
This report was constructed from over 9 hours of video interviews, personal interviews and individual commentary. It is structured in an open question-answer format, without regard to who is asking the question and who is answering; this format also allows insertion of other data in the later part of the report in the same open Q&A format. The data is not proven or verified, but is reported as received. This report contains information on the following: The Philadelphia Project, or Project Rainbow, Phoenix Projects 1-3, origins of the Radiosonde and connections with the work of Wilhelm Reich, government weather control programs and hidden agenda, the Montauk Hind Control projects, the deliberate murder of thousands of American children in mind control research and time tunnel experiments, government time-tunnel projects and operational procedures, how Nickola Tesla and Von Neumann contributed to these projects, the “martyrdom clause”, mind control by individual signature, technical ways to produce planetary holograms and Matreiya effects, the explanation behind closed time loops, government rationale and plans for the confinement camps and slave labor, Project Dreamscan, Project Moonscan, the Airborne Instrument Labs, Project Mindwrecker, the alien groups known as the Kondrashkin and their interaction with US Government mind control programs, the Kamogol II and Giza Groups, the negative Sirians, Soviet scalar weaponry, Orion Group manipulations, 6th root race incarnations, telepathy producing drugs and their use and suppression, the FAA and zero-time generators, technical spin-offs from the Philadelphia project, the International Aerospace Alliance, cross-section of implant device, Wilhelm Reich and mind control, Reichian Orgastic-type programming and its use by the US Government and Sirians, the Psi-Corps, Alien soul-trading, Montauk and the aliens from the Antares system, the Leverons, the Elohim Group, the US Navy and time-tunnel projects, the US Government and the Greys, electronic life support,systems of the Reptilian Humanoids, new life form masses over the poles and their relation to yearly outbreaks of flu-like disease, AIDS and Fort Dietrick (NSA), Maglev trains and the US underground tunnel network, the missing human genes, buried spacecraft and alien technical archives under the Giza pyramid, the coming new money, the “Black Nobility”, Nordic and human copper based blood systems and physiology, the technology of cloning and the development of synthetic humans and political replacement programs, the Middle East situation, Congressional awareness of drug and alien agenda, the MIB, the US Army and the black helicopter forces, government mobile mind disruption technology, nature and purposes and the Orion Group, fourth density transmutation of the human race, geological changes, Sirian Mind Control technology, and more, along with illustrations gleaned from witnesses with photographic memory and a lot of courage. This information is supplementary to that in Chapter 7 (Matrix III).

The Interviews

Where do you want to start?

Let’s start with the Phoenix Project.

It was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. it was a project that the Navy did in the 1930’s and 1940’s in an attempt to make ships invisible. They threw the switch one eventful day and the ship went into hyperspace. They had all sorts of problems with the people on the boat. It was a huge success as well as a huge failure – then they shelved it. Around 1947 it was decided to re-activate the project and it was moved to Brookhaven National Laboratories with Dr. John Von Neumann and his associates. Out of Phoenix I came Stealth technology, which I cannot talk about because of my job. It also produced all sorts of energetic little toys like the radiosonde.

What is a radiosonde?

Well, in all appearances it was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy. I very recently started collecting radiosondes. I never saw a receiver. I found out that they were designed up at Brookhaven National Labs. I started to talk to people at Brookhaven and ran into a retired gentleman who used to work there. He told me that the design was originally done by Wilhelm Reich. That peaked my interest. The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source. This produces a Deadly Orgone Energy – DOR – which threatens life. It is also produced in the atmosphere through other processes. The government sent the device up there into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm. The government liked it, and they started another phase of the Phoenix project where they designed these “radiosondes” and started launching them in large numbers, maybe 200 to 500 per day. The radio in these things had a range of about 1oo miles. If they used so many of them, one would think that receivers for them would be common-place. I used to be a collector of radio receivers. I have over 100 in my personal collection. I have never seen a radiosonde receiver. I have heard of them but I have never seen them.

What are the frequencies used?

The frequencies used are 403 MHz and 1680 MHz. They used two different frequencies.

They are both on at the same time?

No. One or the other was used at any one time. The earlier ones used 403 MHz plus or minus 2 MHz. The later ones used 1680 MHZ, plus or minus 6 MHz. The “thermistor” in them had gold, silver, platinum and iridium in it. Reich used sensors that had gold and silver in them. The humidity element is a plastic plate with silver around the rim and conductive lines going across the plate. They put a very unusual mixture of chemicals on this plate. Unlike most humistors, the resistance went up as it got damp.

What we’re theorizing at this point is that the “thermistor” (temperature sensing) rod acts like a DOR antenna out-of-phase. The “humidity sensor” acts as an antenna for the orgone; The pressure sensor is essentially what they call a barrel switch, which is a pressure sensitive cycling switch. The device would destroy DOR and build up the orgone. The transmitter consisted of two oscillators, one of which would run at the carrier frequency (403 or 1680) and a second one which was a 7 MHz oscillator hooked into the grid of the carrier oscillator. The result was that the 7 MHZ oscillator would pulse on and off.

