
My name is Ginger. About 1 year ago. I experienced something that changed the way I sleep forever.

1 YEAR ago I was living at my grandmother’s house. I was 22. My grandmother didn’t like leaving the lights on and she would go to bed really early. The house had no air conditioning and it was always hot on her second-floor apartment. I had huge windows in my room. But they were old and the screens were out. So the windows were left open to get air in my room at night.

One night… While I was asleep. I awoke to something so odd and scary that My mind just couldn’t figure what it was. I OPENED my eyes and my heart began to beat faster than anything I have ever felt. WHAT the hell was this thing!!?? I asked myself. It was right above my head not even 2 inches away. As my eyes grew larger the mechanical device that had blueish neon fluid and small mechanical chips flowing through it jetted up to my ceiling!!! I was so frozen from all this.

I thought maybe I was dreaming. But I was awake. This long skinny neon machine had softly glided its way now to my ceiling. It had also 5 extensions sprouting from the bottom of its stem-like body. There was a small circular ball at the top of this strange object. it was at least 1 foot long. I stayed in my bed with my heart beating so hard that it hurt. The device stayed up in the corner of my room watching me. It didn’t move. I COULDN’T take the pain in my heart or I would have died of fear. I forced myself to just get up out of the bed. I watched the machine for a whole 2 minutes. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed some aspirin. I had heard that it prevents you from having a heart attack.

See also  2010: Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Media

device1I dared not go back into my room. I climbed up on my kitchen chair and started shaking and crying. I called for my grandmother who yelled at me for waking her. she thought I just had a bad dream. bad dreams don’t mean your awake and your eyes are not wide open and your heart isn’t about to fail. 20 minutes later my grandmother checked my room. she said nothing was there.

I then thought to myself…how could this thing get in??? until I looked at my window which had no screen in it. A large eagle could have flown in if it wanted too. I turned on the lights and the machine was gone. Now I know how it could have floated in and then had plenty of time to float out… I refused for months to not sleep in that room. I slept on my couch in the living room closer to my grandmothers’ room.


I have been wondering what that could of been but never could I have understood it. I told my mom who believes in weird stuff and she believes me. but everyone else just thinks i am crazy or was half asleep. I know I was AWAKE. I was so scared that it felt quite real and LOOKED quite real to me too. After all this, I had many panic attacks where I awoke in the middle of the night for a year now. Nothing was there tho. I thought something was but it was just that machine haunting me and my sleep.

NOW just last night. I accounted for something else. I thought for sure I would never witness any of this again. But this time it wasn’t the same device. This one showed up at exactly 5 am. I had turned my body over to sleep on the other side and when i had turned my head a ball-like object. The shiny and black metallic was gently still in the air as if just placed there in mid-air. It had what looked like a camera coming off of it. It slowly turned to face me and I screamed. The object didn’t float away quickly until its lense was focused on me and heard me scream.


I turned on my over head light after 10 minutes of sitting in complete shock. When I see these things. I freeze up. there is no explanation in my mind so i get so scared that I can’t move. WHAT ARE THESE MACHINES???? why are they watching me and floating over me??? Its creating a patern where they visit me once a year. Or have they been visiting me all my life and just never noticed.

I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE suffering from this. I have heard of aliens and visitors at night but not machines.

PLEASE if anyone has ever witnessed this….please let me know. I want to know if someone else has seen these same devices!!!


I am scared…. what could they be? are they related to aliens??
the technology for these hovering devices are too advanced for us on earth. they are SILENT.

quieter than an insect. You don’t hear one sound they make. they are complete in stealth. I am scared and I don’t know who else could of witnessed this same thing but please if anyone may know…. I would love to hear.


Here are two illustrations I redesigned with more detail and lighting.



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