Chapter Eight: Conclusion

Daniel 7-…I saw a great storm on a mighty ocean…Then four animals came up out of the water,each different from the other. The first was like a lion,but it had eagle’s wings! And as I watched,its wings were pulled off so that it could no longer fly,and it was left standing on the ground,on two feet,like a man;and a man’s mind was given to it. The second animal looked like a bear with its paws raised,ready to strike…The third of these strange animals looked like a leopard,but on its back it had wings like those of a bird and it had four heads!

Then… a fourth animal rose up…too dreadful to describe and incredibly strong. It devoured some of its victims by tearing them apart with its huge iron teeth and others it crushed beneath its feet.It was far more brutal and vicious than any of the other animals,and it had ten horns.

As I was looking at the horns,suddenly another small horn appeared among them,and three of the first ones were yanked out,roots and all,to give it room;this little horn had a man’s eyes and a bragging mouth.

I watched as thrones were put in place and…the Almight God sat down to judge.His clothing was white as snow,his hair like whitest wool. He sat on a fiery throne brought in on flaming wheels and a river of fire flowed from before him…

Next I saw the arrival of a Man-or so he seemed to be- brought there on clouds from heaven…

10- Then one day in early April…I looked up and suddenly there before me stood a person robed in linen garments,with a belt of purest gold around his waist,and glowing luxurious skin! From his face came blinding flashes like lightning and his eyes were pools of fire; his arms and feet shone like polished brass, and his voice was like the roaring of a vast multitude of people.

I,Daniel,alone saw this great vision; the men with me saw nothing but they were suddenly filled with unreasoning terror and ran to hide…

…Then someone-he looked like a man-touched my lips and I could talk again…

In 1986, an Israeli,Yehuda Alperin,was visited by aliens in his home. His description of the visitors was not unlike that of Daniels’s. They also wore clothes of shiny,metallic material and spoke,telepathically and deeply. But more coincidentally,Alperin’s wife was in the room,absolutely terrified of a vision she could not see but whose presence she felt strongly. It is an apparent power of the visitors to block their presence from others,while they have not developed a technology to completely hide their presence.

As for Daniel’s aliens,they were probably the same as Ezekiel‘s.The animal insignias are the same, as is the four-sided helmet. What makes Daniel’s testimony unique is his witnessing of a bulldozer,devouring everything in its path with its iron “teeth” and hydraulic “horns.”

The aliens outline for Daniel,their plans for the region,giving him prophetic powers.

The prophet Joel was also blessed with a visitation that left an everlasting impression on him.

Joel 2- What a might army! It covers the m0untains like night. How great,how powerful these “people” are…Fire goes before them and follows them on every side!.. Look at them leaping along the tops of the mountains! Listen to the noise they make,like the rumbling of chariots,or the roar of a fire sweeping across a field, and like a mighty army moving into battle…No weapon can stop them…The earth quakes before them and the heavens tremble.The sun and moon are obscured…

Joel is very impressed by the sound of the squadron of flying fortresses.

Like others before him, he compares the sound of the engines as the rumbling of chariots, though he adds an apt aural comparison to a wildfire. What he misses in his description is the sound of rushing water,the most common comparison in the scriptures.

An interesting point is that the sun and moon are obscured,probably deliberately to sow confusion and this goes a long way to explaining similar

previous phenomena,especially Joshua’s miracle of the sun and moon standing still in the sky.

See also  Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Chapter 3 - Meetings With The Visitors

The next prophet to have,what seems to be,an experience with advanced technology is Jonah,who is swallowed by what must be a submarine. That is unless he could survive three days of piscine digestive juices.However, a lack of detailed description prevents further analysis. Such is not the case with Micah.

Micah 1-Look! He is coming. He leaves his throne in heaven and comes to earth,walking on the mountaintops.They melt beneath his feet and flow into the valleys like wax in fire,like water pouring down a hill.

Micah’s short passage reinforces many others that preceded it. What follows is the outstanding evidence left by Zechariah,second only to Ezekiel’s in detail.

Zechariah 2-When I looked around again,I saw a man carrying a yardstick in his hand.

“Where are you going I asked?”

“To measure Jerusalem,”he said.

5- I looked up again and saw a scroll flying through the air.

“What do you see,”he asked.

“A flying scroll,”I replied,”It appears to be about thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide.”

…Then the Angel left me for awhile, but he returned and said,”Look up!

Something is travelling through the sky!”

