A Real Alien?

realalienThis picture was taken from a frame of a video called “UFOs: Fifty Years of Denial” © 1998 produced by Quick FOX Production, James Fox, Executive Producer (not associated with the FOX News Network). FOX Production said that the “alien” picture was dated circa 1952 and wouldn’t give anymore details.Note the apparent bruising on the face and the knot running diagonally up along the thin neck (like its head was twisted more that 90 degrees then brought back). Is this evidence of crash injuries? It appears that the EBE was erected upright for this picture, you can also make out what looks like rags or packing material is just behind it. Another striking feature is what appears to be a tight fitting uniform.

An Ancient Airplane

In 1898 archeologists found a small wooden object in a tomb at Saqqara, Egypt. They identified it as a “bird model” and placed it in a box of other bird figures in the storage area of a Cairo museum. The object was forgotten for many years until Dr. Khalil Messiha rediscovered it and realized its significance. The Egyptian Ministry of Culture commissioned a group of scientists to study the object. As a result the object was given its own exhibit detailing its unusual features.The six inch long artifact is not a bird effigy, but an advanced model glider. The wings curve downward at the tips, a form called reverse dihedral by modern aircraft designers. The object has proportions which would allow a full scale version to stay in flight at extremely low speeds, down to 45 miles per hour, while at the same time carrying an enormous payload.

See also  1947: J. Edgar Hoover FBI File

Ancient Egyptian engineers always built small scale models of their projects, from ships to temples. Is this artifact an echo of lost technology from before a worldwide cataclysm?


(click on the small pic to see full size)

The two pics above are of a small quartzite human effigy from the Mississippian period which may have alien influence in its design. Note the eyes and count the fingers, see size of head, etc. This artifact was found in Washington County, Virginia on a big Indian habitation site.

oldpaintings paintingsufo
ceramicincanartifacts aboriginepaintings
madonna hitachijapan1803 roma


This is supposedly a 4000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. See larger image to view alien.


This beam is reported to be from the Roswell crash. It was first seen as part of the Ray Santilli purchased film.


Supposedly this image was revealed to an abductee.


Egyptian Inscriptions reportedly found at the Temple of ABYDIOS, Larger image clearly shows an airplane and helicopter.


This is a recreation based on Lonnie Zamora’s experience in Socorro, New Mexico.


An artifact supposedly from the Roswell crash, kept secret by Air Force.


a man named “Nathan” claims to be able to write and read this alien language.


These figures were revealed to the mind of “Jessy,” supposedly from an alien intelligence.


“Lynn,” who lives in Arizona claims to have been shown this 3-D holographic view of space.


Revealed via astral projection.


Revealed to Michelle in a dream


Revealed to Michelle in a dream


Revealed via astral projection.


Revealed via astral projection.


Revealed via astral projection.


This drawing was given to Mortician Glen Dennis by a nurse friend. She claims to have been in an alien autopsy at Roswell


More script revealed through astral projection.


“Michelle” claims to have been given this image in a dream.


“Diana” claims to be able to write an alien language. She began as a child writing on rocks.


More images supposedly revealed by an alien intelligence.


This appears to be a sculpture of an alien being of some kind.


Cemetery in Aurora, Texas where an alien pilot was buried after its UFO crashed.


A man in Minnesota was given this starlist, but cannot, so far interpret it.


This image was seen hovering on the ceiling.


Debris supposedly from the Roswell crash.


These glyphics were taken from the Roswell I-beam.


A recreation of the map Betty Hill drew in regressive hypnosis.


See also  2015: What on Earth Crash-Landed in Mexico?

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