President Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question. Initially, the society was made up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in 1952 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12

Later on, the terms “Jason Society” and “Jason Scholars” were used to refer to all the people out of the academic and scientific world that work together with or for MJ-12. Typically they work on project Majority and are members of Majestic / Maji.

The Jason Scholars also were the ones that were responsible for the recommendations, known as Alternative 1, Alternative 2 and Alternative 3, for the case that some -possible alien induced- catastrophe might threaten Earth.

Alternative 1: was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere from which the heat and pollution could escape into space.

Alternative 2: In order to preserve the ‘best’ of humanity when the supposed ‘self-destruction’ of the earth takes place around the year 2,000, the JASON Society proposed that a vast network of underground cities be built in order to secure living quarters for the chosen Illuminati elitehigh level cooperative politicians, and selected military elements. Underground cities are also co-habited by extraterrestrial alien groups that the secret government has made treaties with for technology exchange and human-alien hybrid breeding programs.

The idea of the earth ‘self destructing’ around the turn of the century due to overpopulation was perhaps an early cover story for the justification of the underground cities. In the 1950’s and 60’s, the American public was led to believe that the continuance of government, in the event of worldwide nuclear war, was a logical reason for underground facilities, but we now know that the entire Soviet/American cold war and MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) scenario was an orchestrated Illuminati deception to bleed both Russian and American citizens of their wealth in order to finance black budget operations, secret technology developments, underground city construction, genetic engineering projects, time & space travel research, and anti-gravity, flying saucer spacecraft development.

See also  Project Moon Dust

Another possible reason may have to do with information that the Illuminati obtained from aliens in 1947, following the Roswell crash. The aliens may have warned the secret government of the inbound trajectory of a huge planet named Nibiru, causing earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, and earth movements of cataclysmic and Biblical proportions. The American public, kept in the dark about these underground construction plans, would have to fend for themselves on  the surface when the Bad Times came (it’s also possible that the inbound Nibiru/cataclysm scenario is (was) a disinformation ploy ).

Based on 1989 information, it was claimed that there were at least 75 underground cities in existence below the soil of America interconnected by high speed, frictionless trains called Maglev trains (Magnetic Levitation). The former Atomic Energy Commission had also constructed  22 separate underground cities for their own use.

(1) [Update: In 1995, Phil Schneider said that there were 129 underground cities and in May of 2001, Stewart Swerdlow, former mind controlled “Montauk Boy” , claimed that there now exists 133 underground cities in North America. Al Bielek also claims that there are many hundreds of underground cities and bases built worldwide]

Alternative 3: Due to the access to certain alien technologies-including interplanetary space flights-which became available to the American government as a result of the Greada treaty signed by President Eisenhower and  aliens in 1954,  the JASON Society proposed that operational bases should be set up on the Moon and Mars -which would also provide a safe sanctuary for the highest of the elites when the ‘self-destruction’ of the earth was going to take place a little after the turn of the new century. Bases on the Moon and Mars have indeed been built and have been in operation since the late 1950’s.

See also  1992: Abduction Experience Classification

All three Alternatives included recommendations for population “control”. They included: 
1. Birth control 
2. Sterilization, and 
3. The introduction of deadly microbes to reduce otherwise slow the growth of the earth’s population.

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