How does all this relate to what was going on with these other projects?

The government could not tell the public these were weather control devices. What we are seeing here is actually the genesis of what became the Montauk project, which was a combination of Wilhelm Reich’s work and the Philadelphia Experiment. There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich’s weather control. Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich’s concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the “radiosonde” project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for MIND CONTROL. Government circles would have me say “mood alteration”, but mind control is what these idiots were doing.

That’s what the Montauk project was?

No. Phoenix One. After political circles found out about it they wanted it shut down. The people that were running it went to the military and proposed that they could use it to “influence the minds of the enemy”. The military loved the idea, and let them use the old Montauk Air Force Base. Among the equipment requested was an old SAGE radar unit, which was on the base. The base was shut down and everything was auctioned off. The group then moved in from the Brookhaven Labs. That began what we call Phoenix Two. They spent the first ten years, from about 1969 to about 1979, researching pure mind control. They started out by taking the output of the SAGE radar, modulating the special wave that Reich had showed them from the weather control process, and combined that with something noticed from the Philadelphia Experiment work. They transmitted about 406 MHz. It would hop around frequencies and change in phase. They used the amplidine concept where you have many stages pulse-modulated. BRF was from 10 cycles to 750 cycles. The pulse width could be varied anywhere from 10 to 75ms. The center frequency was 406MHz generated from a stay-low type function which was referenced from a zero-time function.

Was there any other modulation on this?

There was frequency hopping on it.

So Phoenix Two started in 1969?

Yes, in the period from 1969 to 1971. Phoenix One went from 1948 to 1968. The first part of the mind control project was to take an individual and stand them about 250 feet away from the antenna. The SAGE radar had a peak pulse power of .5 MW. The antenna had a gain of 30db. That means an effective radiated power of at least a gigawatt. It was nominally a gigawatt. Can you imagine what that would do to people? I think its amazing these people are still here. It does things like burn out brain functions, create neurological damage, scar lungs from heat, etc. They tried this with a number of people and there were few survivors.

Where did they get the volunteers for this?

They were just grabbing indigent people off the street and throwing them in front of the radar beam. That’s the sort of nonsense that the government loves to do.

Who was in charge of the project at this time?

Dr. John Von Neumann and Jack Pruett.

Any particular agency?

I’m not sure what the agency was. Now, somebody got the brilliant idea to put the subjects directly in line with the gain horn of the antenna. Lo and behold they got their result without burning the people up. They found out that by varying the phase modulation and the frequency hopping and the pulsing of the multiple phases that they could have profound effects on a persons mind.

How many people worked at this installation?

About 30.

Who authorized them use of the base?

The Air Force and the Navy. It was a joint project. There were both Navy and Air Force personnel involved. We have copies of the orders for the Air Force personnel.

What was the cover story for the base?

They had none. It was a derelict base.

It was abandoned. It was turned over to GSA as surplus around 1969 or 1970 when they shut down all the SAGE radar systems.

It was a “non-existent” operation. it was a perfect cover.

Where did they get the funding?

It was totally private.


It didn’t originally come from corporations, although it did in later phases. The original money came from the Nazi government.

This is Phoenix One?

No, this is Phoenix Two and Three. In 1944 there was an American troop train that went through a French railroad tunnel carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold which they had found. it was $10 billion at the 1944 price of $20 per ounce. The train was blown up in the tunnel. It killed 51 American soldiers. The gold turned up ten years later at Montauk. This has been verified. That money was used to finance the project for many years as the value of gold went uo. They spent all of it and ran out of money. That’s when they tapped on ITT, who funded it. ITT was owned by Krupp in Germany. In terms of personnel, many of the civilians and scientists there were all ex-Nazi’s who came from Germany both before and after the war ended. The project was under US Government surveillance. The intelligence community knew what was going on and the CIA monitored everything, as did other government intelligence agencies. The field of players who actually operated on the base was small, between 30 and 50. The funding was entirely private. After 1983, Senator Goldwater found out about it and started an investigation. He couldn’t find any trace of government funding. Pruett was the metaphysical director of the project. He was Air Force. After he left Dr. Herman C. Untermann took over. They had an electronics expert, Dr. Mathew E. Zerrett, who came over from Germany in 1946 with Werhner von Braun. Probably the reason that they ran out of money is that they had a total of 25 bases around the United States to support. The last of the bases shut down August 12, 1983. The base at Montauk, where all the stations got their zero-time reference from, shut down and the other two remaining bases went down with it.

What about some of the mind effects?

From what I recall of the program, as I was part of it, I was subjected to the mind control field not as I initially went into the program (because they wanted me initially for my sensitive abilities) but later. I was assigned to the indoctrination of the younger recruits. The first indoctrination turned out to be a disaster. I told them I didn’t want anything to do with the program, and they put me in front of this mind beam, and it did do damage to me. Finally, someone said, “shut it off, he isn’t going to give in to it” and they shut it off. Others were affected much more seriously than I was. The effects were generally really bad. It could burn your brains out. They would go out and pick kids between the ages of 12 and 16 off the street…

That’s where a lot of disappearing American kids went?

