The possibility that the bible is a long UFO story was first expounded by a likely charlatan named George Adamson in the 1950s who was fortunate enough to have as an advocate, George Hunt Williamson, whose books expounding on Adamson’s theories were well written and are still intriguing to this day.

The downside to Williamson’s works is his acceptance of Adamson’s proofs that he had been visited by Venusians and that most of ancient history’s leading figures were related by reincarnation. Soviet space probes in the 1970s showed Venus to be most unhospitable to life, with average surface temperatures that would melt lead. And the mystical side of Williamson’s work was absurd and totally unproveable.

Nonetheless,Adamson and Williamson broke the ice and others followed in their biblical UFO theory tracks. The most popular was Erich Von Daniken,whose book and film,Chariots Of The Gods spread the gospel worldwide.

Von Daniken was crucified by critics whose main objection was that he began with a conclusion and then worked backwards to prove it. Such a criticism misses the point,since ufology never claimed to be a science,rather a form of reportage. In this field, evidence is gathered and presented to the world jury,and successfully.The majority of Americans have weighed the facts, the testimony of countless witnesses,the historical record and physical evidence to reach the verdict that alien space travelers have visited our planet and continue to so.

For the past few years,Israel has been the site of some of the most convincing visitations in UFO history. The author of this book chose to focus on only those visitations with multiple witnesses or physical evidence. Thus,the claims of several people that they were abducted by aliens has been ignored,despite the intriguing sincerity of the stories.

The author believes that the weight of evidence is favors the probability of recent visitations. He also is convinced that the ancient Israelites were guided by alien angels and Gods.

The Israelites did not believe in one God,rather in many superior beings.

The word for God in Hebrew is Elohim,for Lord,Adonai. Both are pluralized words meaning Gods and Lords. These Gods dwelt in heaven and came to Israel’s aid with armies of angels when threatened.

The Gods left Israel with specific laws covering morality and hygiene. When Israel strayed from these laws,the Gods sent angels to find gifted communicators called prophets to put the people back on the right track.

When they refused to reform themselves,he let their enemies overcome them.

Excepting the early chapters of Genesis,the bible is an accurate historical record. Its devotees insist that every word is true as does the author. Thus when we read,”in those days there were giants in the land,”in fact there were giants and when we are told that a succession of people lived hundreds of years,there is every reason to believe they did.

Naturally,the writers of the bible described fantastic events in terms they were familiar with. Hence, a UFO becomes a whirlwind or pillar of cloud while artillery shells are interpreted as fiery hailstones,etc.

For those who do not read Hebrew,one of the difficulties in understanding the Bible is the archaic language of the classic translations. To eliminate the problem, the author will quote from The Book,(Tyndale House Publishers) which is a rendering of the Bible into day to day English. Thus,a UFO incident told in Genesis 19 reads,”That evening two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom…and temporarily blinded the men of Sodom so that they couldn’t find the door…Then the Lord rained down fire and flaming tar from heaven…But Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.”

There is an abundance of UFO references in Genesis such as Jacob’s dream,”that a staircase reached from earth to heaven, and he saw the angels of God going up and down upon it,” but this book will concentrate on the most blatant visitations,beginning with Exodus.

Exodus 3- the Angel of Jehova appeared to him as a flame of fire in a bush…it didn’t burn up.

See also  Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Chapter 5 - Israel Awakens To The Invasion

14-The Lord guided them by a pillar of cloud during the daytime and by a pillar of fire at night,so they could travel either by day or night.The cloud and fire were never out of sight.

Then the Angel of God,who was leading the people of Israel,moved the cloud around behind them and it stood between the people of Israel and the Egyptians. And that night,as it changed to a pillar of fire,it gave darkness to the Egyptians but light to the people of Israel.

But in the early morning Jehova looked down from the cloud of fire upon the array of Egyptians and began to harass them.

19-I brought you to myself as though on eagle’s wings… Then God said to Moses,”I am going to come to you in the form of a dark cloud, so that the people themselves can hear me… On the morning of the third day there was a terrific thunder and lightning storm and a huge cloud came down from the mountain and there was a loud blast as from a ram’s horn…All Mt. Sinai was covered with smoke because Jehova descended upon it in the form of fire;the smoke billowed into the sky as from a furnace and the whole mountain shook.

20-All the people saw the lightning and the smoke billowing from the mountain and heard the thunder and long,frightening blast; and they stood at a distance,shaking with fear.

