By Eve Lorgen, M.A.

“…a handful of lucid, aware abductees who are resilient spiritual warriors, may offer a clearer perception of what evidence we are seeking, rather than a hundred or more abductees still struggling with perceptual barriers, or those seeking approval from the same systems which have invalidated and enslaved them…” — Eve Lorgen



To preface this two-part article and my interview with Lilu, a female MILAB from Australia, I find it important to discuss specific issues pertaining to the MILAB experience itself. My understanding of a MILAB, is that they are a genuine alien abductee who also remembers interactions with a military human element and/or a shadow government faction in or out of their alien encounters. The military presence may appear to be in collusion with aliens, and may also appear to be opposed to the alien agenda, for example, when the abductee recalls being interrogated by the military about what transpired, in search of “alien technology” regarding their alien encounters.

In short, a MILAB is an individual who is abducted by aliens as well as human military, or intelligence groups, (i.e., shadow government). The term MILAB, which is a contraction of the words “military and abduction,” can be used to describe the individual or the event. The MILAB definition is elaborated on at length in Melinda Leslie’s article, “ReAbs: Not MILABS.” She describes the three commonly misunderstood assumptions about MILABS by enthusiasts of Ufology and mind control:

“Number one, is the idea that all abductions are actually perpetrated by the military and that there aren’t any actual ET experiences. Number two, is that all ET abductions are mind control experiments. And number three, is that all MILABS are false, perpetrated by ET screen memories or hybrids in uniforms and don’t involve any actual human personnel.”(1)

MILABS —The Black Sheep of Ufology

Kay Wilson, an alien abductee who has recalled MILAB elements within some of her experiences, offers a thorough introduction about MILABS as well as her encounters with human-alien hybrids in her article, “An Expanded View Of The Alien Abduction Phenomenon.” (2a,b,c,d) I would like to point out that Kay has seen numerous types of ETs, and to caution the reader from impulsive black and white evaluations concerning species of aliens, hybrids and abductees, because there appears to be many and varied.

Kay has stated in her writings that the current attitude in Ufology regarding MILABS is met with great resistance and MILAB abductees are considered “The Black Sheep of Ufology.” (2f) I couldn’t agree more. Investigating MILAB reports is like entering the dragon’s lair; a no man’s land where one is met with suspicion, obstacles, and booby traps. Seeking evidence is a tiresome, labyrinthine effort. Many MILABS seek understanding, empathy and support regarding their situation, and few are those who find it. I know I cannot offer the magic bullet that this study deserves, but I can share my understanding of the various co-existing elements of MILABS, such as aliens, super soldiers, mind control, the military/shadow government and the occult.

My only divergence to the definitions noted above is that MILABS (as individuals having ET experiences involving human/shadow government) may also be involved in covert black ops as a type of high technology, streamlined Manchurian Candidate, such as super soldiers. [Cases of Jared, Zed, Andy Pero, Michael Relfe, (3) Seth Coronado (5)]. It is my guess that some mind control survivors in MK-ultra super soldier projects who have gone public with their “mind control” testimonies tend to marginalize any ET related experiences or references to alien abductions for fear that mentioning these aspects as part of their testimony will derail them from appearing credible. I know this to be true with some anonymous mind control survivors who have preferred to keep this part of their experience private. This is unfortunate; because deleting the alien/ET component from their experiences may lend itself to greater misunderstanding of how mind control, aliens, MILABS and black project may be connected. My intention with this two-part article and interview with a female MILAB is to explore the possibilities of how these elements are connected. I admit that what I am writing about is probably considered the deeper end of the fringe. So brace yourself.

Types of Experiences

Several terms have been used when describing alien abduction related experiences, and it is not always clear to the recipient at the time of the experience or memory, whether the alien encounters are physical, astral, interdimensional, benevolent, malevolent, indifferent, or a combination of any of these. When it is not clear whether the experience is 100 % physical, it may be more apropos to call these experiences, alien intrusions, encounters or visitations. One thing is clear: these experiences are perceived in such a way as to create post traumatic stress syndrome in many, and cause most experiencers to question their belief systems of consensus reality. To sum it up: high strangeness is the rule.

Many alien abduction researchers throughout the years have investigated abductions, mysterious communications with nonhuman higher intelligence, and also MILABS. Some have sacrificed their reputations and safety—even given their lives to reveal these secrets, only to be left with more questions. Or worse—a hopeless view of what humanity may be in for, if alien abductions are indeed true. So much of the MILAB experience and alien abductions are downright disturbing, and the topic is met with a knee jerk resistance, I believe, because of the fear factor deep within our subconscious minds.

It is with considerable difficulty to assess the accuracy and significance of alien abduction and MILAB reports. Add to this, spiritual warfare battles, bizarre mind control projects, Manchurian candidates and the reptilian-Illuminati bloodline testimonies. The list goes on, multiple conspiracy theories, until the high strangeness of it all compels most to throw out the baby with the bathwater. It is one big, scary, sticky mess!

Let’s face it, most people do not want to go there or even beg the question whether these things exist at all. They assume either the researcher is crazy or the person being interviewed is. And so, I find myself feeling like I have to “reinvent the wheel” for those who are still struggling with the issue of UFOs, alien abductions, mind control, MILABS and God forbid—shape shifting reptilians! I realized that the interview I wanted to present with Lilu had to be taken in much smaller steps, because if I barrel forward at the speed I am used to doing, by not clearly establishing the definitions and proposed connections between things, I will lose most readers, even those who have researched MILABS and MK-ultra mind control projects. Well, maybe not all, but I certainly would not be taken seriously.

The Signal: Noise Ratio of Abduction Events

I am keenly aware that evidence must be weighty to give credence to these kinds of reports and the interview I am presenting. Unfortunately, it is usually lacking and we are only left with bits and pieces of someone’s memory, and their interpretation of the event. Even with the aid of regressive hypnosis, most of the time we are left wanting more proof. I offer this article and interview as an area of exploration, an area to look into to find where connections can be brought to light, via increased levels of perceptual awareness.

If I were to create a mathematical analogy of what areas to focus on to enhance the clarity of the “signal” of evidence, I would go with increasing the signal to noise ratio of the presenting factors. The “signal: noise ratio” aspect is the detection level of the event in question. What really happened, so that an independent observer could perceive it? What would they need to do, to “perceive” this event if it happened to them? How would they perceive it? How can we enhance perception? This is where I shall use a mathematic analogy to make my point. An event’s detection level can be defined as the ratio of signal to noise. The noise aspect of the equation is the amplitude of distractions, desires, fears, and scattered thought of the experiencer. The mental chatter that creates an overlay of noise above and beyond pure perception. The signal is the event itself. To increase the overall signal, we can increase the level of perceptual awareness, to “up the limits of sensitivity.”  This would require a honing of perception, such as calming and focusing the mind and healing some of the trauma. What might this look like?

Extra Perceptual Awareness—The X Factor

I believe that an enhanced level of awareness such as extrasensory perception can help us with this issue. Many experiencers of anomalous trauma have heightened levels of sensitivity and awareness of multidimensional realities. One such person, who has undergone the trauma of a near death experience and alien encounters, is K.T. Frankovich. Her memoir, “Where Heavens Meet” (41) details her near death experience, survival of the devastation of Hurricane Andrew, being destitute and homeless, and her Lime Grove encounters with aliens while living in southern Florida. (42) She is also a gifted psychic. K.T.’s early career as an award winning animal videographer, gave her a trained observers edge, when she encountered alien entities in broad daylight. Her heightened awareness was able to offset the usual mind control manipulations of the alien entities. This level of perception exists in many shamans, yogis, healers and clairvoyants, and is what can give us an advantage when dealing with the alien presence.

After having been in regular communication with abductees over the years, I noticed that the paranormal aspect of their life is amplified, as well as their psychic sensitivities. For example, they may have poltergeist activity in the home, odd electronic malfunctions, see spirits entering or exiting interdimensional portals, and precognitive visions and dreams in addition to the ongoing alien or military abduction activity. (17) This is why I am presenting heightened awareness as an area of inquiry that can enhance the “evidence” level of anomalous events that fall outside of every day reality. My intention is to narrow the window of investigations with those who have exhibited the “X-factors” of resilience, expanded awareness and spiritual integrity, and a fierce determination to overcome evil and oppression.