We estimate they took 10,000 American children off the street and brought them to Montauk, New Jersey. The total number of people that they pulled off the streets for the 25 stations was about 250,000. What the actual thrust of the program was in terms of all these kids is still a mystery. We still don’t know the answers. We know they were fully programmed for something. They were subjected to programming which eventually became more “humane” using advanced electronic techniques. The original programming was Reichian in nature and was more physical. Later they worked out techniques that used computers and electronic programming with the Reichian techniques that took very fast and had little side effects.

See also  Project: PEGASUS

Are you aware of any people presently who have been through this?

I’ve run into people over the years. There is a very specific field identity pattern you can detect if you are sensitive enough. You can spot a person who has been through the Montauk program “five miles away”. it’s vary distinctive in the way that it’s been altered. I’ve spotted more than a dozen people in the Long Island, New York area.

What about Von Neumann?

He was still alive up until 1989. He has run into a problem with the government as well as other problems, such as a personality split in 1977, when he resigned as director and became a consultant. The government told everyone he died in 1956. The government is still interacting with him.

Were any of the Montauk subjects given psycho tropic drugs?

I don’t think so…

They used one drug which was used in connection with the Reich programming to make them more receptive. I don’t remember the name of it. The effect of the drug was that it would make you “horny as hell”.

Also euphoric at the same time?

Also euphoric, yes.

Did they get this mind-altering chair from the aliens?

The prototype came from the aliens. Beyond that we are uncertain. This chair was essentially a mind amplifier. The government would have specially trained individuals sit in the chair and generate thoughtforms, which would be amplified and transmitted. They could transmit the signal and put people in a pre-orgasmic state where they would be receptive to programming. It worked very well and they found other capabilities. They found that it could work in time. They had a psychically trained individual sit in the chair and generate a thoughtform of a vortex that connected 1947 and 1981. That’s exactly what they got – a time tunnel they could walk through. There was a series on television at one time that portrayed this concept fairly accurately. These were some of the earlier capabilities. They started going forward and backward in time. That was the last phase of the Phoenix project.

When did this time machine get going?

Around 1979 or 1980 it was fully operational. This transmitter had enough power to warp space and time. The individual in the chair would have to synthesize the vortex function because they didn’t have the technical capability to do that. It can now be mechanically synthesized. They did other things. They had the subject in the chair think of some creature, and the creature would materialize. They had the individual in the chair think of all the animals at Montauk point charging into town, and that’s exactly what happened. They almost had the power to create a being. The problem they had was that what they created only stayed as long as the mind amplifier was on. The power was somewhere between gigawatts and terrawatts. Tremendous power. The vortex could have a diameter of about five miles.

Can you describe what this looked like?

Its like looking into a peculiar spiral tunnel which was lit up down its entire length. You would start to walk into this thing and then suddenly you’d be pulled down it. You didn’t walk through it as such. You were more or less propelled through it. You could go anywhere in space and time.

Could you bring things back?


Have you ever brought anything back?


Could you continue your description of the tunnel?

Yes. The walls were solid but fluted. The tunnel was not straight but was a sort of corkscrew shape.

If someone turned off the power, would you be stuck in the destination time and space?

Yes. You’d be stuck there.

Did they send a lot of kids down the tunnel’?

Yes, but we don’t know what their goals were. They lost a lot of kids.

Since there is a time loop between however far you went back in the past through however far into the future, is everything fixed?


One of the first things they did was send recruits forward to around 6030 AD. It was always to the same point. Somewhere in an abandoned city where there was a statue of solid gold. When they came back they were asked what they saw. Whether they were expecting to find a different answer from person to person is unknown. They would look into the vortex and make sure the environment would support life before they sent people. They took samples.

Are there potential futures that people could be sent to?

No. once you make the connection with the future the line becomes fixed to that point.

Can you change the present by sending someone to the past?

Yes. You can also change the present by sending someone into the future. Under certain conditions. The government is using existing time machines to go forward in the Montauk time line.

Are you saying that now the present can’t be changed because we have established a time-loop through the future and the past?

Yes. That means whatever everyone is doing between the most extreme past point and the future they will be doing forever.

What is the furthest anyone has traveled in the future?

10,000 AD.

So everything is locked in until 10.000AD?

Yes. It’s a dreamlike reality. No one has picked up a tangible future beyond 2012 AD. There is a very abrupt wall there with nothing on the other side.

Prophecies speak of earth changes around then.

Curious, isn’t it?

Can you project yourself two hours into the future and meet yourself?

Yes, but its very dangerous. The person who walked into the tunnel is out of phase with the person who comes out the other end. This did happen. The result is that the person just incinerates.

Did they ever give you a weapon in case you ran into anything negative?

They didn’t have to do that. The vortex could be arranged to follow the person, so that they could bring them back in if anything went wrong. They could see them on a viewer.

