Common Symptoms Of Abduction

      N = 22 (6 Males & 16 Females) Based on 19 US residents, 3 in UK and Australia.

G= Genetic, E = either/ or, 1A = Abduction After Effect, N = Neither

95% 1 A   Humming, buzzing, tones and clicks in ears
91% 2 A   Report missing time
91% 3 A   Spontaneous visual images in mind, as if projected in the mind
86% 4 A   Feelings of a special mission in life, ie.., environmentalism, spirituality minded
86% 5 A   Interpersonal relationship difficulties
82% 6 A   Unexplained bruises, scars, scoop marks, triangle marks, punctures, lesions on the body
77% 7 A   Back problems( especially after the abduction, i.e., as if one received an epidural)
73% 8 A   Unexplained nosebleeds
73% 9 A   Post-traumatic stress symptoms
73% 10 A   Seeing balls of light before or after an alien encounter or regardless of the supposed abduction
73% 11 A   Unexplained phobias of owls, clowns, raccoons, large black-eyed animals, spiders, insects
68% 12 A   An abrupt change in sexual status ( i.e., hypersexual, no sex drive or change in sexual orientation
64% 13 A   Fear of the dark, closets, open stretches of highways, open sky, wooded areas or places where an abduction took place
64% 14 A   Sleep paralysis -like episodes prior to the abduction
59% 15 A   Various addictions or compulsive activities to keep the mind busy to forget about abductions. Crises after crises
59% 16 A   Metallic taste in the mouth (especially after abduction)
59% 17 A   Sulfur smell, moldy cardboard or wet leather odor in presence of aliens
59% 18 A   Spontaneous psychic abilities, especially after abduction
41% 19 A   Anomalous objects or implants in the body (belief to have or medically proven via x-ray)
27% 20 A   Visual observation of energy-like vortex “portals” in one’s presence, often during sexual activity
23% 21 A   Rapid fingernail growth following the abduction
23% 22 A   Ammonia taste in the mouth ( especially after abduction)
95% 23 E   Unexplained headaches, odd flu-like illnesses, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue (especially following abduction)
91% 24 E   Believe they have some form of psychic ability
88% 25 E   Menstrual Irregularities, missing pregnancies, endometriosis, cervical evidence of having given birth, without knowledge, unknown surgeries
86% 26 E   Abnormal or unexplained mood swings
86% 27 E   OBE’s (out of the body experiences)
82% 28 E   Lucid dreaming ability
82% 29 E   Miscellaneous Allergies
77% 30 E   Insomnia
68% 31 E   High craving for salts
64% 32 E   Low blood pressure
64% 33 E   High craving for citrus fruits ( ie, eating 4-5 oranges in one sitting)
55% 34 E   Night blindness
32% 35 E   Promiscuity as a child or teen
27% 36 E   Altered levels of serotonin, dopamine, potassium (either one)
23% 37 E   Abnormal reactions to general anesthesia
95% 38 G   Above-average intelligence
91% 39 G   Celtic or Native American/Celtic Mix
91% 40 G   Right-handed
86% 41 G   Blue or green eyes
82% 42 G   Above-average hearing range
50% 43 G   Procaine allergy (ranging from the drug not working at all or very little, or mild to severe allergic reactions) Less than 1% in the average population.
41% 44 G   Hyperactive as children or still are
23% 45 G   Rh-Negative Blood(some didn’t know their Rh factor.) Caucasians = 8%, Basques = 35%, combined racial population 15%
73% 46 N   College-educated
54% 47 N   Apparent past life memories
50% 48 N   NDE’s ( Near Death Experiences)
See also  Project: VISIT

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