Abilities like clairvoyance, empathy, spiritual discernment, clairaudience, precognition, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, energy healing, telekinesis, remote viewing, and subtle energy perception are key tools to consider examining here. In other words, a handful of lucid, aware abductees who are resilient spiritual warriors, may offer a clearer perception of what “evidence” we are seeking, rather than a hundred or more abductees still struggling with perceptual barriers, or those seeking approval from the same systems which have invalidated and enslaved them—such as rigid Ivy League academia, mainstream popular opinions and politically correct notions. I believe an added dimension of perceptual awareness, and spiritual wisdom can help us bridge the gap in our understanding of if, how and why aliens interact with us. But there are still problems, which I see that can create obstacles to clear perception, even with “psychic individuals.”

Equanimity and Purity of Perception

Increased emotional reactions and biases can project an overlay on our perceptions, and this is where I believe many misunderstandings arise in the interpretation of an abductees’ event. In my own studies of Tibetan Buddhist practice, (36,37,38,39,40) it is believed that purity of perception is a function of the level of equanimity and reflective awareness of an individual. Equanimity is a state of being where the attachments to desire and fear are minimized. Reflective awareness, a practice achieved by lucid dreamers, shamans and dedicated yogis, can help us understand how our own projections of fear and desire create an overlay onto our perceived reality. Strip away what you fear or want to perceive, and just observe what arises. Become aware of being aware. Lucidity. But can skeptics even strip away what they fear and desire any more than alien abductees? Not in my opinion. I am reminded of what my Tibetan Buddhist meditation teacher, Dr. Alan Wallace, Ph.D. has stated in jest, during one of the many Shamatha meditation retreats I participated in:

“Extreme scientific skepticism and fanatic religious dogmatism are two sides of the same coin.”

Where Angels Fear To Tread

So, next time a skeptic balks at the lack of evidence regarding alien abductions and MILABS, I wonder how far they are willing to go to enhance their own levels of perceptual awareness and equanimity? How much reflective empathic awareness have they really demonstrated? How far are they willing to delve into the dragons lair to emerge with the great pearls of wisdom? One wonders whether even angels dare to tread the places where many alien abduction and MILAB researchers have gone. This is where I believe, paradigm shifting life choices and priorities must be made to allow the already existing evidence to seep into our conscious awareness. Otherwise, we may just be barking up the wrong tree, you know, like the fake kind that cover up cell phone towers.  Personally, I prefer majestic oaks and ringing cedars. How about you?

Anomalous Trauma

Most of my work since the late 1980’s involves “anomalous trauma.”  This includes alien abductions, UFO encounters, MILAB reports, mind control, spiritual warfare, and angelic interventions, near death experiences, and shamanic journeys and initiations. (4) This runs the gamut of most things considered “on the fringe.”  A multifaceted approach was necessary for me to garner deeper insights into how all these types of experiences may be connected to one another. I have had to redefine how I perceive reality, and why a study of non-dual wisdom traditions such as Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen and Vedanta/Advaita helped me comprehend these anomalies, in such a way that I can facilitate the experiencer’s healing journey toward integration and wholeness. Taking the role of healer and counselor is unique, and may not be what an investigative journalist or scientific researcher would consider.

A traditional investigative approach, I might add, falls into what non-dualists refer to as, “dualistic, relative reality.” Essentially, the inquiry into MILABS, and all of which I have stated above, required an in-depth study of spirituality, that borders on the edge of physical reality and the duality matrix itself. I am stating that this is how far we need to go to deal with understanding the alien presence. Having said that, my counseling approach is to listen and take in the entirety of the person’s perception of their experience, with reflective empathy. I do not want to edit and delete aspects of high strangeness for the sake of my reputation, except in the case of my clients’or my own safety. In time, the evidence will come, once our collective, perceptual awareness increases. In the meantime, my motto is, “Let us return to our humanity where compassion is the rule, rather than the exception.”

The Gate Keeping Effect

Many in the Paranormal/Conspiracy/UFO field know of the dangers that some whistleblowers find themselves or their confidants in. The information, evidence, or the witness may suddenly disappear. And inevitably, what happens? A limitation of the scope and definition of the experiences themselves. A compartmentalization of information occurs to such a degree that we have inadvertently created our own prisons. We have caused a gate keeping effect. Gate keeping in this instance, can be defined as a way to narrowly define, monitor and control the breadth and depth of a particular thing. In other words, the “whole truth” is rarely revealed, whether it’s due to lack of lucidity, poor memory recall, mind control manipulations, personal biases, credibility issues, or threats not to expose the whole ball of wax, so to speak. Gate keeping is a form of censorship.

Taking all this into consideration, one can surmise the challenge of revealing too much too soon, or not revealing enough to make a measurable difference in the world. Our gems of wisdom and truth seem to be largely inaccessible. We, through our own patriarchal, technocratic driven paradigm, and the values we deem important—have locked ourselves into a prison of our own making. How ironic.

My task is to reconnect with a deeper part of ourselves—deep soul wisdom—and to re-assess our true values by maintaining a presence of compassion. Reflective empathetic awareness and heightened awareness are the added ingredients that I believe can deflect the problem areas we find ourselves in when traversing the dragon’s lair of MILAB reports. How so, you might ask? How can compassion help us know the truth about aliens, or MILABS for that matter—when so much of what is reported is contaminated with ridicule, shame, dissociated vague memories, mind control and high strangeness?

Amnesia, Dissociation and Mind Controlled Operatives: Super Soldiers

I discovered years ago that many abductees (especially MILABS) had personalities and memories that were dissociated. Much of their lives remained in amnesia, shame and secrecy. In fact, some of the MILABS later discovered that they had dissociative identity disorder, or MPD/DID. (Michael Relfe, Duncan O’Finoian, Andy Pero, Zed, Jared and personal communication with anonymous MILABS. (3,5,6) They discovered that they had alter personalities who were created through trauma based mind control via human and sometimes aliens in a sort of collusive Manchurian candidate-mind control program. But with MILABS, the syndrome was much more complex and streamlined compared to the well known cases of mind controlled slaves like Brice Taylor, Arizona Wilder and Fritz Springmeyer’s accounts. (7,8,9,10) After interviewing super soldiers like Andy Pero, Michael Relfe, Zed, Jared, Seth Coronado (3,5), and others who prefer to remain anonymous, I realized that some MILABS have a lot more going on than simple interrogations by the military about their alien abduction experiences. (To make an understatement!)

MILAB Super Soldiers

The MILAB super soldiers—according to the memories they are recovering—appear to be operatives who are highly trained to carry out a multitude of functions, usually under mind control in an alter personality mode. They often see other MILABS and abductees in their experiences being medically examined, tested or in training for specific jobs. (2b,11,12) They may experience taking part in a covert operation together in a human or even “alien environment.” (Jared interview, (3)) Some MILABS such as Kay Wilson (2c) have described memories of having been on the dark side of the moon. Zed, (3) recalled being trained on the dark side of the moon with other human super soldiers under a reptilian and human military control and command. He discovered years later in his memory recovery, that the reptilian programming and control-deception system was superior to his own military programming and overall capabilities. In other words, it appears that the reptilians have the upper hand, not our military/shadow government who apparently were/are in collusion with them.

Some MILABS report teleportation and time travel ops (Andy Pero, Michael Relfe, Jared, Andy Basiago, and anonymous ones via personal communication). The point I want to make is that many MILABS who have come to me to share their experiences of trauma, and their angst about all of this, realized they were being used as some kind of multidimensional operative doing a variety of functions for the aliens and/or “shadow government/military.”

Implanted Imagery and Stage-Managed Dreams

Many MILABS are concerned that they are being used to assist a dark agenda but cannot extricate themselves out of their secret life situations. Some have been partially freed, (i.e., Michael Relfe, Zed (3), Seth Coronado (9)) but many still fight an ongoing battle of continued abduction attempts, reprisals and remote mind control influences such as stalking and non-lethal weapons harassment. Beaming, for example is a term we have created to define when an alien, or perhaps a human perpetrator, influences the victim to see imagery in their minds, or to feel or hear things that compel them to make certain conclusions or act aggressively. For example, screen memories, emotional manipulations and vivid imagery, or training for scenarios in the future. Some of the beamings are reported to cause bizarre electrical sensations, severe pain, or sensations of burning on parts of the body, like the soles of the feet. At least in one anonymous MILAB case, these sensations were coincidental with vivid implanted imagery and stage-managed dreams. Much of what MILABS describe parallels what victims of mind control, Illuminati bloodline cult and even black magic victims have experienced. And yet, not all MILABS are from Illuminati cult families, and seem to have been plucked for reasons only the aliens or MILAB controllers know.