So they achieved a working time portal. At one point they had a situation where they had a “monster from the ID” type creature come through and everyone went into a panic. They shut the transmitter off. The creature ate people and equipment. They had to go back and shut down the unit in Philadelphia in order to shut off the unit in the future so they could stop this creature in 1983. This was on August 12,1983. The vortex locked on to the 12 August 1943 test and formed a loop. All this occurred because someone planted the thought in the mind of the operator in the chair to generate this creature. It was an effort to sabotage the project. A lot of people thought the project had gone too far. When I worked for them between 1971 and 1983 1 was so tired when I would get home from work. What they would do is that when I my mission was over they would return me to a point milliseconds before I left. It would appear from one perspective that I never left. Of course, after I stopped working there, all that stopped. Is there a reason that all these things happened?

If you go back into the Philadelphia experiment end of it, which was the beginning of the whole business, one can see from the way that thing was maneuvered that there was a higher force of some kind involved in setting the whole thing up …. because it never would have happened the way it did unless two obscure dates 40 years apart coincided between the two experiments: the project known as the Philadelphia experiment, or Project Rainbow, in 1943 and the Montauk project in 1983.

If I may interject something here. There is a point about two thirds of the way down the time tunnel where the person who is going through the tunnel perceives a large “thump”. The person’s consciousness leaves their body. There is a tendency to see things on a broader basis. I am sure there was some intelligence there. Looking back on my experiences, I’m sure there was some intelligence there. I would have trouble with the recognition of it. What they were trying to do at Montauk was to stabilize the perception process that would occur upon exteriorization from the body. They were trying to manifest that for some reason. We don’t know what their purpose was.

What was the role of the aliens in this whole thing, other than the prototype of the mental amplifier chair?

That would be the another part of this that we haven’t got into yet.

Let’s look at what the Philadelphia experiment got into in a technical sense. It was what started all this happening. It originally began back in the 1930’s in Chicago with three people. Dr. John Hutchinson Sr., who was the Dean of the University of Chicago, Nickola Tesla, and Dr. Kurtenaur, who was an Austrian physicist who was on staff at the University.

They decided to do something with the speculation regarding the concept of things and people being invisible. This subject had been discussed for several year. They got together and did some research at the University of Chicago around 1931 or 1932. In 1933 the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton was formed and the project was transferred there in 1934. One of the people on staff at the Institute was Dr. John Erich Von Neumann, who was from Budapest Hungary. He got his degree in chemistry in 1925 and his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1926. He taught in Europe for about four years and transferred to the United States. He taught at the graduate level for three years and was invited to join the Institute.

Other people at the Institute included Albert Einstein, who left Germany in 1930. He went to the California Institute of Technology for three years and taught there and then went to the Institute upon their invitation and acceptance. A lot of other people showed up there as time went on. The project expanded about 1936. In the meantime, Tesla was named director of the project. He was a friend of president Franklin Roosevelt, whom Tesla met in 1917 when FDR was secretary of the Navy. Tesla was asked at that time to do some work for the government for the war effort, which he did. He accepted and became director of the invisibility project until he resigned in 1942. In 1936, after intensive study, they decided to have an initial test of their work. They achieved some partial invisibility. The Navy and everyone else was encouraged to continue the work, and the Navy supplied money for research.

Scientists were coming to the United States from Germany until 1939, when the war with Germany was started.

In 1940, after research using Tesla’s approach, they decided they were ready for a full test at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small ship and a tender ship at each side. One ship provided the power and the other supplied the drive for the coils. They were tendered to the test ship by cables. The idea was that if anything went wrong they could cut the cables or sink the test ship. Everything worked and the project was declared a success.

The important point about the 1940 test is that there was no one on board the test vehicle. It was strictly a dry run with no people. This is important because of what happened later.

Other people came on board. Thomas T. Brown joined the project because of his expertise in electrogravity effects. He had the task of solving the problem of the German magnetic mines that were affecting allied shipping and Naval efforts. This led into a parallel project which involved the use of degaussing coils and cables to explode the mines at a distance from the ship.

The Navy wanted several people to keep an eye on the tests. That is how I got involved. Keeping technical commentaries. Let’s look at Nickola Tesla.

In 1879 his father died and his first year at college ended. He came to the United States in 1884. He had enormously intuitive insight. He had a perfect track record. Before coming to the US he had known Robert Oppenheimer, who later worked with the development of the atomic bomb, and Dr. David Hilbert, the mathematician who devised equations for Hilbert Space, which described multiple space or multiple realities mathematically. These equations for multiple space became very important in the project. Dr. von Neumann met Hilbert in 1927 and retained a lot of what he had learned. With that, Von Neumann developed other new systems of mathematics. Von Neumann was considered to be one of the most outstanding mathematicians in this century. Some think he was better than Einstein. Another mathematician involved was Dr. John Levinson, who was born in 1912. He died in 1976. He published three books on mathematics. There is no other history of Levinson himself anywhere that I can find. Levinson developed the so-called Levinson Time Equations. with all this behind them, the group had all they needed to proceed with the project.

