by Karmatoo

Forward by James Bartley

This is a recent interview given to a French journalist by my mentor Barbara Bartholic. Barbara is the greatest alien abduction researcher in the world, bar none. In the interview, the journalist mentions me in relation to the research into the crystal methamphetamine/crank connection to the reptilians and alien abductions thus giving the reader the mistaken impression that I had pioneered work in that particular field. In fact, Barbara Bartholic was the pioneer in the crystal meth/alien abduction connection.

She had tutored me in the nuances of this particularly troubling facet of the alien abduction syndrome and I then independently confirmed her findings and added some of my own. Many have wondered as to the exact nature of the death of her first and foremost protege, Dr. Karla “KandyTurner. Some have speculated Kandy was murdered by the military. In factKandy was given cancer by the ETS. Frankly, I’m surprised that Barbara decided to share a little bit of this story in this interview. There is much more to it than the aliens giving Kandy cancer.

There were other aspects to it, which I can’t get into. What is particularly significant is Barbara’s revelation that Kandy has reached out from beyond the grave and contacted Barbara and passed on a message to her that was one of hope and ultimate victory. Keep this in mind because many of Barbara’sand Kandy’s critics and detractors are always bitching and moaning about how “negative” and “fear-based” Kandy and Barbara are. I’ve had the same charge leveled at me. This is complete nonsense. If we were fear-based we wouldn’t be risking our lives doing what we do. And believe me, there are consequences to stepping over the line. Any half-rate UFO researcher can get harassed by the military or government. But only the truly hard-core spiritual warriors get messed with directly by the reptilians and other negative ETs. This is the difference between the Big Leagues and the Minor Leagues.

See also  2007: Interview with Barbara Bartholic 2

Its nothing to be proud of I assure you. I’ve been on the receiving end of such reptilian harassment and its nothing to write home about. Not only has Kandy contacted Barbara but she has contacted others I know. Kandy is not the only fallen spiritual warrior who has contacted us from “the other side.” As the Obi-Wan Kenobi character mentioned in the Star Wars epic to his nemesis and former protégé, Darth Vader “If you strike me down Darth, I will only grow stronger.” Amen to that. Spiritual Warfare. That’s what this gig is all about.

You’ve conducted a great number of hypnotic regressions with abductees over a long period of time. What drove you to devote years of research to the alien abduction phenomenon?

1984 was my last meeting with the world-class, brilliant scientist, Dr. Jacques Vallee. Through his inspiration, my research into alien human abuse and control has proved the hypothesis he proclaimed in his important book, ‘Invisible College’: “UFOs may constitute a control system.” .” Why do I continue to research, under terrible duress, the most important subject in our universe? It’s clear. What could be more compelling than identifying what I call a “master control system” that defies all locks, law enforcement, physics, and governments, and last but not least, human rights; or identifying an alien-organized operation possessing such technical supremacy that they can hide in plain sight. It’s a force that can delude people into refusing to believe in their existence. At the same time, alien manipulative “overlord-ship” is altering the course of human life.

See also  1988: Mind Control & Abductions

We are confronted and confounded by an intelligence that has the ability to:

  • vacuum a car and its occupants right off the roadway and go unnoticed by all;
  • enter human minds or habitats day or night;
  • interfere with babies still in the womb;
  • abduct young children right from their beds or playgrounds undetected;
  • change the dynamics of relationships and love affairs;
  • cause disease;
  • create mental problems and drug addiction;
  • create wars and mutate generations as in their “Breed out the love” program.

These are just a few examples of the aliens’ abilities to modify human behavior and conditions. People came for my help as if guided by some “invisible hand” during the sightings and abductions in the early 80’s and 90’s. No, flying saucers are NOT flying back and forth, landing and taking off at breakneck speed. Air traffic control would be abominable. The ‘crashed saucers with dead aliens in New Mexico’ story is old news, and obscures the real threat to our world.

Compare it to the discovery of germs. Before the microscope, there were these “invisible things” causing sickness and death. Of course, there were good germs as well, but never forget that toxins could eventually destroy the world. So it is with the alien dominance.

Some skeptics claim that abductions are no more than memories from delusional episodes, and a number of psychologists seem to adopt the false memory theory (supported by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation), which denies the accuracy of adult claims of “repressed” memories of childhood sexual abuse or alien abductions. According to this foundation, real trauma is almost never forgotten, and memories recollected through hypnosis are almost invariably false and induced by hypnotherapists. Is hypnosis a good technique to get back abductees’ memories, and how do you make sure that hypnosis brings back true memories of true events?

See also  1998: Alien Implant Removals: Five Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects

One would think that by the year 2007, these foundations [False Memory Syndrome Foundation] would funnel their money into the most important research of all: the problematic alien abduction phenomenon. Most mental health experts remain in the Dark Ages when it comes to the validity of actual alien abductions. It’s still diagnosed as a mental abnormality.

To demonstrate this archaic response, consider the case of three attractive psychiatric nurses, working together at the same psychiatric hospital, who decided to spend their summer vacation together in New Mexico. While enjoying the spectacular mountain scenery, they agreed to turn off the main roadway onto what appeared to be a short-cut to their destination, which was a health spa. Fearing they were lost after hours of driving, they stopped at a small store in the middle of nowhere.

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