Incongruence of the Disclosure Movement

See also  1996: UFO Reality Shift?

The current trend of whistleblowers concerning the MILAB issue tell us that black-op factions of the military abduct and interrogate the experiencer/contactee. (1,2abc,13) Much blame is cast upon the “military/shadow government” while alluding to the perception that the grey aliens, and other ETs are the good guys. For example, a quote from Niara Isley in the UFO Digest article (13)  published in 2008, regarding her military abductions stated,

“Robert Dean who has often spoken and given his testimony of what he knows says, if these extraterrestrials were bent on destroying us and taking over our planet, they could have done so long ago with the incredibly advanced technology they possess.

My question is this: Did anyone ever consider the superior mind control capabilities of the aliens, so that an overt takeover of humanity is unnecessary? All they have to do is distract us with other issues such as environmentalism, endless political arguments, constant relationship manipulations, religiosity, or compulsions in order to blame each other or our military industrial complex’s dark agenda as the enemy. Even though these are valid concerns, it doesn’t make sense, at least in cases where aliens are observed in collusion with the shadow government abductors.

It has been my educated guess (via consults with MILABS and independent studies) that the military industrial complex is heavily influenced, if not taken over, by the malevolent alien factions such as the dracos, reptilians and some greys, as well as the Illuminati bloodline families. Furthermore, there is ample evidence quoted from ancient archeology and history experts like Michael Cremo, Richard Dolan, Graham Hancock and Michael Tsarion that our ancient star gods were the same reptilians (i.e., Annunaki) who have corrupted and manipulated Earths religions for thousands of years. They created the secret societies! Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

I’ve noticed numerous times, whether the MILAB had MPD/DID or not, that they had a tendency to either preach Christian Fundamentalism or some New Age environmentalist propaganda, instead of getting into any specific detail about their own mind control programming, and how they are healing and processing their experiences. Could the compulsion to preach or get on the New Age environmentalist bandwagon be another program that is inserted as a defense mechanism to avoid the deeper issues of the powerlessness and reality of trauma and mind control? I’m not saying there is anything wrong with having a Christian faith or being environmentally conscious, it’s just the way in which I can see how these belief systems are used as a method of distraction.

If we can focus on unveiling the secrets of mind control, human or alien instigated, I think we can regain our power back as a race, free from the false god, manipulated religious corruptions, or the shadow government-military-industrial complex.

Some contactees and “experiencers” as they may prefer to be called, believe they are in contact with benevolent ETs. They do not necessarily exhibit post-traumatic stress disorder or are “abducted” in the same manner as abductees. (Philip Krapf, (14) I believe there must be some benevolent or neutral extraterrestrials, but would they need to abduct humans too? The experiencers I wonder about, such as Jim Sparks, are those who have “changed their tune” from being resisters of alien abduction, to sudden promoters of environmentalism, while being distracted from the real healing of the mind control systems the aliens installed to avoid the issue altogether. (15, 35b) I am also disappointed about the absolute denial of malevolent alien abductions by leading proponents of the Disclosure movement such as Dr. Steven Greer.

I do not believe alien abductions are a contemporary, post Roswell phenomenon and must have occurred in the past civilizations, but described within the context of that era. Alien beings from otherworldly realms have been interacting with humanity—even in a very physical way— for thousands of years. This has been documented in detailed discussion in Richard Thompson’s seminal book “Alien Identities”(20).

Handlers, Controllers and Programmers

What, you may ask, is a controller, a handler, an abductor, a programmer, or a perpetrator? What does this have to do with alien abductions and MILABS? Again, I have to define myself here. A controller for a Manchurian candidate for example, is someone who keeps close watch on their “agent/slave” and tells them what to do, keeps them in line—in the program. (See Fritz Springmeyer’s books (8,9). According to James Bartley, student of military history and MILAB researcher and colleague, a “controller”or “handler” in the old espionage/counterespionage lexicon, means: A professional intelligence officer who provides guidance, training, financial support and tasking to the spy or mole. Sometimes the head of an espionage division will be referred to as “control” like you see in the classic movie, “The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.”

It is my understanding that controllers tend to hide behind the scenes and are often only present (in the awareness of that agent) in the “other reality environment” in order to give mind controlled instructions. Sometimes this “other environment” is described as an underground military base complex, hospital, or a location the front alter may not recognize after having been given instructions to their “spy” alter personality. The controller can be the original “programmer” but not always. The programmer may work under the instructions of the controller (or vice-versa?) and install programs or entire alter personalities and capabilities while the victim is in a dissociated or tranced-out state.

The handler is someone that the agent/slave either works for, lives with or interacts with more regularly. He/she may be the controller or not. The handler may know specific coded phrases and trigger cues that can “switch” the personality and command them to do something or have amnesia about what happened. In Andy Pero’s entire story (16), he goes into detail about his mind control torture, handlers and Nazi controllers. Unfortunately, a handler is usually discovered to be someone the MILAB trusts like a family member, neighbor, spouse, work mate, doctor or dentist (often military). In fact, many female MILABS discovered that they were set up in romantic relationships with men who had the effect of “controlling them” or keeping them from doing too much public disclosure, self-healing, recovery and integration work. (12) The reverse also occurs with male MILABS and usually they are kept on a leash to avoid becoming a loose cannon. This is where the love bite hypothesis (17, 35a) comes in for some MILABS and how deep this “rabbit hole” really goes. Most of the time, the set-up targeted partner is also a victim and may not even know how they are being used to sow discord, chaos and disruption in the MILAB’s life.

Through personal communication with anonymous MILABS (2abc,3,12), several have described having alien handlers and controllers, some of whom are “reptilian.” Of course with alien abductees, some may have the same alien handler responsible for examining them repeatedly. One has to wonder whether many abductees may unknowingly have alien handlers who are also their programmers.

There appears to be many types of alien abduction programs. Not all abductees fit into the classical description of alien abduction activities, such as medical experimentation and the hybrid breeding programs. Jim Walden is such a case, who describes being created to have an inner interdimensional hybrid alien body living within his physical body, although he believes himself to be a particular type of alien-human hybrid, as are many other unknowing abductees. He also describes MILAB memories such as humans working in collusion with aliens in underground bases. (44)


In Leah Haley Davenport’s case, (18,19) she wrote about troublesome people she called “OMAGS,”  short for obnoxious military and government agents. These men (or women) usually had some kind of military nuance about them, whose function appeared to subtly or overtly threaten or silence them, or to steer them into another direction that kept them otherwise distracted. It is uncertain whether all OMAGS or handlers are aware of what they are doing to the abductee/MILAB, but some must know and are working covertly to infiltrate and monitor many abductees and MILABS lives.

The aliens, I believe, also use similar tactics of disruption and may be subtler, but very effective, perhaps even demonic, for lack of a better term.  A few abductees and MILABS in my own work have reported anomalous experiences such as “entity possession” and reptilian hosting. I have described this in my book, “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships.” (17)

I concur that the alien abduction and MILAB situation is not a black and white situation. All alien abductions cannot possibly be human black-op mind control programs or demons. Nor are all MILAB-abductees only interacting with hybrid aliens, masquerading as shadow government “human” personnel, although most mind control victims have described only human interactions in their particular mind control program. (6,7,8,9,10,43)

“Black and White” Thinking Facilitates Gate Keeping

Compartmentalizing and marginalizing these reports has done more damage than good. Some MILABS, like Lilu—the one I have interviewed here recently, believes that the faction of alien greys and reptilians she interacts with have abducted her because of her genetics/bloodline. If you recall, victims in mind control projects and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) like Arizona Wilder and Brice Taylor, state that these projects are multigenerational and related to ones “bloodline,”  and tend to happen in cult families (8,9,10,24). A few SRA Illuminati cult victims have told me privately that the secrets of trauma based mind control, including demonic layering and bloodline control have been going on for thousands of years. This, nor aliens, are new to our post Roswell, UFO crash era.

