

Domed Craft

Of all know craft, the domed disc is perhaps the most instantly recognizable, and has been portrayed countless times in the media, but in reality the shiny silver disc so often represented, is but one of its many variants.

The domed disc shaped craft has a relatively low profile cupola, or dome on the top. And they are generally flat or convex on the bottom. Size can range from 10-15 feet in diameter, to several hundred or more, and they are generally one the most common type of UFOs reported.

Color ranges from a brightly polished metallic silver colour to a dull aluminum in appearance.

Flat bottomed craft are often darker underneath in a center circular area. The craft that have been witnessed on the ground, have been seen to have retractable landing gear that is let down before landing.

Domed saucers are characteristically surrounded by an ionized atmosphere or plasma, that gives them nighttime illumination in red, orange, yellow, green, blue or white, and often gives them a mist-shrouded appearance. The craft make a hum, buzz or whine noise that can be noticeable to near observers. The sound rises in both pitch and intensity seconds before and during takeoff.

Sometimes domed craft make a slight swish of the air sound. At other times the observer is greeted with absolute silence.

Speeds have been confirmed by radar at up to 9,000 miles per hour.


Classic ufo report from July 1947, Scotland

This report is intriguing in many ways, it was around the same time as the famous Kenneth Arnold sighting in the USA, which many regard as the start of the modern ufo phenomena, and it also shows that the proliferation of alien craft was worldwide.

What impresses me about this report is not only its factual content ,but the simplicity of a man going about his everyday occupation, and being confronted by an alien craft that was totally out of his comprehension.

Scotland 1947

Andrew Cherry was a 22 year old factory worker, employed by Woods Bottle Works in the Portobello district of Edinburgh. It was 5.30 on a beautiful summer’s morning in July 1947, as Mr Cherry waited at his usual bus stop close to St John’s School in Baileyfield Road.

Glancing skywards, he caught sight of a strange object, disc-shaped with what looked like a large glass dome in the style of an observation window. The UFO was hovering about 300 feet above the ground, close enough for Mr Cherry to get a clear view of its humanoid occupant.

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The ‘alien’ was wearing dark clothes and was sitting or standing beside a control panel of some kind. He also noted the marked metal texture of the spacecraft ‘like rough diamonds’, and the ‘orange-yellow colour’, which he thinks may have been simply a reflection of the sun’s rays.

The area around the object looked hazy, possibly owing to the object’s energy source. Mr. Cherry could hear a low, smooth hum, which he associated with the flames he could see escaping from the disc. He reckoned it to be 12 to 15 feet in length, but showing tremendous power as it tilted, spun away and disappeared over the Fife coast in a matter of seconds Mr. Cherry describes his experience as ‘ghostly, eerie and awesome’.

This extraordinary event made such a profound impression on Mr. Cherry that he has never forgotten what he saw.

Report 1.

From Ed & Gloria Towers

It was one warm summer Friday around 10:00 PM in the evening in California’s Santa Clarita Valley. I was brushing the swimming pool with a long pole and attached brush so that the kids could swim the following day. The pole requires you reach up to push down. I was standing on a high platform next to the pool and about 4 feet over the rest of the pool area. As I brushed, I saw a craft approaching the house from the West and heading South East. It was about one block away.

I knew right away that it was not a helicopter or plane. It seemed flatter and with lights in a circumference of the main body. I ran towards the house and called my family to see it. Only my wife came out. By that time it was directly over our house and pool. It was approximately 75-100 feet above us. It made no sound whatsoever, and it was at a complete stop over us for about 40 seconds. The only motion was a slight wobble and when it moved downward at an angle.

The craft was about 100 feet in diameter. It had small porthole and lights around it, was metallic and shiny. There was a dome above it and attached to the body. The under section had two rectangular shapes the length of the diameter. It’s rectangular shape was about 7-10 feet in width and as along as the craft. I also noticed ski like devices on the front and on each side of the window. The skis were S shaped with the top of the S facing forward. Upon bending in a downward motion we could see a window or cockpit like glass. It was on the lower edge of the round craft. The window was approximately 4 feet in height and 12-15 feet in length. There was a reflection of soft orange and blue lights from the inside but we could not see anyone.

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It remained bent over for about 10 seconds. It was obvious we were being watched. As I was angled I noticed that light was reflecting from the upper section that was not facing the swimming pool lights. Thus, it seemed to generate light through or from the skin of the craft as the lights that first attracted me faced forward and much lower than the upper section of the craft . My wife and I did not say anything to each other during the experience but she kept saying “oh my God” over and over again. The craft then left slowly at 30-40 MPH. I jumped on a wall around our property to continue seeing for at least 7-miles. I instructed my wife not to discuss it, to draw what she saw and then we would compare drawings. They matched, although mine had more detail and accuracy.

My background include Group Propulsion Systems and later as an executive with several major computer companies. What we saw was close, real, solid, and a beautiful designed craft. I know from my aeronautical engineering background that mankind has no such technology


Report 2.

This report is from an Air Force First Lieutenant who had just completed advanced survival training and was on his way home to Delaware from Stead AFB in Nevada when the incident occurred.

Source was returning to Newcastle County Airport, Delaware, after completion of USAF Advanced Survival School, Stead AFB in his car. At about 0610 he was approximately 30 miles west of Tonopah, Nevada, traveling towards Las Vegas at 80 MPH when the engine of his car suddenly stopped. Attempts to restart the engine were unsuccessful, and Source got out of his car to investigate the trouble.

Outside the car he heard a steady high-pitched whining noise which drew his attention to the four disk-shaped objects that were sitting on the ground about three to four hundred yards to the right of the highway. These objects were totally unlike anything he had ever seen, and he attempted to get closer for a better look at them. He walked for several minutes until he was within approximately fifty feet from the nearest object. The objects were identical and about fifty feet in diameter. They were disk-shaped, emitting their own source of light causing them to glow brightly. They were equipped with a transparent dome in the center of the top which was obviously not of the same material as the rest of the craft. The entire body of the objects emitted the light. They did not appear to be dark on the underside. They were equipped with three landing gears, each that appeared hemispherical in shape about two feet in diameter and of some dark material.

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The source estimated the height of the objects from the ground level to the top of the dome to be about ten to fifteen feet. The objects had a ring around the outside which was darker than the rest of the craft and was apparently rotating. When the Source got to within fifty feet of the craft nearest him, the hum which had been steady in the air ever since he had first observed the objects, increased in pitch to a degree where it almost hurt his ears, and the objects lifted off the ground. The protruding gears were retracted almost instantly after takeoff; the objects rose about fifty feet into the air and then proceeded slowly (about 10 MPH) to the north across the highway, contoured over some small hills about half a mile away and disappeared behind these hills.

As the objects passed directly over the Source, he observed no evidence of any smoke, exhaust, trail, heat, disturbance to the ground or terrain, or any visible outline of landing gear doors or any other outlines or openings in the bottom. The total time of the sighting lasted about twenty minutes. Source then returned to his car and the engine started immediately and ran perfectly. He then proceeded to Indian Springs AFB, Nevada, where he reported the sighting to the base Security Officer.

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