By James Bartley © 2004

I have had the opportunity to observe at fairly close quarters how the media and the mainstream UFO research community has treated the subject of Alien Abductions. The media has by and large dismissed the subject out of hand as being frivolous and unworthy of serious study. This is due in large part to the CIA’s infiltration and ownership of numerous media outlets. There are countless journalists who are paid “Assets” of the CIA and other Intelligence agencies. Nowadays many “Educational” programs on cable television are used to discredit the testimony of alien abductees and to debunk sightings of UFOs and non-human beings.

UFO Witnesses and Alien Abductees are dismissed as “UFO Believers” in the mainstream print and electronic media in the same way that private investigators and former government “Whistleblowers” who reveal government corruption and wrongdoing are dismissed out of hand as “Conspiracist.” Words used as Weapons. Its an age-old psychological warfare tactic that has been utilized repeatedly against UFO witnesses and especially alien abductees. I have come to expect this from the Corporate Media.

Within the UFO community are a number of self-styled “experts” who have arrogated for themselves the right to speak and lecture on behalf of alien abductees everywhere. Yet, a close study of their work reveals serious flaws in their methodology. Reports of Reptilian beings sexually assaulting human women (and on occasion human men) are not given much credence by these self-styled abduction experts. Nor are reports of the kidnapping, debriefing, training and the utilization of alien abductees in covert operations by the United States Military taken seriously by the “Big Name-Big Shot” researchers. Abductee testimony describing these kinds of events are consistently and persistently ignored by the well-known researchers, most of whom I might add, aren’t even abductees themselves. Is there an invisible line these well known researchers have been advised not to cross?

If so many people have reported those types of experiences over the years, then why are we still being hammered about the head with the familiar hypothesis that’s “it’s all about a hybridization program by the Grey Aliens?” To me, the “Grey Hybridization Syndrome” is to the Drac-Reptilian Overlordship what the Vietnam War was to the CIA’s Secret War in Laos. Vietnam was a sideshow. A bloody horrible sideshow to be sure but a sideshow nonetheless which provided a convenient cover for the massive drug trafficking out of the Golden Triangle area of Southeast Asia. Likewise, the fact that so much emphasis has been placed on the Grey Hybridization scenario obscures the primary role played by “hybrids” of Drac or reptilian ancestry who have over a great period of time, become the un-official rulers of the surface of planet Earth. This is not meant to marginalize or downplay the reality of the experiences of my fellow abductees who only remember experiences with the Greys and have been shown Grey-human hybrid babies.

If one wants to discuss hybrids then there is no better starting point then to study the minds and methods of serial murderers, serial rapists and pedophiles because a disproportionate number of the latter are Drac or reptilian hybrids. (“Dracs” refers to the ancient gargoyle species) Due to their Drac or reptilian genetics, they lack the kind of frontal lobe capacity, which acts as a safety net that prevents most people from acting out in a sexually sadistic manner. It should therefore come as no surprise that the so-called “Elite” of this planet often indulge in such practices as Incest, Pedophilism, human sacrifice and the institutionalized global trafficking of human sex slaves.

Even within the UFO research community there are a number of Drac or reptilian hybrids that promote the alien space brothers philosophy. Some of these Drac or reptilian hybrids are what I call “astral operators” who use their abilities to psychically spy on others or even to astrally rape and sodomize women, usually when the latter are sleeping.

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Take my word for it: If someone presents themselves as an expert on reptilians and all they write or lecture about is bland generalities about “The Inner Earth” and “The Golden Age of Reptilianism” when the reptilians supposedly taught advanced sciences to Mankind and also helped to develop Mankind’s Spirituality, just know that you, the listener are being fed “Chickenfeed.” When you hear these things coming from lecturers I strongly advise you to look at the speaker’s facial structure. Does the speaker have “hooded eyelids?” Does he have a pronounced ridge over his eyebrows? Are his eyes sunk deep into his eye sockets? Does his head unnaturally droop forward almost as if he’s got an extra vertebrae in his neck? Does he have the ability to manipulate a woman’s Kundalini from across a dinner table or across a room and cause her libido to skyrocket? All of these things should be common knowledge to other so-called researchers but unfortunately they are not. The reason for that is they can’t see the forest for the trees.