Energy Vampirism is Ancient Knowledge

Indigenous shamanic traditions of southern India such as the Oti Vidya Matrilineal Goddess lineages, have known for thousands of years about bhaikarri oddiyas—vampiristic beings from other realms. (22,23) They describe them doing similar deeds as aliens, such as stealing fetuses from women in the first trimester of pregnancy. From a shamanistic viewpoint, the “bhairkari oddiyas’s” purpose is to plunder awareness and soul energy. In fact, specific protection rituals for pregnant women and those planning to conceive, was a large part of the matrilineal shamanic way of life. Could some alien beings be doing nothing more than a high tech form of energy vampirism in an ET disguise? This question has been addressed fully in my book and in the article “Scavengers of Passion.” (17,35a) Perhaps we can learn a few things from these ancient shamanic societies.

SRA, Illuminati Bloodline, People and Aliens

James Bartley and myself, through personal communication with anonymous MILABS and Monarch programmed SRA/MPD/DIDs, have discovered over the years that many SRA victims in bloodline families—those related directly or indirectly to the 13 ruling families and other occult secret societies—have occasionally reported seeing alien greys, or reptilians in their fragmented memories. These people tend to be more aware of the mind control programming because of their direct connection to Illuminati bloodline activities. Some can clearly recall being used as agents in black ops ranging from sex slavery, couriers, intelligence gathering, weapons training, super soldiers and psychic spies. They may recall bits and pieces of memories that an alter personality retains, or remember being used in covert ops while under mind control in their regular “front alter” personality. It gets complicated, but I can assure you that these people are remembering what they perceived to have happened to them during “missing time” or during the night when an alleged abduction took place. Oftentimes these memories surface in dreams or in the waking state as flashbacks. (7,8,9,10,11,12) Sometimes, as in the cases of Brice Taylor and Duncan O’ Finoian, their memories came flooding back as a result of a car accident where a head injury was sustained in such a way that the “programming” unraveled, perhaps where hemispheric integration accidentally occurred. Mind control programming-amnesia is installed to remain secret, so those that do remember are only the tip of the iceberg.

MILABS may also have similar memories, but most of the time they do not recall ritual “cult” types of activities or are aware to be born from Illuminati bloodline families. But some do, like Lilu, and this is where some connections can be inferred between the Illuminati, shadow government, MILABS, malevolent aliens, and mind control projects.

“Black Magic”and Twin Alter Programming

I might also add that SRA victims sometimes report magic being used on them, or they have knowledge of black magic being used to cast spells and curses on people. (Personal communication with anonymous SRA victims with MPD/DID) This includes “love spells” and twin alter personality bondings (in rituals), so that arranged marriages and relationships are easier to maintain. For example, an MPD/DID may have a specific alter that only shows up during rituals, and these ritual alters are sometimes twinned to another MPD/DID person’s alters, but their front alter host personality may not be aware that they have been “twinned.” All they may experience, at first is a very powerful bond and connection with another person, who may end up being their partner or spouse later in life. This keeps the bloodline strong, and also maintains the secrets within the families, as well as wealth and power. I have been told this by anonymous victims in SRA cult families where organized crime is a way of life.

Black Meta-Technology

In Michael Relfe’s case, he describes what he calls, black meta-technology. (3) This is a type of black magic that includes high technology science, alien technology and occult black magic. It ranges from alien implants, to love relationship “energy” engineering, remote influencing, high-speed subliminal programming, time travel progression and regression, demonic layering-entity attachment, and complex soul consciousness transferring from one body to another or in “cloned” bodies. (9,17,25, Seth Coronado, Ted Rice and personal communication with anonymous MILABS) Programming may involve layering in of demons and attached entities, some of which may be alien greys and reptilians. This is why Michael Relfe stated in my interview with him, “If you are not dealing with expelling demons you are not dealing with mind control.” (3) As you can see, this subject matter is quite a Pandora’s box.

One has to keep in mind that when you are dealing with dissociation, MPD/DID, mind control, and MILAB experiences, there may be large gaps in the memories of what the person can recall, until they are able to recover more memory, heal and integrate their alter personalities. Not all MILABS and alien abductees have been fractured this way, but many of them have, and either do not know it or do not disclose this to researchers who function from a more investigative and scientific approach. To further complicate matters, some abductees claimed that the aliens “allowed” them to consciously remember certain abduction experiences. (15, personal communication—anonymous abductees) This alone leads one to the question whether aliens can choose what and when to remember, so that our perception of their activities is what they want us to know.

One may ask themselves, why would a MILAB even want to tell all to a researcher or in public if they could be accused of being a mind controlled slave or CIA asset? Who wants that stigma? Not to mention the numerous reprisals, death threats and demonic attacks for talking about it. So, as a counselor of anomalous trauma, I am left holding secrets for many people, and have difficulty in disclosing what I know from those who desire anonymity. I do wonder, however, whether other abduction, paranormal and conspiracy researchers withhold this information for their own reasons.

PATCH: Paranormal and Anomalous Trauma Counseling and Hypnotherapy

The best way around this “sticky ball” is to make compassionate presence a priority in my work with people. I know that when a person truly feels heard, empathized with and validated, they naturally open up, so that if there are repressed memories, they are more likely to surface. This takes time, and being authentic is really the only way to go deeper. Hypnosis is very effective, but doesn’t always work, especially in people who are not psychologically ready to deal with paradigm shattering realities. This is why I adapt my Paranormal and Anomalous Trauma Counseling and Hypnotherapy (PATCH) to include other healing modalities, such as dream journaling, lucid dream work, meditation, body mind exercises like tai chi and yoga, and shamanic healing such as soul retrieval, exorcism and spirit releasement.

Compassionate Presence = Safety

Many claim that their religion, or healing method is “the only true way” but there are many routes to healing and recovery. One can also pursue specific spiritual practices for the deeper realizations, which may lead to enlightenment—the ultimate evidence. These practices are up to the individual in whatever faith or tradition they choose—and that could be a trap if the “faith” is nothing more than a malevolent entity, manipulated cult! But—one step at a time. One thing I am certain; wisdom and true insight cannot arise without the authentic presence of compassion. Enlightenment cannot occur if we sweep all the “negatives” under the carpet and pretend they don’t exist. Does this sound familiar to anybody out there who is keeping up with the Disclosure Movement? The whole truth is not likely to be disclosed by the government or other groups until an environment of safety and compassion is set. This is our job. Are we going to continue to be gatekeepers, or are we going to encourage and support one another in compassion so that the truth—whatever it is—can flourish?

Sometimes I wonder if our society keeps up at the pace of worshipping technology, warfare and science that we will become like emotionally unavailable aliens! Who wants that? When will we be ready to shift our values so that truth can arise from us? Do you honestly think the government will offer us the truth on a silver platter? What are we waiting for? Think again. We must become the truth we seek.

More Compassion = More Whistleblowers = More Disclosure

Some whistleblowers like Andrew Basiago (26a) have come forward about black projects such as the Pegasus time travel project. Andy has also experienced alien encounters as a child. (26b, personal communication) Andrew’s case is unique from the standpoint that he has maintained a remarkable degree of lucidity, objectiveness, and articulate intelligence. He had not been as emotionally shattered as so many other survivors of deep black projects have. His story has a greater degree of coherency and credibility. (X factor here) But for every Andrew Basiago out there, there must be at least a dozen others or more, who haven’t recovered their memories, nor integrated their “alters.” They may not have recovered from the trauma, mind control and torture that other MILABS have undergone. And if they do, it is often a long process spanning many years. So, when I consult with a MILAB or someone with less memory, healing and integration, but enough bits and pieces, we can get an idea about what is happening to them, even though the public at large, or even other “abduction researchers” may not connect the dots. The problem of course is in the ridicule, danger, compartmentalization and secrecy of it all.

MILABS: A Pandora’s Box

(Part Two)

Having established this foundation as my preface, I will now present my interview with Lilu. I came into contact with Lilu several years ago because she inquired about my love bite hypothesis and suspected she had reptilian abductions. She also read James Bartley’s reptilian agenda articles such as “MILAB Ops,”  “Reptilian Dreamscape Manipulations” and “Understanding the Reptilian Mind.” (11,12,25,27) Lilu was familiar with the work of David Icke, the late Dr. Karla Turner and Barbara Bartholic’s research. Lilu pieced together some of her memories by consistently doing healing work, which is still a recovery in progress. This is difficult life-long soul searching, and cannot be done with a few hypnosis or counseling sessions.

