Project/Group Name: The Sleeping Beauty Project 

Mission: Its purpose was to examine the possibility of using electromagnetics to disrupt the functioning of the human nervous system. They explored a list of what seemed to be foolishly impossible notions; but in fact, are nearing technical reality.

Date Started: Reagan Administration Ended:

Who or Whom Started It: DIA project

Part of what Government Agency: ?


Special Features/Characteristics:



Full Report

Operation Sleeping Beauty

During the Reagan Administration, a top-secret project Operation Sleeping Beauty was initiated. Its purpose was to examine the possibility of using electromagnetics to disrupt the functioning of the human nervous system. They explored a list of what seemed to be foolishly impossible notions; but in fact, are nearing technical reality.

Some of the ideas explored were focused on the use of artificially generated electromagnetic fields to:

  • Unhinge a man’s mind;
  • Paralyze the capacity to reason and react;
  • To induce a fit of rage, a state of panic, or a lethargic state of indifference — all at the throw of a switch;
  • To induce physical reactions.

Later, they developed a number of scenarios that could be handily resolved through the use of these terrifying futuristic electromagnetic weapons…

Quelling rampaging mobs by zapping them with a beam that would cause them to involuntarily vomit.

In hostage situations, disrupting the hostage takers’ minds long enough to storm the place safely;

In cases where terrorists are holed up in impenetrable stronghold with explosive devices, electromagnetic weapons could penetrate the walls and disable the terrorists.

Serious steps have been taken to answer the questions Sleeping Beauty raised… and the answers are pretty startling — and terrifying.

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