23-See,I am sending an Angel before you.Reverence him and obey all his instructions… I will send hornets to drive out the Nivtites,Canaanites and Hittites before you.

24-Then Moses,Aaron,Nadab,Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel went up into the mountain.And they saw the God of Israel;under his feet there seemed to be a pavement of brilliant sapphire stones,as clear as the heavens.

Then Moses went up the mountain and disappeared into the cloud at the top.

And the glory of the Lord rested upon Mt. Sinai and the cloud covered it six days;the seventh day he called to Moses from the cloud. Those at the bottom of the mountain saw the awesome sight;the glory of the Lord on the mountain top looked like a raging fire.

The words speak for themselves. The aliens chose Moses to lead his people out of Israel. They spoke to him from a brushfire that would not extinguish itself,possibly a television screen.After unleashing a series of disasters against the Pharoah and his people,they led the Israelites out of Egypt following their airship.Using some kind of vortex,they opened waters to the Israelites,and restored them to their former state when the Egyptian army gave chase.

The Hebrew term for pillar of fire,Amud Haesh,would be as likely a description of the spaceship as the author(s) of the bible could find.Pillars were the largest manmade objects of the ancient world other than the buildings they held up. Placed on its side, thrown into the air, with combustion fumes enveloping it,the spacecraft would have seemed a pillar of fire,especially at night,when its powerful lights were turned on for the benefit of guidance.When threatened by enemies,God sent his fighter craft,the hornets, to decimate them.

At Mt. Sinai,the ship landed with the sound of thunder,for how many other sounds were the ancients familiar with and hovered over the peak like a cloud.God’s voice emanated from the craft and Moses disappeared into it for a forty day briefing.

He emerged with a very detailed set of plans.

Exodus 25- …make an Ark 3 3/4 feet long,2 1/4 feet wide and 2 1/4 feet high. Overlay it inside and outside with pure gold…When the Ark is finished,place inside it the tablets of stone I will give you.

30- Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and feet…when they approach the altar to burn offerings to the Lord.They must always wash before doing so or they will die.

33-As he entered,the pillar of cloud would come down and stand at the door while the Lord spoke with Moses. Then all the people worshiped from their tent doors,bowing low to the pillar of cloud.

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34-Then the Lord descended in the form of a pillar of cloud and stood there with him.

40-Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filled it.Moses was not able to enter because the cloud was standing there and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. Whenever the cloud lifted and moved,the people of Israel journeyed onward,following it. But if the cloud stayed,they stayed until it moved. The cloud rested upon the Tabernacle during the daytime and at night there was fire in the cloud so that all the people could see it.

The full instructions in Ark building are not included here,but they are long and detailed. Von Daniken presents a scientific study that rebuilt the Ark and when completed,the structure emitted a strong electrical charge. The tablets within seemed to be a communications device for the Ark would lead the Israelites to their Holy Land and later into battle. It was placed on wooden poles for carrying, a wise contingency for those who touched it were electrocuted.

Instructions for the maintenance of the Tabernacle were given in Exodus and elaborated upon in Leviticus. The stress is on a clean area where meat cooked to high standards of hygiene were presented to the Lord and his crew.

And there is no mistaking one fact; the Lord and his ship physically enter the Tabernacle and consume the meat. Space travelers get hungry too and have no desire to get food poisoning.Leviticus expounds on the diet of aliens and other their demands for hygiene.

Leviticus 1-If an animal used as a burnt offering is a sheep or a goat,it must be a male without any blemishes…for burnt offerings give much pleasure to the Lord.

2-If bread baked in the oven is brought as an offering to the Lord;it must be made from finely ground flour…

5-Anyone touching anything ceremonially unclean-such as the dead body of an animal forbidden for food…is guilty.Or if he touches human discharge of any kind,he becomes guilty as soon as he realizes he has touched it…Only those who are sanctified-the priests- may touch this meat;if any blood sprinkles onto their clothing,it must be washed in a holy place. Then the clay pot in which the clothing is boiled shall be broken or if a bronze kettle is used,it must be scoured and rinsed out thoroughly.

7-…its blood shall be sprinkled back and forth upon the altar… But anything left over until the third day shall not be burned. For if any of it is eaten on the third day,the Lord will not accept it…Anyone who touches anything that is ceremonially unclean,whether it is uncleanness from man or beast,and then eats the peace offering shall be cut off from his people.