The UFO research community is awash with disinformation artists, perps and disrupters of all kinds. Lets take the subject of military abductions, commonly referred to as MILABS. There is much disinformation about this subject as well. One person who is on the lecture circuit speaking about MILABS is a person who channels ASHTAR. My nickname for ASHTAR is REPTAR. This person’s personal story is an amalgam of the stories of several other women who have had alien abductions and MILAB experiences. This person has assimilated the latter’s information, repackaged it and now presents herself as not only an alien abductee but a MILAB as well.

She has been fed disinformation by the likes of Ed Dames for years now. What is curious is this person doesn’t seem to be cognizant of the obscure nuances of the Alien Abductee or MILAB experience. She only seems to know about subjects, which have been previously written about or lectured on. Within the experiences of legitimate abductees and MILABS are countless obscure details that are unforgettable for the person who experienced them. These experiences may not linger in their conscious memory but when the subject is brought up by someone else, the legitimate abductee will almost always recognize these nuances within their own life experiences and will blurt out “that happened to me!” Yet, most of these details remain undocumented and only surface during private conversations with other abductees and MILABS.

To give just one example, I had a long series of conversations with Leah Haley during last years Eureka Springs UFO Conference in Arkansas. Leah is a living legend and a personal friend of mine and has spoken publicly about her many Alien and MILAB encounters. Throughout the whole weekend we kept triggering each other with stories from our own lives that would have left a non-abductee completely baffled and “out of the loop.” We were speaking a language unique to people like us. It’s a language of commonality and shared experiences.

I have been the beneficiary of confidences shared by many abductees and MILABS. They have told me things that are not found in the literature. So it strikes me as odd that this gal mentioned above who is now lecturing at UFO and Conspiracy conferences about MILABS and Mind Control doesn’t seem to be aware of these little known nuances that have been tucked away in the minds of legitimate Abductees and MILABS. I don’t doubt that this gal, I’ll call her Rhonda, has been subjected to some form of Mind Control or Behavior Modification herself. She serves the useful purpose of spreading disinformation and confusion about the subject and has been a source of grief for many MILABS in the past with her clumsy efforts at exposing MILAB encounters. These efforts usually led to more harassment and more manipulation meted out to the MILABS foolish enough to go along with her.

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I have witnessed how Rhonda has marginalized and dismissed out of hand the testimony of other abductees. In my presence she told a female abductee friend of mine “I already know what you’re going to say, anything you’ve ever experienced, I already know about.” She thus violated rule # 1: You don’t invalidate the experiences and memories of others without first doing your homework. The irony is that the gal she said this to have had more varied and wide-ranging experiences than Rhonda can ever conceive of. Rhonda was schooled in the old “Grey Hybrid” hypothesis by some of the big name non-abductee researchers and she probably wouldn’t have been able to make heads or tails of the experiences of the gal whom she so callously dismissed.

Now Rhonda has presented herself as an expert on MILABS and Mind Control. What is being left out of almost all the writings on MILABS is the fact that just as the Aliens have utilized the inherent astral capabilities of abductees, the deep black military has also utilized the astral and psychic capabilities of MILABS.

In a future work I will elaborate on this concept but suffice it to say for now, MILABS used as “Astral Operators” can be made to perform as a “multi-task platform.” They cannot only remotely view a distant location; they can act as a psychic “comm-link” to numerous other astral operators on the same “op.” MILABS in the Astral Operator Mode have been used to identify targets on the ground that are subsequently taken out with smart munitions like J-DAMS. MILABS used as Astral Operators have identified the locations of groups of Taliban and Al-Qaeda members living in underground tunnel complexes in Afghanistan such as those built by former CIA asset Osama Bin Laden’s family construction firm. Once these underground hideouts had been conclusively identified by MILABS, the precise location of the tunnel complexes are attacked with “Bunker Busters” delivered by strike aircraft. Likewise, special operations forces are sometimes sent to reconnoiter tunnel systems previously identified as Taliban and Al-Qaeda hiding places by MILABS. Of course the pilots delivering the smart munitions and the bunker busters, as well as the spec ops troops entering the cave and tunnel systems would never dream that some of the Intel obtained for their missions came from MILABS. That’s a given.