Over the past decade, Lilu realized herself to have dissociated alter personalities, and buried memories of trauma and torture, as well as alien grey, reptilian and shadow government involvement. In Lilu’s case, she conducted a genealogy search on her family, and found that she was connected to royalty. Lilu believes her encounters with reptilians are connected to her bloodline. She suspects that the reptilian agenda goes much farther than what we can imagine, and also involves a plan for 2012. Although this investigation is ongoing, I felt what she had to say important enough for a preliminary interview. Perhaps I am moving forward too quickly with her information. But I have learned from my experience with interviewees, that more survivors tend to come forward after hearing other testimonies, and this is helpful in the long run. Of course I may look like a fool, but if this can encourage others come forward with similar experiences, then we are assisting in the overall disclosure of the truth.

See also  UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 6: March 25, 1996

Lilu (a pseudonym) is a MILAB-abductee from Australia. She has experienced multiple alien abductions, which include interactions with human and alien entities such as greys, reptilians and humans within the shadow government factions. Lilu’s experiences reflect what some MILAB abductees have recalled, but with a greater degree of occult involvement. Lilu’s ability to perceive her experiences with greater awareness may stem from the fact that she has undergone several near-death experiences, and is naturally clairvoyant. Her experiences include physical, interdimensional, and astral encounters. I believe Lilu’s type of experience, like many other MILABS, have been underreported and marginalized within the alien abduction, mind control and UFO communities.

For every MILAB like Lilu, there must be hundreds of others, who have yet to become aware of, or dare to disclose their real “secret lives.”  I believe the underreporting of MILAB experiences lies in the unfortunate fact that so many of them have endured reprisals following public disclosure of the shadow government working in conjunction with some alien factions.

If one could count the real numbers of abductees and MILABS caught within the confines of secrecy, we would have thousands—perhaps more—people living lives that are analogous to being entrapped in a psychological-spiritual concentration camp. Could the secret lives of MILABS be our modern version of an invisible holocaust?

Interview with Lilu Tuatha

The following disclaimer is by Lilu so the reader will not jump to conclusions or accusations in any way:

“I am aware that these reptilians and human controllers often lie to the MILABS they are controlling. I do not necessarily believe what they say; in fact I am deeply suspicious of them and their motives. I am merely reporting what they tell me. These beings, their non-human vassals, the human reptilian hybrids, and human minions who work for them are completely evil (in my opinion) and must be resisted in every way. Evil in all its forms must be resisted.”

EL: When did you first become aware of being an abductee and/or MILAB?

Lilu: The abduction stuff, I would say I only really admitted it to myself about ten years ago. The MILAB side of it was even harder to get a handle on. I still have only an inkling of what’s going on with me there, but I would say that it was this year that I started to realize that I had military alters and military/assassin training of some kind.

EL: How were your memories of experiences similar or different from the classic “alien abductee” symptoms that Budd Hopkins, Dr. John Mack, Dr. David Jacobs or those described by the late Dr. Karla Turner?

Lilu: I’d say the differences are that although there has been the usual humiliating, invasive and painful examinations, surgical procedures and mind scans, there’s a lot of psycho/spiritual manipulation going on in my case. They seem hell-bent on changing my moral compass, sexual orientation, worldview, psychological makeup and even my soul matrix. They want to have me in a certain mind space by 2012. It’s a long story.

EL: Have you observed this personally—entities trying to sexually program you or other men/women to be homosexual or have alternative sexual compulsions?

Lilu: Yes, it’s one of the most important of their ongoing programs. It’s one of the ways they get in under our God given spiritual firewalls. As many MILABS will testify, it is a particularly abhorrent and traumatic training program but one which MUST be resisted with the entirety of ones soul. Human sexuality is one of the most powerful psychic forces in the universe.

EL: I’d like to hear more about the 2012 mind space. Ideally, what do you think they want you to be or do by that time?

Lilu: The Satanists that contact me say they need my moral compass to be reversed by 2012 – which is coincidentally the Chinese year of The Dragon, or more specifically, “The Dragon In The Rain.”  At that time, the forces of evil, for lack of a better description, for the time being, would like my body and mind to be taken over by a leviathan spirit, (28) a being who I prefer not to name.

EL: Can you explain what you mean by the Moral Compass?

Lilu: The reversal of the moral compass refers to the fact that the entities want to turn me from a warm-hearted compassionate person to a loathsome, hateful, psychopathic and sexually perverted person.

EL: What is a Leviathan Spirit?

Lilu: The Leviathan spirit refers to a very ancient, extremely powerful, negatively polarized reptilian entity. In order to make a comfortable ‘space’ within me for this entity, they have to first ‘turn’ me and destroy my natural God given human morality…the moral compass mentioned in the previous question. This is done by replacing ‘me’ with one of the manufactured personalities that were previously created.

I will say though, that she’s some kind of representative of the sterile, murderous and ultimately dark side of Nature, the ancient Egyptians talked about the Dark Isis, I think that would be quite a fair comparison. They intend for this being to inhabit me in what’s known as a perfect possession scenario. Also, in that year, they want me to hook up with a particular high status person of Royalty in some fashion.

This person’s mother warned me about him in a lucid dream I had this year, and she advised me not to believe a word he said. She told me that he would attempt to befriend me but that I should reject any such advances because in her words, “He’s already gone.” By that, I assume she means that her son is now fully possessed by some other entity. To hear a loving mother forced to speak that way about her own child was very shocking and very heartbreaking. But that’s how ethical and courageous She is…in her service to The Most High. She’ll turn aside her own blood if they’ve gone over the edge of the abyss.

The Satanists also refer to some big-shot named “The Dark Lord” who, they say wants me for a trophy wife.

EL: When did they—the Satanists— say this—regarding the change for your mind space for 2012, and how did you feel about that?

Lilu: I was told that I would be the bride of some ultra big-shot “Dark Lord.” This was about 18 months ago. I was then, and am to this day; very skeptical of anything they say and remain defiant of their agenda in all its loathsome manifestations.

All I have ever wanted is to serve The Most High in peace and love…this is my true nature and I will die a million deaths before I surrender it. I wish to bring peace between the human species and the serpent people. I feel that although there is a very bad bunch feeding on us at this time on Earth, they are themselves victims of a ‘higher’ force of malignancy. These beings are now making themselves known to those with psychic sight. They are called “The Shadows.”  It is they that are the true and lasting enemies of humanity and all life on Earth and the other planets of our galaxy.

I think The Shadows created some the Serpent People as a vehicle for their consciousness and a medium through which to manifest their insane demonic/archontic (29) group mind. One could say, therefore, that the so-called Reptilians that are messing things up on this planet are themselves possessed.

The Shadows are the fallen ones that were imprisoned here in the far distant past. Our mother Earth is their prison cell and they have no love of her as we do. They fear the mind of Gaia as they fear the awakened human mind.

They are parasites in a cosmic and spiritual sense—soul eaters—for want of a better term.

Believe it or not, the reptilian/human Illuminists have asked for an amnesty. Don’t ask me why they’re asking me because I don’t know. They said that ‘The Great Shift’ can come smoothly (in a social sense) or roughly and implied that if they were granted an out of some kind they would ensure the change of power would happen with minimal disruption. I didn’t get the full details because I told them to piss off.

What I’m saying here; is they know that they’ve lost and they’re in damage control mode.

EL: Are others in your family also having similar experiences? Can you tell which bloodline your ancestry is, and perhaps why you are chosen for abductions?

Lilu: They involved my sister and I when we were younger, and I have seen my mother on a craft or in an underground facility being operated on.  A reptilian named Kuulkalzuka said he was inside my father’s body when I was conceived and my daughter is some kind of representative of the Egyptian being Nephthys.

EL: This reminds me of the theory of Aleister Crowley’s Moonchild. The homunculus, which is a specially conceived embryo/child under influences designed to create a child full of knowledge and of the essence of which they desired (33).

Lilu: My mother’s blood is native Irish Catholic. The significant name there is Murphy, which is from the west of Ireland. According to another lady by the name of Murphy who did the ancestral research I couldn’t afford, the Murphy clan is linked with the Howard family, the surname of the former Australian Prime Minister, which flows back all the way to Charlemagne of France. My best girlfriend Christine and I are related through this line—something we only realized a few years back.

It is through my mother that a little Koori (Australian Aboriginal) blood flows also, although it’s a family secret and no one will talk about it. I also have a very strong feeling that the native Irish blood goes all the way to the Tuatha (30).

On my father’s side (and this is where the family demon resides, I think) is the link with the Vikings and with Oliver Cromwell. My ancestor was Cromwell’s right hand in the Scots Protestant army that invaded Ireland in the sixteenth century.

