Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind’s inability to deal with the event?

A: It is an equal commingling of both.

Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished?

A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction.

Q: (L) Can you be more specific?

A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles.

Q: (L) Now, I have some articles in this magazine here: This is a gal who has “channeled for thousands around the globe since 1985. Her books and magazine articles are published in six languages worldwide. Etc., etc.,” Her “source,” says here: “The human consciousness is roughly divided into three different areas for the sake of this illustration: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind.” Now, are these labels generally correct?

A: Roughly.

Q: (L) The material says further: “The unconscious mind is a link to your greater self, it is also used as a wasteland where scary, dark things are stored that you really don’t want to bring up.” Is this a fairly accurate statement?

A: Semi-accurate.

Q: (L) Is there anything you can say to make the statement more accurate?

A: The unconscious mind is also a conduit for connecting with the higher self, other selves, and the universal mind.

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Q: (L) She goes on to say: “When you are a child and have a traumatic event, the subconscious not only finds a way to immediately process the information and store it, but also to protect you from further fragmentation. It must seek to create a balance.” So, she says, the “very intense raw energy that is generated from trauma gets stuffed into the unconscious mind.” Is this true?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) She then goes on to say: “When an extraterrestrial looks at us, we seem like multiple personality cases to them because of our mind divisions.” Is this true?

A: Irrelevant.

Q: (L) Why is that irrelevant? Is it because when a higher density being looks at us they know what they are looking at?

A: Yes. They know and understand the separations of your minds quite precisely. That would be like saying “when a human looks at a rodent, they notice that they are excessively furry.” And also because, in most cases, these “separations” and “multiple personality” aspects are deliberately generated by 4th density STS beings.

Q: (L) She goes on to say: “The ET often does not know how to communicate with a fragmented human. Sometimes they fly their ships by and few people may see them, but the greater percentage do not see them as that data gets sucked into the subconscious and the triage occurs.” She means triage in the sense of the mind being so flabbergasted that it immediately shunts information into the unconscious. Is this true, that ET’s are having problems communicating with us because we are the one’s blocking contact?

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A: No.

Q: (L) Is it true that some people may not see ET’s or UFO’s because they block it from their own minds?

A: This can happen or the blockage may be inspired by the alien.

Q: (L) Now, she says: “For the most part, the average person in society does not know how to interpret telepathic contact… (this is her alien talking) in the moment you start perceiving us reality starts shifting because, remember, you are one frequency and we are another.” Is this true?

A: It is irrelevant. This is not an obstacle, as suggested by this statement.

Q: (L) Anyway, the article goes on: “So an ET walks up to you in your backyard and for a fragment of a moment you may perceive us. But what commonly happens is that the human will suddenly shut down usually by becoming very sleepy and falling into a sleep or type of trance state such as one that is produced by alpha or theta brain waves.” Is this true? When a person sees an ET do they just turn off from the shock? Is this why most ET contact is not remembered?

A: It can happen but does not usually. In general the “shut down” is deliberately imposed by the alien. We do not wish to further critique this as this is a waste of energy.

Q: (L) The whole point of this article is to say that ET’s who abduct people are here to help us evolve and that it is only us, if we have dark and dirty unconscious minds, who perceive them as negative.

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A: Wrong, you do not need “help” evolving, nor does anything else.

Q: (L) Okay. The next question: Are any of the Grays what one might call “good guys?”

A: That is a subjective interpretation any way you look at it. For, after all, what is good and what is bad?

Q: (L) The definition that you have given is Service To Self and Service ToOthers. So, are any of the Grays STO beings?

A: Well, again, if we can review for just a moment. It is subjective to refer to either STS or STO as either good or bad. It merely means Service to Self and Service to Others. Now, the determination as to whether it is good or bad is made by the observer. It depends on your point of view. It depends on your objective. It depends on a lot of things. One is merely service to self. This is inward turning. The other is Service to Others which is outward expanding. It is part of the balance which makes up that which we refer to as the Universe.

Continue to Part 5b

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