After the successful 1940 test, the Navy decided to give the project unlimited funds and to classify the project. On December 5, 1941 I was in San Francisco and the government came and told me that a war with Japan would start within 72 hours and that they needed me to assist them. In January 1942 I ended up at the Institute of Advanced Studies. Tesla was given a ship and a crew for a full sized test. Tesla got a battleship. Tesla and Von Neumann didn’t agree on some things. Tesla insisted that they were going to have a very severe problem with personnel. Tesla wanted more time but the NAVY wouldn’t agree. Tesla made periodic announcements in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s about his contact with off planet species. He was in contact with the outside, who agreed that there was a problem with the people. He decided to sabotage the 1942 test in an attempt to stop the project. He de-tuned the equipment so nothing would work. The test failed. Tesla then turned the project over to Von Neumann in March 1942 and left the project.

See also  1954: UFO Recovery Team!

Von Neumann went to the Navy and requested time to study the problem to determine what had gone wrong. Von Neumann decided to make changes in some of the equipment. He decided he would need a special ship that was designed from the ground up. The Eldridge was selected. The equipment was built into the ship. They put all the equipment on the ship. October 1942 arrived. They selected 33 volunteers for the crew, who arrived after graduation in December 1942. We still have a picture of the class.

After the ship was out of drydock work began. In May of 1943 von Neumann installed a third generator. It would never synchronize with the other two. It went out of control one day and zapped one of the men. Von Neumann pulled out the third generator (installed because Tesla had convinced Von Neumann of the potential problem with people) and went back to the original design. In mid June, the ship had sea trials. On July 22, 1943, they had the test. The ship between radar and optically invisible. They discovered people very disoriented. The Navy pulled the crew off and consulted Von Neumann, who requested more time again from the Navy. The Navy, after consultation with higher-ups, announced that the drop dead date was on the 12th of August, 1943. Von Neumann voiced his concern that it wasn’t enough time.

The Navy decided that it just wanted radar invisibility and not optical invisibility. The equipment was again modified by Von Neumann. August 12th arrived. We knew things were not right. The test began, and for about a minute everything was all right. The ships outline could be seen in the water. There was suddenly a blue flash and the ship disappeared entirely. No radio communication was possible. It was gone. In about three hours it came back. One of the masts was broken. Some personnel were partially embedded in the steel deck. Others were fading in and out. Some disappeared entirely. Many were insane. The Navy extracted the crew and proceeded with four days of meetings to decided what to do about the problem. They decided there would be one more test with another dry run without personnel. They conducted the dry run using about 1000 feet of cable attached to another ship. In late October 1943 the test occurred. The ship disappeared for about 20 minutes. When it returned, they found equipment missing. Two transmitter cabinets and one generator was missing. The cabinet with the zero-time reference generator was intact. At that point, the Navy stripped the ship and stopped the project. The Eldridge served in the war and was turned over to Greece at the end of the war.

The important thing is that there were two tests that were exactly 40 years apart to the day. It was a 40 year separation in hyperspace. Now, the Earth itself has a biorhythm that peaks on a 20 year cycle on August 12th. It “just happened” to peak and provided the connecting link through the fields of the Earth for the two experiments to lock up in hyperspace. Walk-in efforts are aided if they occur during this peak.

The ship was pulled into hyperspace. We were inside the ship and knew something was drastically wrong with the test. We tried to shut it off but it wouldn’t shut off. We ran out on deck and jumped over the side of the ship. We jumped overboard but ended up in a time tunnel which ended at Montauk, Long Island on August 12th, 1983. At night. We were found very quickly and taken down stairs, where Von Neumann greeted us. He expected us. It was a bit of a shock. We had just been in 1943 and now we were in 1983 looking at Von Neumann as an old man. He said that there was a hyperspace lockup and that we had to go back and shut off the generators on the ship or the hyperspace rift would keep increasing and possibly engulf the planet. He had been waiting 40 years for us to arrive.

Montauk sent us back and we smashed the equipment with axes. The ship returned to its original point in space and about three hours later in time. From 1943 on, Von Neumann didn’t know what happened. He had modified earlier equipment in 1943 to where he had a full blown time machine. The Germans also were working on time travel, and had it working in 1945 just before the end of the war. This is all a matter of record.

After the Navy decided to shut down the project in 1943, Von Neumann was sent to work on the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos until that was over. In 1947 there were major changes in the Department of Defense. Someone in the new structure decided to dig up the Philadelphia project to see if they could find out what went wrong. They asked Von Neumann to “take another look” at the project. He agreed.

There is another matter. Starting about August 6th, 1943, UFOs appeared over the Eldridge for about six days. They were there during the test. One of the UFOs was sucked up into hyperspace with the Eldridge and it ended up in an underground facility in Montauk in 1983. It contained a charging device which some aliens made us go back and get for them, as they didn’t want humans to have it. We don’t know who they were. Pruett was concerned about an alien invasion.

