We want all of humanity to make it all the way through. But if there’s anyone watching this video now, that says, “my God, you know what, I think I’d better pay attention to things I haven’t been paying attention to before,” then we will have done our job.

J: I do know what to do, in the early aspects of this thing. Two things. One is amnesty. Now this is not coming from Jim Sparks. This is coming from interaction with these beings over many years. Amnesty meaning that there are agencies that are sanctioned or not sanctioned, commonly refereed to as Black Ops, secret governments, secret clubs, call ’em whatever you might want, who have contractual interaction, human beings with non-human intelligent species and groups, who have developed in line with these creatures, technologies like free energy.

I don’t want to sound like a simpleton here, okay? I’m not saying let’s all hold hands and buy each other a Coca-Cola, and the world is beautiful and we’re at peace, and let’s all sing a song together. I want to be as practical as possible. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I wanna be practical. There are technologies that will change the face of this planet, as we know it. And for the first time in the history of the human species, we will be able to evolve.

See also  2007: A interview with Jim Sparks 1

The problem that the species has, I know I see it in your eye, is that we rely too much on outward influence or outside sources to save us. As a species we have a very difficult time looking inward to ourselves and saying,”it’s not gonna be God that does it for us”. It’s not gonna be… I’m not saying there’s no God, I’m not saying it’s not gonna be a Great Spirit that’s gonna do it for us. It’s not gonna be all these outside forces. It’s us facing ourselves for the first time and doing these things ourselves to join the galactic neighborhood.

B: We have to be the adults and clean up our own house.


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