A: 309000 years ago, approx. Reflection passed down through a psychic memory channel.

Jeremy Narby writes in “The Cosmic Serpent:”

“As I browsed over the writings of authorities on mythology, I discovered with surprise that the theme of twin creator beings of celestial origin was extremely common in South America, and indeed throughout the world. […] I wondered what all these twin beings in the creation myths of indigenous people could possibly mean. […] Ruminating over this mental block I recalled Carlos Perez Shuma’s words: ‘Look at the FORM.’

“That morning, at the library, I had looked up DNA in several encyclopedias and had noted in passing that the shape of the double helix was most often described as a ladder, or twisted rope ladder, or a spiral staircase. It was during the following split second, asking myself whether there were any ladders in shamanism, that the revelation occurred: ‘The LADDERS! The shamans’ ladders, symbols of the profession, according to Metraux, present in shamanic themes around the world according to Eliade!

“[In] Mircea Eliade’s book “Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of ecstasy,” [I] discovered that there were ‘countless examples’ of shamanic ladders on all five continents, [and that] ‘the symbolism of the rope, like that of the ladder, necessarily implies communication between sky and earth. It is by means of a rope of ladder that the gods descend to earth and men go up to the sky.’ (Eliade, quoted by Narby, 1999)

“According to Eliade, the shamanic ladder is the earliest version of the idea of an axis of the world, which connects the different levels of the cosmos, and is found in numerous creation myths in the form of a tree.

“Campbell writes about this omnipresent snake symbolism: ‘Throughout the material in the Primitive, Oriental and Occidental volumes of this work, myths and rites of the serpent frequently appear, and in a remarkably consistent symbolic sense. Wherever nature is revered as self-moving, and so inherently divine, the serpent is revered as symbolic of its divine life. […] Thus the visible snake appears as merely the brief incarnation of the vital principle and if all the forces of nature. It is a primary OLD GOD found at the beginning of all cosmogonies before monotheism and reason toppled it.’ (Campbell, quoted by Narby, 1999)

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But Joseph Campbel goes on to talk about an “inversion” a “twist” in the world mythology of the cosmic serpent/tree/ladder. The first twist is that the serpent, formerly the offspring of the Earth Goddess, and her symbol, becomes the symbol of the male consort of the Goddess. The second twist is when the Male god becomes the slayer of the serpent.

So, in the beginning, we have the serpent, representing the amorphous, undifferentiated female creative potential, and then we have a story that tells us that “something” happened to this “serpent/tree/ladder.” Could this be the “adulteration” of human DNA as described by the Cassiopaeans?

All living species on earth are made up of exactly the same 20 amino acids. The average protein is a long chain made up of approximately 200 amino acids, chosen from those 20, and strung together in the right order. According to the laws of combinatorials, there is 1 chance in 20 multiplied by itself 200 times for a single specific protein to emergy fortuitously. this figure is greater than the number of atoms in the observable universe!

Francis Crick writes that the organized complexity found at the cellular level “cannot have arisen by pure chance.” Life is based on the “DNA alphabet” that has not changed a letter in four billion years while, at the same time, multiplying in an extraordinary number and variety of species.

It would be impossible to give here all the examples of the double serpents of cosmic origin associated with the creation of life on earth. For more on this subject, refer to the books mentioned.

Suffice it to say: all the cells in the world contain DNA – be they animal, vegetable, or bacterial – and they are all filled with salt water – the cosmic ocean in which the “serpent” is coiled. They associate in pairs to form the rungs of a ladder, and they twist into a spiraled stack. One of the two strands is a back-to-front duplicate of the other and the genetic text is “doubled.” It contains a main text on one of the ribbons which is read in a precise direction by the transcription enzymes, and a backup text which is inverted and most often not read. But, the backup text allows repair enzymes to reconstruct the main text in case of damage and, above all, provides the mechanism for the duplication of the genetic message.

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Twins, therefore, are essential to life, just as the myths tell us, and they ARE associated with a serpentine form.

In the earliest myths, the “Twins” were Adam and Eve, or Vishnu and Lakshmi, or whoever. In later myths, the twins become two men who battle continuously over an adulterous woman. This is another symbol of an adulteration of human DNA by some “twist” in the order of things.

Q: (L) You said that time was an illusion that came into being at the “time” of the “Fall” in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there are other illusions put into place at that time…

A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state.

Q: (L) Okay, what other illusions?

A: Monotheism, the belief in one separate, all powerful entity.

Q: (L) What is another one of the illusions?

A: The need for physical aggrandizement.

Q: (L) What is another of the illusions?

A: Linear focus. Unidimensionality.

So, it seems that we are “programmed to believe,” exactly as don Juan has remarked. And this is a curious thing.

From “The Curse of Cain:”

“Collective Identity, which is a result of a covenant of Monotheism is explicitly narrated in the Bible as an invention, a radical break with Nature. A transcendant deity breaks into history with the demand that the people he constitutes obey the law he institutes, and first and foremost among those laws is, of course, that they pledge allegience to him, and him alone, and that this is what makes them a unified people as opposed to the ‘other,’ as in all other people which then leads to violence. In the Old Testament, vast numbers of ‘other’ people are obliterated, while in the New Testament, vast numbers are colonized (or annihilated) and converted for the sake of such covenants.” (Schwartz, 1997)

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This brings us face to face with the idea of the ‘provisional’ nature of a covenant. This means that it is conditional. “Believe in me and obey me or else I will destroy you.”

This “belief business” constitutes a sort of ‘permission,’ if you will, to accept the ‘vengeful’ action if the agreement is broken. The Hebrew phrase for ‘he made a covenant,’ is “karat berit”, or literally, he CUT a covenant. In the covenant with Abraham in genesis, animals are cut in two and a fire passes between them in a mysterious ritual. Then, there is the cutting of the flesh at circumcision, and the Sinai covenant where the laws were cut into stone. So, these covenants are apparently what constituted Israel as a nation. The entire foundation of Monotheism is framed by the severed pieces of animals, it seems. Could these “cuts” be a symbol of the “breaking apart” of DNA? Most particulary when associated with the genitals!

Returning to “The Curse of Cain:”

“We are heirs of a long tradition in which Monotheism is regarded as the great achievement of Judaeo-Christian thought. Monotheism is entangled with particularism, and with the assertion that this god, and no other, must be worshipped. This particularism is so virulent that it reduces all other gods to mere idols, and is so violent that it reduces all other worshippers to abominations. The danger of a universal Monotheism is asserting that its truth is THE truth; its system of knowledge, THE system of knowledge; its ethics, THE ethics; not because any other option must be rejected, but because there simply IS NO OTHER OPTION. They presuppose a kind of metaphysical scarcity, a kind of hoarding mentality, hoarding belief, hoarding identity, hoarding allegience, because there is a finite supply of whatever, it must be contained in whole or part. It suggests limit and boundaries.” (The Curse of Cain, Regina M. Schwartz; University of Chicago Press; 1997)

Q: (L) Can you tell us a little bit about how these illusions are enforced on us, how they are perceived by us?

Go to: Analysis Part III

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