Also, Von Neumann was called by the government to come and assist in the examination of a crashed UFO in 1947 at Aztec. Another crash occurred at Aztec about a year later. The first crash had greys on it and none survived. At least one occupant survived the second crash. The radar systems unintentionally brought down the craft. Radar was used intentionally after that until the aliens got wise to it. The occupant of the second crash was not a grey, and Von Neumann got to talk with it. Von Neumann asked it what the answer to the invisibility problems could be. He learned that he had to go back and do his homework in metaphysics. The nature of the problem was that the personnel on the ship were not locked to the zerotime reference of the ship. Humans are normally locked to the point of conception as a time reference, not a zero-time reference. The time stream lock allows the person to flow in synch with the system so interaction is possible.

Time locks are fragile. All the power of the project disrupted the time-locks of the people on the deck on the ship. When the ship came back in time, the people didn’t come back to the same reference.

Von Neumann realized that he needed a computer, as well as some knowledge of metaphysics in order to be able to lock the time reference of the people to the time reference of the ship. He built a computer in 1950 for the purpose. It was ready to be installed in 1952 and a test was performed in 1953 that was successful. They didn’t go floating off into space when it was over. At this point, the Navy canceled Project Rainbow and changed the name to project Phoenix.

Alot came out of the negative effects of the Rainbow project. Some of it led to mind control research programs in the Phoenix project. The invisibility research produced some Stealth technology as well as other highly classified projects.

In 1983, they decided to apply mind control to all participants in these projects in an effort to cover them up. They had also been working on another project: age regression. Now, Tesla had sought back in the 1940’s to develop equipment that could help the members of the crew after they lost time-lock . The government developed it into the age regression program. It was physical age regression. A person retained the memory they had from the older age.

Tesla’s theory was that if you took the individual’s time-lock and moved it forward in time than you would remove aging. That’s what happened. It took between 30 and 60 days for the body to complete the change to the new time reference.

Now, some of this turned up in the movie called the Philadelphia Experiment, which was released in 1984. The government got an injunction which banned showing in the US for two years. It was overturned in 1986 and it was out on tape. I saw the film in 1988, and it helped bring back some of my memory about this.

Any initial comments about electromagnetics?

Well, are a lot of interesting aspects. There is a explained by most theories. It is not magnetic field only propagates at 0.4 of the electromagnetic field propagates at the speed electric field (according to Maxwells equations) propagates at the rate of c-infinity, which means that it propagates throughout the universe instantaneously. If you understand those basic relationships and how they interlock with higher order energies and fields, like soliton and tensor fields, then you can understand how an antigravity drive will work. It is a fact that the unified field theory was completed by Einstein and given to the US Government. They have it and they don’t want anybody to know they have it. It was never released publicly in any books. This kind of knowledge is used as a method of control between and for governments. It’s unfortunate. The government is supposed to be “for the people and by the people”. That is what it says in the Constitution. I wonder when the last time the president read the Constitution?

It seems like there are more people involved in secrecy than there are scientists. Where are all these people?

There are government agents and agencies everywhere that are concerned with keeping things secret. These days, the secrecy is applied more to the applications of hardware than the hardware itself. It’s not like it was in the 1950’s. As an example, the guidance package for the new Minuteman X missle that was developed for the Air Force by Northrop is unclassified. There was no classification on the circuitry and It was so accurate that it could take a missle and drop it down a chimney stack. The applications was capable of was classified.

Isn’t a lot of this left out in the open to distract what is really going on?

Of course.

What is the capacity of the gravity craft fleet of the United States?

I don’t know. I know that they have built quite a number of them.

What are the capabilities of these craft?

Well, when our astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969 they were greeted by a fleet of disks sitting on the rim of a crater. The astronauts asked their superiors if they knew about these disks. They were told “yes”, that they were American disks. The astronauts were angry at being used as public relations men by the government.

Why spend so much money on the Stealth bomber when they have had this gravity technology for so many years?

Well, the aircraft combines two aspects for invisibility. One of the aspects relates to the construction and coating applied to the surface. The other aspect relates to an electronic type of invisibility package which is a result of work done on the Philadelphia experiment years ago. Also, the stealth has a secondary drive system which is very advanced and allows it to fly in space. The assistant director of NASA admitted that this came straight out of alien technology. He admitted this to the public.

He did?


That’s interesting in view of the government’s apparent position with respect to covert technology.

There are breaks in the government secrecy programs that are starting to show up. More and more people are getting totally disgusted with government activities and attitudes and they are beginning to talk.

Maybe it’s a deliberate leak.

It could be deliberate. Even MJ-12 in 1984 was about to break some information to the public about ET’s and UFOs. They decided not to release it at that time. John Kennedy demanded that they release it within one year. He also demanded that the CIA get out of the drug business. They assassinated him.

Have you found any resistance to what you have been coming out with?

No. The Navy keeps quiet, but I hear rumblings underground that they are definitely not pleased about it. The so-called .. martyrdom clause” works in my favor. They know that I know why they can’t touch me. If they do, they know that there will be real problems in time and space because of it. There are two of us that are holding certain factors in stability. If anything is done to either of us, there could be a rip in hyperspace. The whole reality system will shift. I will give you one guess as to what it will most likely shift to: We won the second world war by a slim margin. German technology was way ahead of us. If the war had gone on another 30 days the Germans would have won it. They had super weapons in production which they were ready to use. They were so close to winning the war that Churchill and FDR were really worried about it. If the system shifts, it could shift to a parallel reality where the Germans won the war.