Note by EL: There are other MILABS who have memories (which usually surface as dream flashbacks) of famous people for example, Gloria Hawker’s, “Diary of an Alien Abductee,” (31) Brice Taylor’s memories (10), and anonymous SRA/MPD/DIDs.

EL: Based on your experiences and memories returning to you, do you believe that MILABS, MK-Ultra projects, and trauma based mind control are related to certain ET factions, and if so, which ones?

Lilu: These projects are connected with the Draconian ET faction that has been on the surface of the planet for thousands of years. BUT, because of the evil of Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard’s “The Babylon Working”(34), a doorway was opened and through it came many beings that were not here before 1947. This act of black magic, like so many others, was all about releasing those who were never meant to walk among men. It’s almost biblical when you think about it.

EL: Wow, this reminds me of the former activities of a certain ex-UFO cult member, [Colleen Johnstone, (32)] and channeller whose “light beings”—malevolent entities disguised as beings of light—guided them to do exercises which she was told later, led to portals being opened in various areas of the earth so that hordes of supposed light healing entities could flood into our realm.

EL: Have you ever seen or interacted with alien-human hybrids in your abduction experiences? What are they like? Can you tell if one was walking amongst us who looks perfectly human?

Lilu: You’re talking to one. You see one when you look in the mirror.

EL: So you’re basically saying all of humanity is a hybrid of some sort?

Lilu: I think that’s very likely, yes. Some people have more non-human blood than others however.

Yes, there are extremes though—changelings—if you will, the serial killers, the monster banksters/politicians/public servants who have no conscience or empathy whatsoever, the high level Satanists—MANY of which rule our religions…and I mean all our religions. All of these types are very much a chimera kind of creature, and being such, they’re very open to what is known as perfect possession. An example of this would be an evil priest or Cardinal or Pope.

EL: This sounds reminiscent of some of David Icke’s assertions based on the reptilian shape shifting hybrids that are supposedly overshadowed or even hosted by 4th density interdimensional reptilian creatures. They—the reptilians— are believed to control these bloodlines and our world and manipulate their hybrids like one would manipulate puppets.

EL: Have the ET’s or military ever told you why they have chosen you for their programs?

Lilu: Yes, but different stories from different groups. One story is that the Leviathan from the void, the original Virgin Queen— El wants me as her next ’vessel.’Another is that I’ve been promised to Prince XXXX (as his mistress if you will) who has been taken over by someone they refer to as The Dark Lord.

Another version is that I’m some kind of conduit for cosmic energy, and if I’m at one place at a certain time, then great things will come through me and yet, if I’m in another place at the same time, then something very bad will happen.

EL: Is this what they want to do with you – to make you vulnerable to a type of possession?

Lilu: Yes, they want to wear me down with the constant harassment and manipulation so that I give in and become a negative person, who can then be taken over by another entity.

EL: Can you tell me how being a conduit or vessel works?

Lilu: To be a vessel is to be perfectly possessed. A conduit is a kind of electromagnetic circuit, if you will, a living dynamo that can be powered up during certain rituals – through the use of black ceremonial sex magic. This happened when I was a child, I’m virtually certain it’s still happening in the present – on occasion and is intended to happen on a more dramatic level in the future.

EL: There is a lot mentioned on the Internet and even in the movies, about “Jedi Warriors” or super soldiers with psychic abilities. What is your experience with this, have you met any in your “ops” (black operations under mind control) and are their women who have been trained to have similar capabilities? Which branches of the military or shadow government agencies do they arise from?

Lilu: There are probably more women in the more difficult to master, occult weapons groups than men. However, women are harder to program than men. I mean that with no disrespect. (EL- I have heard Preston Nichols specifically state this in 1998 about female mind control victims) Men are more emotionally fragile than women, although there are exceptions, especially with so much gender confusion going on. Men who want to be women and women who want to be men —it makes it easier for the psi-trainers to make the necessary alterations in the personality.

EL: Do you mean psychic spies and intelligence gatherers or Mother Goddesses like Arizona Wilder?

Lilu: Both. In the MILAB scheme of things and in the Monarch programs, woman/girls are more naturally perceptive than men/boys. Further, on the astral, it is the female who is the active force, not the male. (EL-I have heard this mentioned in another way by an East Indian shaman with respect to a woman’s ability to traverse the underworld realms with greater ease than men.) This is why there are more women trained to be occult high priestesses. Males are used in other ways unless a guy is meant to be a high priest or adept. MILAB Monarch programmed women; depending on their bloodline, have more readily accessible psychic energy.

EL: I have heard this stated from a number of MILABS, as well as work of Barbara Bartholic’s and some of James Bartley’s clients.What constitutes a spiritual warrior?

Lilu: A spiritual warrior is one who RESISTS any and all attempts at the corruption of their mind/soul matrix. A spiritual warrior does not follow the flow of the turbid stream of mediocrity, homogenization and annihilation. A spiritual warrior defends to the bitter end— individuality, humanity, innocence, truth, beauty and decency. This world is in dire need of more people who are willing to go to their grave for these principles. Sadly, way too many abductees and MILABS are deluded, cowardly and/or narcissistic.

But yes, there are true spiritual warriors out there, more every year actually. We achieve a great deal when we’re in our astral states—that’s why the perpetrators mess with us so much – as a distraction—among other things. Know this and rejoice in it—our enemies greatly fear us.

EL: Tell me about how you discovered alter personalities, and how were they created by your “programmers,”  whether alien or human. Are you co-conscious with many of them now? What healing and recovery strategies are you working on to integrate your compartmentalized alters?

Note by EL: Alter personalities are dissociated personality soul parts, which have been deliberately fractured (in mind control programs, such as MK-ultra, Monarch programming) from the core personality via trauma or some kind of abuse. This syndrome, which, in actuality, is considered an anxiety disorder, is called Dissociative Personality Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. (MPD/DID)

Lilu: Different alters are coming up all the time. A friend told me the other night (psychically) that they were coming up to be healed.

They were created at various times, via multiple methods for many different reasons. Some were self-created by me in order to survive.

EL: Can you recall a specific time/memory when an alter was created and how?

I recall that one of the more violent, remorseless ones was created when I was shut in a box, which was then filled with live insects. I was under five years of age, I think. I had to check out (split off), so I didn’t go mad with terror, and when I ’went downstairs’. A new personality which had been previously prepared, was then programmed into me. I also remember that they can download complete personalities in one session. This is alien technology.

They also put demons into people using mind-control technologies.With apologies, apart from the example I’ve already given, I’m not prepared to provide details of where and under what circumstances an alter was created within me. It is too intimate.

EL: Have you ever had alien engineered love relationships or what we now call “alien love bites?”

Lilu: Yes, two of them, very dramatic and very painful. Very strengthening ultimately.

EL: Can you say a little more on how they set you up, jointly shared dreams, astral visits or telepathic commands to get together with that person?

Lilu: The first Love Bite started with a close friend’s astral experience involving her, I, and the man in question. That progressed with synchronicities, telepathy, remote viewing, remote influencing and astral contact, past incarnations and genuine or manipulated memories of shared alien experiences.

In the second instance, I actually felt the alien techno-energy ‘arrow’ go into my heart chakra and artificially activate feelings of love for the target male. That amped up quicker and with more intensity than the first ‘relationship’. It also proved more difficult to extricate myself from. I think this was because the second male is a super-hybrid and perhaps a shape shifter, and is therefore, more morally reprehensible.

EL: How did you know this “second male was a super hybrid—what did he look like and what features/characteristics if any, were distinct from “non-hybrids”?

Lilu: His bone structure, colouring and aspects of his behaviour. He has claws for toenails and very unusual eyes. Also, his very significant astral abilities and extreme predatory sexual obsessiveness. There are other telltale signs but I’m not prepared to discuss them here.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the abovementioned Alien Love-Bite is, that there is an historic aspect involved…in that, the first man’s ancestor did great harm to the ancestor of the second man. I found this out after the fact and was completely blown away, and as you can imagine, I don’t shock very easily anymore.

EL: I may have touched on this before, but the frustrating aspect about alien “manipulation” is whether a memory is genuine or manipulated. For example in the cases of past life memories for the purpose of making two targeted love bite partners believe they are “destined” to be together. This is something that is hard to prove or disprove. I have had abductees tell me that the aliens chose them to be with a certain “targeted partner” because of a stronger energetic bond created via a past life connection. So I can understand why this aspect of alien manipulation is difficult to comprehend.