Then the Lord said to Moses,”Tell the people of Israel never to eat fat whether from oxen,sheep or goats.

8-Then Moses took the anointing oil and sprinkled it upon the Tabernacle…Next Moses placed the robes on Aaron’s sons,with the belts and caps, as the Lord commanded him.

9-Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle,and when they came out again they blessed the people; and the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole assembly. Then fire came from the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and fat on the altar.

10- But Nadab and Abihu,the sons of Aaron placed unholy fire in their censers…So fire blazed forth from the presence of the Lord and destroyed them. Now the Lord instructed Aaron,”Never drink wine or strong drink when you go into the Tabernacle,lest you die…”

11-Anyone carrying the carcass shall wash his clothes and be ceremonially defiled until evening…anything upon which the carcass falls shall be defiled-any article of wood or of clothing,a rug,a sack;anything it touches must be put into water and is defiled until evening… If an animal which you are permitted to eat dies of disease,anyone touching the carcass shall be defiled until evening.

See also  Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Chapter 6 - Ancient Middle Eastern UFO Tales

Sounds like the rules of a modern fast food restaurant except for the death penalty. Meat must be fresh and clean. Workers must wear belts and hats,constantly wash robes and must maintain high standards of cleanliness.

Before the shift begins workers must be absolutely sober and are required to anoint themselves with the holy antiseptic oil.To double-check the safety of the meat,blood is sprinkled on the altar for chemical analysis.To keep cholesterol levels down,the Lord bans fat consumption among the Israelites.

Once the food passed muster,the Lord appeared for his dinner and consumed it. The priests were not preparing a sacrifice,rather a hearty dinner fit for the Gods.

God made one point clear,the burnt offerings had to be made where He said so,otherwise he would derive no benefit from them. In Leviticus 17,He says,”I repeat; Anyone…who offers a burnt offering or a sacrifice anywhere other than at the entrance of the Tabernacle…shall be excommunicated.”

Once assuring that He was well fed,God takes care of the hygiene of the Israelites with remarkably inspired advice.

13- But if the white spot in the skin does not seem to be deeper than the skin and the hair in the spot has not turned white, the priest shall quarantine him for seven days…

As long as the disease lasts,he is defiled and must live outside the camp…

If the spot has spread,it is a contagious leprosy and he must burn the clothing,fabric,linen or wool covering or leather article,for it is contagious…

15- Any man who has a genital discharge is ceremonially defiled…Any bed he lies on and anything he sits on is contaminated: so anyone touching the man’s bed…must wash his clothes and bathe himself. 17-For the life of the flesh is in the blood.

18-None of you shall marry a near relative…

And the list of rules carries on, banning homosexuality,bestiality and other practises which must have been rampant at the time. For a people without microscopes,DNA charts or any concept of germs,they were receiving excellent concepts of public and private health precautions.They were taught means to stop the spread of contamination including quarantine and the destruction of diseased clothing.And they received some good practical advice on safe sex.

This is certainly a God with a scientific approach to his followers.

NUMBERS 10-They traveled for three days after leaving Mt. Sinai,with the Ark at the front of the column…It was daytime when they left,with the Cloud moving along ahead of them.

12-Then the Lord descended in the Cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle…As the Cloud moved from above the Tabernacle,Miriam suddenly became white with leprosy.

13-The land is full of warriors…and we saw some of the Anakim there,descendents of the ancient race of giants.

14-They see the pillar of cloud and fire standing above us and they know you will protect us day and night.

16-Soon a great,sullen mob formed;suddenly,as they looked toward the Tabernacle,the Cloud appeared and the awesome glory of the Lord was seen.

28-The Lord gave Moses these instructions…”The offerings which you burn on the altar for me are my food, and are a pleasure to me;so see to it that they are brought regularly and are offered as I instructed you.”

There is no doubt now that the Tabernacle is UFO headquarters and that the food offered there is consumed with great delight by him and his crew.

Word of the spaceship has spread throughout the area and the inhabitants are worried. And well they should be,for they are the descendants of a rival alien culture,the Anakim nd they know Israel’s mission will be to wipe them out totally.

 And this is a task assigned by God to Joshua. He is to show no mercy whatsoever to the inhabitants of Canaan. The land is to be depopulated of its corrupt people,the products of a previous alien experiment,and replaced by a new experiment in human advancement,the Israelites.

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