See also  Orion Technology & other Secret Projects 2/3

That’s why the government doesn’t dare kill either of you?

Right. Because of what we were involved in, it might jeopardize our entire reality system.

Could you explain how a closed time loop works?

Well, one of the problems that has developed is that when you travel through time you cannot come back to the exact point of origin. It has to be later than when you left. If you were to come back to the exact point at which you took off you would be at the same point twice in your lifetime and there would be a very serious problem.

Would you refresh my memory about some of the dates involved with the development of electronic mind control in the US?

The mind control experiments were moved to Montauk about 1969. The hardware phase of some of the later experiments began about 1975; equipment to modify the SAGE transmitter was ordered about 1973.

ITT was the main contractor and sub-contracted portions of the contract out. Most of the contracts were awarded to firms on Long Island.

So what did they actually prove that they could do when the experiments were over?

What they essentially proved they could do was that they could control a person that they had the “signature” for. This pattern that was unique to an individual could be put into the computer program for the transmitter. A second order wavelength would be transmitted that has a lower attenuation and affects that persons mind directly. There could be a command to do anything focused at the person. Once a device was constructed that illustrated this principle on a wide scale. A mental message was put out that if anybody heard the message they were to call a certain phone number. Over 600 calls came from all over the East coast all the way down to Florida. It works.

That’s interesting. There’s a fellow who calls himself Lord Mattreya who says that he is the Christ returned to the planet; that when he links up with the international press he will send a telepathic message to the entire planet in their own language and they will hear it. They also are supposed to receive a visual image. So.. they have that technology?

Yes. There is not only an indivdual signature. There’s a racial signature and also a universal signal for the human race. The government has used all three to target specific individuals. They have also done group messages targeted on a specific racial or ethnic group. That’s common. In Boston and New York they were doing experiments on “mood control” on the cities. Transmitters used no longer exist, but the technology does.

Do targeted individuals perceive what they are receiving as their own thought?


Is there any defense against that?

Yes and no. Theoretically no. This is what the government depends on. Practically speaking, they can’t get everyone, because some people are naturally resistant, depending on their level of mental and psychic development. Perhaps 5% of the population do not respond to these signals. If they get 95% coverage, they don’t care about that 5%. That’s what they have the riot squads and the concentration camps for. There is no defense unless you can interfere with that signal. Some people just don’t react.

So they transmit a thought signal?

Not exactly. If you were put on an EEG, you would exhibit a certain pattern of electrical responses. These can be recorded and they are unique to you. It can be recorded and stored and replicated on a computer. If they can replicate your RNA/DNA pattern they’ve got you too – for life.

You mentioned about concentration camps?

Yes. They are all over the United States. There are three in Arizona alone.

So they can control us to the point where we’ll just hand over our guns?

That’s what they hope. It depends on how effective this equipment becomes, how thoroughly installed it is everywhere, and whether or not people can ferret this stuff out and render it inoperative before that time arrives.

How about the idea of a conflict between moral conscience and what the mental command tells you do to?

You don’t have the option not to act as it says the way that equipment is set up – if you are not aware enough to make a connection that it is not your thought. It does not negate choice, it just puts in a strong impluse or command. Those people who responded by calling that number had no idea what went through their heads. Some of this does require preconditioning to a response pattern.

Could they be doing this over the media, like television and radio?

Of course.

You’re suggesting a state of absoulte corruption.

Absolutely correct. Planned corruption.

With this kind of technology, why do they need concentration camps?

Because there are always people that are resistant.

I would think that they would annihilate them, not lock them up. The first step is the camps, where you can handle them easier, then you can eliminate them en masse. You don’t go down the streets shooting everybody down. Once you’re in the camps, they break you down mentally. They’re experts at that.

We think they’re shipping guillotines in there for the people that don’t comply. They’re looking for a slave labor force. That is what H.R. 4079 is about that’s in Congress now. It creates a slave labor force in the prison system, which will be privately owned. States will pay the private prison a fee in order to put their prisoner in there.


What are some of the other projects that relate to the capacity of factions operating within the United States Government and corporations to manipulate and control the population?

Well between 1977 and 1978 a project called Dreamscan came on line. It ceased in 1979. The goal of the project was to gain the technical ability to enter into an individuals mind in the dream state and cause his death. There was a movie called Dreamscape which showed what they discovered they could do. The project was run by the Secret Government and managed by the NSA. The purpose of the project was to provide for a means of covert assassination. President Carter found out about it and had it stopped. The hardware is still intact and in storage. There have been attempts to put it back on line by various intelligence operations, some of which are said to involve AT&T operatives.

What else?

Around 1987, a project called Moonscan started. It lasted into 1989 and involved positioning mind control equipment on the moon for use on the population of earth. It, like the others, has clear connections to negative alien activity.

Who ran that one?