See also  1999: RE: The Evidence for Alien Abduction

EL: Can you describe for me your experience/memory of how the alien greys or reptilians deliberately tried to cause emotional chaos in you or another person?

Lilu: God, how long have you got? They do it all the time, sweetie. Something triggers you and you just abreact or hear these horrid voices telling you to kill everyone in sight. You just ignore it and go on with your day but it’s very, very real and very intense. I can see how someone who’d perhaps been weakened by booze or drugs could loose it and start obeying the orders—then in the papers—there’s another lone gunman or worse.

EL: Yes, I have heard this from other victims of mind control (Zed, Andy Pero) who stated that so many of these bizarre crimes, shooting others then themselves, (homicide-suicide programming) is common for “mind controlled patsies.”

Lilu: Basically, the ultimate plan with many people, is for the everyday front alter to be so traumatized and sleep deprived (remember what they did to poor old Ted Rice and what they’re doing to PR (27) so continually harassed and tortured – that it eventually just gives up the ghost and checks out permanently. Leaving a spiritual void that can then be filled with whatever programmed alter, or demonic fiend or alien that the perpetrators have in mind.

How many times have we heard old friends of politicians say, “Man! That guy used to believe in something…but now, it’s like he’s a different person!”

Newsflash…he is! There’s a politician in this country right now that is just like that.

EL: Most MILABS and abductees do not recall their experiences with such detail, such as “astral visitations” as you do. Have the entities ever told you why or how you were/are different than the average abductee or human?

Lilu: I’ve died twice and come back – that makes you different. Also, it’s in my astrological and numerological chart. My astrological chart and numerological chart indicate a person of immense power. It is this power that the reptilians are trying to harness. In both charts, it specifically states that what effects me will have a significant effect on the planet. My fate is somehow tied up with the fate of the world. It’s also seated in the DNA. As Barbara Bartholic and the late Dr. Karla Turner found out, there’s a massive link with the more extreme forms of paraphysical phenomena and Gaelic/Celtic and some Indigenous blood groups.

EL: I recall Michael Relfe mentioning that he felt the military had information about specific DNA markers to look for to identify and “sheep dip” certain individuals into black ops where they are used in psi remote influencing, teleportation, time travel and assassinations, etc. This is also something super solider Duncan O’ Finoian mentions regarding his Cherokee/Irish ancestry. (6)

Lilu: Further to that, I did a great deal of spiritual work in my past incarnations which have prepared me for this life and I was fortunate enough to have brought a few abilities with me from my most recent life, despite the violent death I died. I also made a great sacrifice in order to see what I see. It’s a sacrifice that broke my heart in two, and I don’t know how to fully explain it, but because of it, I just changed. It was nothing ritualistic or anything like that but it was very painful. It was however meant to be and I was guided through it every step of the way.

I’ve always felt very close to the spiritual world. As a child I wanted to be a nun so I could spend my years in contemplation and service to The Most High, I even used to pray for Stigmata—so I could feel what the traditional crucified messiah felt. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! Stigmata seems like a walk in the park now, compared to what I’ve been subjected to.

EL: Can you give me an example of what kind of spiritual work and which abilities?

Lilu: There was a significant incarnation in a barren land, wherein I was a wondering hermit. I gained a great deal of insight in that life and was able to die with that knowledge intact. That meant that I was able to carry that deep inner awareness of other realms into the following incarnations. The state of mind a person is in when they die is very important. Also, I was a Priestess in my last life, so it’s fairly easy for me–under certain conditions – to access other dimensions and open portals etc.

EL: What kinds of mind games, manipulations and deceptions have the aliens (humans or military if you can distinguish which) done with you in order to get your cooperation.

Lilu: When I rebel, they terrorize me with the object of my phobia.

EL: Are you aware of having an alien handler or controller?

Lilu: Yes. She’s a very cold and ruthless bitch. They tried to impel me along a path that would have resulted in my possession by demons and ultimately my destruction. Beware of Theosophy and New Age Dogma! They set me up in two agonizing Love Bites, which distracted me for way too long. They constantly try to change my essential nature through telepathy, beaming, dreamscape manipulation and mind control. There’s no part of me (with the exception of my Holy Spirit Self) that they haven’t raped and mutilated. But I’m still here!

EL: What methods of spiritual protection have worked for you when the reptilians start intruding in on your astral and physical space? What are they most afraid of and what are they really after?

Lilu: The reptilians want a reaction, they want a big fat juicy emotional surge, and so I don’t give it to them. I become like a corpse. I make myself feel nothing. They’re not really afraid of religious stuff because they’re not demonic. They’re very, very intelligent animals but they don’t like being blessed very much.

EL: How so? Can you give me an example of what happened when you did bless them—what happened?

Lilu: When I bless demons and some reptilians, they cringe and flee. You must however, mean the blessing with your whole heart. It’s the only way it works…with sincerity. It transmutes the energy and they can’t deal with it. I’m only referring to the bad ones. There are some kind and loving lizard beings out there. I had one go through torture because he came to my aid and I’ve recently had a lot of help from a powerful female reptilian (I can’t say anymore than that about it) As for the greys, astrally punch their ugly heads and they scream like babies, ha, ha. You can even explode their whole head if you concentrate hard enough.

EL:  I recall Andy Pero describing how he burst an alien grey’s head—via mental concentration—during an underground base abduction experience.  Later, I told some fellow “experiencers” about his “alien grey head splattering” incident and the experiencers became angry with me!

Lilu: Demonic entities always flee from love and a good strong heartfelt blessing—they hate that—as do “The Shadows.”  These are the entities that say they tell the reptilians what to do, very nasty characters. Also, with demons or malevolent human spirits, imagine a gun that shoots big pink bullets of pure cosmic energy. They run away from that too, but you have to put strong intent behind it…very strong. Military types are tricky but remote influencing works, of the violent kind. Like if some little purple-haired punk is beaming you from his little console, you can kill him stone dead if you put your mind to it.

EL: Have you ever seen an entity enter into your space via an interdimensional portal? What did it look like, and how do you believe they create or operate these quantum access doorways? Do the military use this type of technology as well?

Lilu: I saw reality crack open once in my dining room but I don’t remember seeing anything come through. I just saw moving lights on the other side.

When I was very young, the Satanists used me to open portals and these snaking lights would come zapping through and go into some of the people who were there. One of the people was a former high level Prime Minister. The portals looked like kind of blobby, swirling lighted stuff. They use mystics or Scarlet Females (Herodulai) to open portals but they may have technology that can achieve the same or a similar thing now.

EL: What psychic abilities and/or spiritual powers do you possess?

Lilu: I seem to be able to communicate quite well with animals. I often know things are going to happen before they do. I sometimes know what people are going to say before they say it. One of my major abilities is an ability to communicate with people in the astral when they are asleep and when I am awake. I can also communicate with the spirits of the deceased and with higher intelligences of various types, i.e. interdimensional, angelic, etc.

EL: What kinds of UFO craft are associated with the greys, reptilians and shadow government?

Lilu: I’ve seen the classic silver discs, a silvery white, rocket looking thing, both of which I associate with the reptilians and their minions—the greys— (although some of the greys are really reptilians underneath). The big black triangles and the boomerang shaped craft are grey/human made, as far as I know. But the light ships—the beautiful, plasma biocraft and the invisible interdimensional galaxy jumpers are something else entirely—something the perpetrators are trying to understand and gain control over.

EL: Have you ever been visited by benevolent ETs, interdimensional beings or angels?

Lilu: Yes. There are lots of great and holy beings in/out there who care very much about what’s happening to us and what’s being done to mother Gaia. She is being attacked on multiple levels. She is becoming fully conscious through humanity and our animal allies and the perpetrators are trying to stop that.

EL: What kinds of information do you believe is inadequate or outright false in the alien abduction New Age and UFO community?

Lilu: The lies that say: (1) There is no such thing as evil. (2) There are no bad aliens. (3) They are our gods. (4) We need them to lead us into the new age—that it’s the darkness in us that invites them in. What darkness is there in a four year old child? That’s all toxic untruths.

EL: Sometimes I wonder whether many of the New Age beliefs such as those mentioned are tactics of the dark side, to prevent us from having the compassionate presence to bring all things into the light of awareness—be they good, bad, ugly or indifferent. Which researchers have you found to be fairly accurate with regards to what you have experienced with the MILAB situation?

