1998: Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels?

by Elaine Douglass, M.S. (JAR) ABSTRACT: The author takes Joe Lewels to task for his claim aliens created life on earth and human religion. These claims are alien propaganda transmitted through abductees, says the author, and intended to destroy humanity’s self-esteem. The author says alien psychological manipulation of individual abductees is a laboratory in which aliens are formulating a mass line to discredit human authority and establish the legitimacy of the alien presence on earth. What do the flying saucer people want? That great issue hangs over our little UFO community and over the human race, and it was aired at the MUFON Symposium in June via the primetime speaker’s Dave Jacobs and Joe Lewels. Jacobs and Lewels disagree, but they came together on […] Read More

Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 5

In the past abductee were often told, ‘We aliens cannot tell you what your job is because then your government might find out.’ This is an early, mild example of positioning government as the enemy. Today the message is more brazen, such as that related by the Blond being (‘Get rid of your government’). Lewels did not venture down this road, but other prominent abductee alien spokesmen are. Human governments, these spokesmen say, are perversely, irredeemably hostile to the aliens. If they could, these perverse governments would do bad things, like shoot down alien craft. It is these perverse governments that stand between the people of earth and all the benefits the aliens could bring, so the spokesmen say. “Humans are not OK, humans […] Read More

Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 4

Understand this about the aliens: They are not “visitors.” Visitors leave. The aliens want to stay, and on their terms. What convinced me of that? Again, the abductions. In every case I have studied, no matter for how many years the abductee has been consciously aware, no matter how many obedience tests the abductee has passed, and no matter how eagerly the abductee cooperates with the alien, no control over any part of what is happening is ever ceded to the abductee. Instead, every phase of the interaction is calculated to put the alien in psychological control and keep him there. If the aliens’ global strategy is anything like their individual strategy, they will try to bring this planet to its knees. What’s the […] Read More

Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 3

Abductees are not creating these notions. They are communicated directly from aliens to the abductees, who then propagate them. The communications are staged and planned. For example, one abductee was shown two clones of herself. Soon, “a Blond being” told her US “government scientists” were abusing clones. “Our [ET] technology was taken from us,” the Blond being said. “Your government manipulated us, and. . .it is out of control.” The abductee believed these allegations and published them in the MUFON Journal.(2) “It is beyond our ability to stop your Government without your help,” the Blond being went on, and in this last statement we find the real purpose of the communication – to plant the seditious message: ‘Your government is bad. Get rid of […] Read More

Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 2

No one, that’s who. Yet, this is the “evidentiary” basis upon which Dr. Lewels constructs his “God Hypothesis.” It is a hand grenade tossed into a school yard, from which the good doctor walks away with a clear conscience, calling it “perspective.” I say it is nihilism. I say it is supreme irresponsibility. I say, who needs Dave Jacobs? ‘But wait a minute!’ pipes up Dr. Lewels, ‘couldn’t it be true we’re all hybrids and earth is a cosmic game park?’ Yes, it could. ‘And if it’s true,’ he pipes up again, ‘don’t we need to know it?’ The answer is, we would need to know it, if we could know it, but we can’t. Why? Because we can’t independently verify it. Dr. Lewels, […] Read More