It was managed by an organization called Airborne Instrument Laboratories (AIL), who have had other covert projects under their wing. At the time, AIL was run by Eaton Corporation. It is now managed by the Department of Defense as of 1988. There are three branches of AIL: Covert, Commercial, and Defense.

Any other mind control programs that you can mention?

There was a project called Mindwreaker that would allow paralysis of the mind. The aliens were heavily involved with that project. it produced several neurological weapons, some of which are used on the B-1 bomber, which also contains a lot of alien technology. At time, various alien species came and went out of AIL. There was one group called the K-Group, which was short for the Kondrashkin. They had pale skin that had a slight greenish tint and almost no hair. They looked human, and had to bleach their skin and wear wigs. They have been periodically involved with covert projects since the 1940’s.

Where has AIL been located?

In New York Stare, at Farmingdale, Deer Park and Long Island.

What is the current status of AIL?

Well.. there were eight projects ongoing at AIL that also had to do with the development of weaponry against aliens. In 1989 the Orion group discovered this and destroyed the projects. It can only be assumed that AIL still functions in other areas.

What other research goes on at Long Island?

Research on scalar weaponry, like the one that destroyed the Challenger.

I thought the Challenger was destroyed by the Soviets using scalar weapons?

No. The Soviets didn’t do that. The oddity with the incidents as far as the Soviets were concerned was that they pulled their ships about 150 miles out to sea before it happened. They were not the direct cause, which was a scalar weapon that they were trying to put into orbit and test. It accumulated a charge while the Challenger was going up through the atmosphere and turned itself on. That is what destroyed the Challenger. It might have been deliberate.

What was the ultimate power behind the Phoenix projects?

Ultimately, the whole thing is manipulated by the Orion group. The expectation was that they could use mind control to take over the populace in the 1990’s – no later than 1994 or 1995. They have also been doing genetic work in which they alter a human sperm and ovum to the extent that all offspring will produce hybrids with new characteristics. Humans will mate and create children with alien genetics. That’s one step beyond the average abduction scenario. There are other things happening with the human race.

Like what?

Since 1947, there have been components of the 6th race incarnating on the planet. The 5th race was the Aryans  The 6th race humans are 100% telepathic – the secret government and the Orion group sees them as a threat. They’ve been aware of it since 1942.


Wasn’t there a movie about something like that years ago?

Yes. I don’t remember the name, but it came out in 1982. In that film, there was a drug that made babies that were 100% telepathic. This kind of thing has actually happened. There was a Canadian company that was producing a drug which turned out to do just that. This was between 1946 and 1947. It was removed from the market immediately, although its use continues privately. In the movie, the government had a way of using electromagnetics to explode a persons head to get rid of them.

Sounds like something they mught have developed at Montauk.

It does, doesn’t it?

What is the current situation with aliens?

Somewhat mixed and confused. There has been a lot going on all around the planet. In September and October 1990 there was an alien group from some other dimension that was attempting to invade the planet. They took down all the zero-time generators all over the country. The FAA was especially affected. The rogue group was stopped by another species. For many years, some factions of the Orion group depended on a ring of alien satellites that would sustain life functions. Those were wiped out in November 1990 by the same group.

So there are positive light forces out there that are seeking to balance these negative activities by the Orion group?

Yes. I am not at liberty to tell you their identity.

Do you think that this group is related to those who flew over military nuclear silos and rendered the warheads inoperative?

I don’t know if they were involved, although I could ask. The nuclear charade is another thing on a cultural level. The idea of nuclear war was eliminated a long long time ago by all major powers on Earth. The threat of a nuclear winter and the fact that you can’t detonate two nuclear devices too close together in time stops them from doing it. I think a lot of people are aware that the same forces that control the United States today are the same forces that supported the buildup of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and arranged for WWII and Vietnam. The public has been lied to in so many areas since the early 1930’s that they don’t know what’s going on. Most people still think that the Congress and the President run the country and that they have Constitutional rights.

How about some interesting technology spin-offs from the Philadelphia experiment?

Well, there are a lot of them in use by the CIA and the NSA, as well as other corporate and government agencies. There is a portable unit that can render an individual invisible. The NSA is known to use those on a fairly regular basis. There is also a UFO research based covert organization that is believed to have them?

And what would that be?

Well, its a super secret international organization that is funded by all major governments. It performs research on aliens and alien technology, coverup operations, and also does espionage. The group is negatively oriented and is considered to have no positive attributes in relation to other humans. It is called the International Aerospace Alliance.

How does it fit into the hierarchy of command and control?

It’s connected to MJ-12, which is believed to be headed by Kissinger at this time. It is also connected to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President. AIL type units are also connected to the MJ group.

I have heard a tape of Robert Lazar, the EG & G scientist, and others who indicate that the highest clearance level is ULTRA. Is that it?

There is also BLACK LEVEL clearance.

What is involved with those little implants that are spheres?

Those devices are about 3mm in size. They are called SBMCD’s, or Spherical Biological Monitoring and Control Devices. They represent an organically enhanced synaptic processor powered by a micro-positron flow that controls or mimics the functions within the human nervous system with micro relays that duplicate brain operation or engram patterns.


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