Lilu: You, Barbara Bartholic, James Bartley, Dr. Karla Turner, and that’s about it.

EL: What do you believe all this alien abduction, MILAB operations is leading up to? Have you been told of what the future holds by your handlers?

Lilu: From what I can glean, there are two distinct futures ahead for humanity. There’s one future for people who are truly comfortable being slaves. That is not our concern. If a junkie does nothing to kick the habit of substance abuse, what can one do for him? I know how harsh that is and I ache for what lies ahead for the slave-minded of us, but there is nothing that can be done but to allow them to learn from bitter experience. And bitter it will be.

There is another future for those who refuse to go along with what the misleaders want. Those of us who have Self-belief and true Grace, those who’s most fervent desire is to know and serve Truth and Beauty and Love. The cavalry is here and if people remember how to listen, they’ll know where to be and when to be there. There are so many aspects to the planetary and galactic changes that are occurring right now. The cycles that are coming to a close (or a beginning) are so vast that we cannot comprehend them.

EL: I agree, it’s complex.

Lilu: There are many, many beings watching the show. Some of them are humans from light years away – humans who once lived on Earth. There are The Bird Tribes, The Khemetian (Egyptian) beings, the reawakening animal spirits (some of which are our own ’pets’); there are Angels and Nature Spirits. Also, there are the Holy children that have been coming to Earth for the last twenty-five or so years. Have you ever seen such children as ours?

EL: Perhaps you are referring to the indigo children.

Lilu: And there is the great Gaia/Sofia Herself, watching her own rebirth—through our eyes—all births are dramatic and this one will be VERY dramatic too. But I remain optimistic.

EL: What coping mechanisms and/or spiritual practices do you use and recommend?

Lilu: I recommend strenuous and regular exercise. A good diet is very important, including daily fresh vegetable and fruit juices, apart from the essential vitamins and minerals, these juices (when very fresh) contain enzymes, which make one strong in the body and the mind. Prayer and positive visualization is often very helpful.Yoga is fine if you approach it in an active way and not as a method of passive emptying of oneself. It must be done with a focused attention on what you are doing with your body. Your mind should never be empty; this is very dangerous and can lead to possession.

Any meditation should be a concentrated focus on a single thing, whether it be a thought, word, phrase, movement or image. The aim of meditation is focus and mental discipline. All the greatest spiritualities in the world encourage people to more fully incarnate. This is the road to power. This is where human potential lies. One becomes more fully incarnate by continued focus on the present moment, whether one is working or at rest. As Ram Dass said, “Be Here Now.”


After interviewing Lilu, for several days afterward, she experienced extreme posttraumatic stress symptoms, intense anxiety, panic attacks, and fears of reprisals. She was visited by one being during the night, but not certain whom, and found her nose bleeding, and wondered if another implant may have been inserted. Lilu also received telepathic threats not to talk about certain things. She experienced what we have recognized as extreme triggering, and a horrendous fear of reprisals. Just so the reader will know, I have interviewed several MILABS who later retracted their story due to triggering and reprisals. Sometimes these reactions include suicide-programming triggering. This has been reported by other mind control survivors, ( 8,9) and is a serious consideration to take when working with MILABS and super soldiers.

About Eve Lorgen

Eve Lorgen’s involvement in the Anomalous Trauma field spans nearly 20 years. She is a counselor and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and member of the International Board of Clinical Practitioners. Her degrees are in Biochemistry (BS), Counseling Psychology (MA) with additional studies in Oriental Medicine, mysticism, shamanism, yoga and the martial arts.

Early on in her work with alien abductees, mind control victims and experiencers of anomalous trauma, Eve realized that standard psychological and medical methods are incomplete in their treatment modalities. Abductees must take responsibility to expand their awareness, find mutual support with other abductees and take an active part in their healing and recovery process.

Eve has written numerous articles on the alien abduction phenomenon and published The Love Bite: Alien Interference In Human Love Relationships and is a contributing author to the three volume Universal Seduction series by Angelico Tapestra. She has lectured publically and appeared on many radio talk shows. Currently her focus is on transpersonal methods of healing and recovery such as lucid dream work and meditation practice.

Eve Lorgen was raised in the San Francisco Bay area. Her interest in the UFO phenomenon began early in life as a result of multiple-witnessed UFO sightings with family members. She has written and published several articles since 1989 when she began her pioneering work with abductees and survivors of anomalous trauma.  For more information, please visit her excellent Web site at:

References and Notes

1) Leslie, Melinda, RE-ABS: Not MILABS: How the Covert-Ops’ Reverse Engineering of Extraterrestrial Abductees Shifts the Abduction Paradigm

2a) Wilson, K., An Expanded View of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon.

2b) Wilson, K., I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember (free e-book) Forgot/Book Page.html

2c) Wilson, K., The Alien Jigsaw. pp. 114-116, Puzzle Publishing, 1993.

2d) Wilson, K. Project Open Mind (MILABS): Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments?

2f) Wilson, K., The Hybrids: Summary and Discussion.

3) Lorgen, Eve,

4) Lorgen, Eve,



7) Hersha, Cheryl and Lynn, et al., Secret Weapons: Two Sisters’Terrifying Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage. New horizons Press, Far Hills, N.J. (2001).

8) Springmeyer, Fritz & Wheeler, Cisco, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.  Vol. 1&2, Oregon City, OR, (1998).

9) Springmeyer, Fritz & Wheeler, Cisco, Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula, Oregon City, OR, (1998).

10) Taylor, Brice, Thanks For the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave.  Brice Taylor Trust, Landrum, SC, (1999).

11) Turner, Karla, Primer on Military Abductions.html

12) Turner, Karla,


14) Krapf, Phillip, The Verdants: The Contact Has Begun.

15) Sparks, Jim, The Keepers, Jim Sparks, (2008)

16) (Andy Pero’s Story)

7) Lorgen, Eve, The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships. ELogos & HHC Press, Bonsall, CA (2000).

18) Haley Davenport, Leah, A., Lost Was the Key. Tuscaloosa, AL, (1993).

19) Haley, Leah, A., “Unlocking Alien Closets: Abductions, Mind Control and Spirituality.”  Murfreesboro, TN, (2003).

20) Thompson, Richard L., Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena.  Govardhan Hill Publishing, San Diego, CA (1993).

22) Bhairavan, Amarananda, Kali’s Odiyya: A Shaman’s True Story of Initiation.  Nicolas-Hays, York Beach, Maine, (2000).

23) Bhairavan, Amarananda, Medicine of Light: A Shaman’s Journey Through Mystic Space-Time. Nicolas-Hays, York Beach, Maine, (2007).

24) Springmeyer, Fritz, Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Ambassador House, Westminster, CO, (1999).

25) Turner, Dr. Karla, Masquerade of Angels: The Ted Rice Story.



27)Lorgen, Eve,

28) Leviathan Spirit—see:

29) Archons/Archontic—

EL–Archons refer to those who are described in the Nag Hammadi Library tractates as the Archons or Lower Archons. These rulers are under the command of Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, also known as the “Alien God,” “Lion Faced Self Willed,” “Samael,”  and sometimes known as Saklas in some dispositions.

30) Tuatha –é_Danann

31) Hawker, Gloria, Morning Glory: Diary of an Alien Abductee. Write to Print, Merrimack, N.H. (2001).

32) Malevolent Alien Abduction Research:

33) (For more on the ritual preparation of the homunculus see Chapter VII entitled: Of The Homunculus; Conclusion of the Former Argument Concerning the Nature of the Soul.


35a) Lorgen, Eve, Scavengers of Passion. JAR, Issue 2, (July, 2007).

35b) Douglass, Elaine, The Breaking of Jim Sparks.  JAR Issue 2, (July 2007).

36) Wallace, B. Alan, The Four Immeasurables: Cultivating a Boundless Heart. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY, (2004).

37) Gyatso, Janet, Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary.  Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, (1998).

38) Norbu, Namkhai, Chogyal, Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY (2002).

39)Schaik, Sam, Van. Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyintig. Wisdom Publications, Boston, MA, (2004).

40) Chagme, Karma, Naked Awareness: Practical Instructions on the Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY, (2000).

41) Frankovich, K.T., Where Heavens Meet. K.T. Frankovich, Florida, (1999).


43) Ross, Colin A., Military Mind Control.  Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2009).

44) Walden, James, L. The Ultimate Alien Agenda: The Re-Engineering of Humankind. Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN, (1998)

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