“What is it?”I asked…Suddenly the heavy lead cover on the basket was lifted off,and I could see a woman sitting inside the basket!..he pushed her back in the basket and clamped down the heavy lid again…Then I saw two women flying before us,with wings like those of a stork…

6- Then I looked up again and saw four chariots coming from between what looked like two mountains made of brass…”And what are these,sir,”I asked the angel.He replied,”These are the four heavenly spirits who stand before the Lord of all the earth;they are going to do his work…”

9- The Lord shall lead his people as they fight!.His arrows shall fly like lightning;the Lord God shall sound the trumpet call and go out against his enemies like a whirlwind off the desert from the south…”

The flying basket is a new description of a UFO and it’s nice to know that women are among the aliens. As usual,there are four craft in the Lord’s host and they still fight with arrows and trumpet calls.

The flying scroll is also a new image though it strongly resembles the pillar of fire of Exodus.We are grateful to Zecharia for leaving us with the dimensions of the craft,thirty feet long and fifteen wide,which are almostly exactly the measurements of the crafts that landed at least 20 in the Kadima area, one of modern Israel‘s most publicized UFO landing sites.

There is only one chapter left in the Jewish Scriptures,Malachi,and it is worth noting God’s final message, for He clearly has a favorite prophet.

Malachi 4-“See, I will send you another prophet like Elijah…His preaching will bring fathers and children together again,to be of one mind and heart,for they will know that if they do not repent, I will come and utterly destroy their land.”

While this is the end of the Jewish scriptures,it is not the end of Jewish extraterrestrial writings.

The Kabbala,which delves into the Scriptures and reveals profound knowledge only to chosen initiates describes seven worlds which the aliens told the Hebrews existed. They are:

Geh-This is a dark shadowy world,inhabited by large animals and by vegetarian humanoids who subsist on fruit for no grains or cereals grow there.

Neziah-Another planet populated by vegetarians but warmed with a red sun.The inhabitants are small and instead of noses,have two breathing holes in the center of their faces. This is the most common description of alien visitor described by modern witnesses.

Tziah- Is warmed by two suns but the land is dry. The inhabitants,who are very handsome,drill wells to supply themselves with water.

Thebel- Its inhabitants are strictly fish eaters and the planet is located far from its sun.Its population is the most advanced known and has mastered the art of reviving the dead,thus overcoming mortality.

Erez- Its people are the descendents of Adam,hence,we are their anscestors.

They have also spread their seed on Adamah,which must be Earth.The inhabitants of Adamah grow crops and domesticate animals.They are a frustrated people,constantly making war on each other. The day is divided into sunlight and night and at night,the constellations are visible. The people were visited by the inhabitants of Thebel who tried to impart superior knowledge but the visits have been forgotten.

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Arqa-Arqans are the most ardent space travelers and speak the languages of all the places they visit automatically. An Arqan is mentioned in the Zohar,a medieval Jewish mystical book. Apparently,an Arqan was stranded on earth some 1,800 years ago,hid in a cave and climbed out to ask one Rabbi Yossi,the name of the planet he was trapped on. Among the many pieces of information he told Rabbi Yossi was that the constellations are arranged differently as seen from Arqa.

Naturally,modern scholars must be astounded that the ancient Jews could transcribe descriptions of double-sun systems,red suns and the different perspectives of the constellations as seen from sundry points in the galaxy.

In Whitley Strieber’s modern classic accounts of UFO abductions,he and many other abductees are told that they have been,”chosen,” just as the ancient Jews were told that they were,”the chosen people.”

Chosen for what? Obviously to learn advanced civilization and spread the knowledge throughout the world. If that was the mission then it has succeeeded,at least,in part.

The question of why the aliens refused to step in to try and save the Jews from the Romans is theologically complicated. The first possibility is that Herod’s rebuilding of the Temple was not to holy specifications and their headquarters had to be abandoned. Another possibility is that Jesus was sent to lead a rebellion and failed.

The aliens may have been few in number. Earlier in the bible,hordes of angels are written about. By prophetic times,only four small craft and probably a mother ship controlled by God are referred to. In Daniel an angel admits,”for twenty-one days the mighty Evil Spirit who overrules the kingdom of Persia blocked my way.”

Five ships undoubtedly restricted military activity. At some point ammunition would run out and shows of military force would have to be limited. For this reason, the aliens saved their best ammo, and lured allies to their cause with shows of technological prowess,interpreted as miracles.

It could well have been,that by sheer force of numbers,the Romans would have been victorious against the aliens,especially if the extraterrestrial armory had run out.

Or,there may be another answer. By scattering the Jews worldwide with their religion strongly inculcated in the people’s souls,God may have assured their survival.And in their travels,the more enlightened of the barbarians would be persuaded to adopt their ways.