MILABS working as Astral Operators can provide instantaneous feedback to their controllers and can be diverted to other targets instantaneously. From the military controllers point of view, MILABS don’t have the inherent deficiencies that say, spy satellites have. MILABS don’t have to be launched out of Vandenberg AFB and sent into a polar orbit and wait for a particular region of the Earth to pass below them before they can be utilized. Has any of this been written or mentioned by anyone else in the lecture circuit? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a crashing sound?

Yet, what I have briefly described is just a small sampling of the sort of taskings military controllers mete out to MILABS under their control. How would you feel if you were made to direct an air strike against an Afghani or Iraqi village? How would you feel if some of the terrain in Afghanistan or the Balkans shown on television is identical to some of the places you were sent to on these MILAB OPS, both in the astral and in the physical state? (Truth to tell, there are some MILABS who glory in the role of Mind Controlled Asset but thankfully they seem to be in the minority.)

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What I’ve described isn’t even the half of it. What’s even more important is how the military controls the life of the MILAB in areas such as finance, employment, family relationships and inter-personal relationships with others outside the family. Remember, these people still have a life to lead. Joe and Jane Couch Potato can just sit and watch cable television all day and munch out on Cheetos. They are: Fat, Dumb and Happy. They don’t have to worry if they start hearing popping noises in their ceiling or start seeing little black balls floating around their living room, or hear high pitched noises inside their head, or ponder the meaning of very vivid “training dream” the night before or suddenly find themselves in an underground tram or subway station with dozens of other people in the middle of the night. Or at any rate at a time when they are supposed to be in bed and sleeping.

I’ve known of MILAB cases where the MILAB was told by their military controllers that they were going to be moving to a new house shortly in a different neighborhood when all the “facts” like finances or the lack thereof, militated against such a move. And yet within a relatively short period of time, a sequence of events unfolded that made it possible for the family to move to the new location. Oftentimes the MILAB is “shown” this new location months or even years before the move. Such is the control that the Military can exert over the lives of MILABS.

I’m only discussing MILABS here. I’m not comparing them to any other “Project People” that are caught up in some other kind of government sponsored Mind Control program. There is a marked tendency amongst the Mind Control Research and Mind Control Survivor Crowd to dismiss out of hand any data or witness testimony that sounds dissimilar to their own experiences or understanding. This is a curious and self-defeating mindset. Its patently absurd to suggest that there is only a handful of Mind Control projects underway. The reality is that there are numerous mind control programs going on in parallel with one another. Indeed its not uncommon for controllers of one type of project person, to try to “access” someone else who is involved in another project in another part of the country. There are indications that there may be an over-arching “umbrella” that ultimately controls most if not all Mind Control programs. If so it has to be connected with the New World Order and the coming Global Dictatorship.

I encourage all abductees and MILABS to first look within for your answers. Become your own private Intelligence Agency. You, the person undergoing these experiences probably know more about what’s going on than most people on the lecture circuit for no other reason than you haven’t been contaminated with all the distortions and falsehoods that are extant within the UFO and Mind Control Research Community. You, the abductee or MILAB can be the source of inspiration and guidance for your family members undergoing these experiences. Every one of you has the capability to become a leader in your own right. Don’t wait for some big shot researcher to come around and tell you that your experiences are invalid. Make up your own mind about the subject. After all, you are the one that’s experiencing the alien abductions or the MILAB experiences. Become your own best expert. I found out a long time ago that it doesn’t pay to have a “herd-mentality” where the subject of alien abductions are concerned. In the end, the only person you will be answerable to is yourself.
~James Bartley

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