One example of many; during the bubonic plague of the fourteenth century,the Jews of Europe had a much higher survival rate because of their superior hygienic practices. Most barbarians reacted by blaming the Jews for the plague,while a minority were wise enough to investigate what they were doing right. Hence,medieval medicine advanced.

Jesus was a prophet who only wanted to preach to the Jews and his goal was eactly what he claimed it was,to become King of Israel. If He came down to earth today,he would be most uncomfortable in a church but would feel right at home in a synagogue.

Jesus’s relatives who continued His ministry in Jerusalem kept Jewish laws and were not interested in preaching their faith,which was based on overthrowing the Romans and restoring the kingdom of Israel,to the gentiles.

That was Paul’s vision and it certainly came to him in a moment of profound mysticism resembling alien encounters today.

If the aliens realized that mission of Israel had failed,they may have taken a different tack by spreading the laws of the Jews to the gentiles. The early Christian church was Jewish and it spread with the wanderings of an exiled people. With a few basic changes in liturgy,the same message of morality and personal cleanliness could reach the majority gentiles.

UFO sightings are recorded throughout the world during the years of the Jewish exile but they are scattered compared to the intense,vivid and constant experiences of the biblical Israelites.In the nineteenth century,for example,references to strange flying objects are almost totally absent until the 1890s when the sightings return in the American West.

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Then there is a gap of fifty years when few sightings are recorded until the Second World War when both Allied and Nazi pilots reported the “foo fighters,” unexplained bright objects that accompanied them on thousands of their flights. Naturally,the pilots assumed the enemy had developed a miraculous secret air weapon,the likes of which had never been manufactured before.

At the time of these sightings and literally beneath them,the Jews were facing the greatest survival crisis in their history. It is a possibility that the Angels of the Jews finally returned to their people in their greatest hour of need,if not to intervene,then to observe what could have been,the final demise of their experiment.

Coincidentally or not,in 1947 when Israel was fighting for its revival, Kenneth Arnold witnessed a large squadron of UFOs flying over the Rocky Mountains of Washington State and initiated the era of “flying saucers.” In that same year,a craft alledly but most likely,crashed near Roswell,New Mexico,leaving in its charred ruins,the bodies of several extraterrestrials.

In 1948,the state of Israel rose from the ashes of the Holocaust, a seeming historical impossibility and the aliens understood that their experiment withstood the eons. The message they had instilled in the Jewish people was so powerful.that it permitted a nation of refugees placed in the midst of ignorant savages,to survive every danger,including organized genocide.

>From 1948 to the present,hundreds of millions of people have


least,the alien craft flying,while thousands of others have had personal encounters with the crews of the spacecraft.

What may have brought the aliens back in such a wave,is the possibility of their Temple headquarters being rebuilt in Jerusalem. Certainly that is the belief of the pioneer of Israeli ufology,Hadassah Arbel. She notes that the incredible landings on Shikmona Beach were only a few hundred yards below the Carmel Mountain sight of one of Elijah’s encounters. As far as she is concerned,the UFO flap that Israel has been witnessing since about 1990,will culminate in a landing on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem.

To this we can only answer,perhaps. What is indisputable is the physical evidence left behind in Israel,that makes those visitations special. The aliens are extremely interested in Israel right now and especially in the north of the country.

The landings coincide with frightening developments in Israel.In 1990, Scud missiles landed in the land. At that time,they were not equipped with nuclear warheads. If they land again in the future,they will likely be launched with such devestation from Iran.

We,in Israel, can only hope they are here,once again,to protect us from our barbarous enemies for the modern Israelites are threatened with annihilation.

The central question,the author had,when researching and preparing the biblical sections of this book,was whether his interpretation was blasphemous. The conclusion reached was that the people of Israel were chosen by God to spread a universal message and what difference does it make how this God is conceptualized?. The message He imparted is still superior.

The author contacted a friend of his who is an orthodox rabbi and presented him with a scenario.Iif someone accepted the holy writings as inspired and followed each commandment loyally,is he a good Jew? The answer,of course,was yes. The next question was,what if that same person who obeyed the commandements of the Scriptures believing them to be holy,viewed the God who inspired them,not as the omnipotent and omniscient creator of the universe,but rather as the leader of an extraterrestrial mission whose goal wasto advance the morality,genes and knowledge of the human race?

Unfortunately,the answer was hardly an unqualified yes. However,not all was lost. According to his interpretation,since God created the universe,it is not out of the question that he created life throughout the heavens.

And,he added,”If you believe in the Torah and its commandments,no matter why,then you believe in God. Period.”

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