Thanks to George A. Filer for this incredible report from Filer’s Files #30-1998 

MUFON’s John Thompson reports that more proof has emerged that a giant saucer-shaped UFO is visiting the Troup-Heard Corridor in west-central Georgia. A LaGrange man says that about 19 months ago three silvery dark beings of 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall entered his home by coming through his bedroom wall. He said, they seemed to “Freeze” him. They then took him through his bedroom wall.

The entities have a ceramic-like skin with no seams or wrinkles. The witness thought the entities might have been a solid form of energy. Although his glimpses of them were distorted, he felt watching them was like “looking at coins in a deep pool of water.” He was unable to discern their facial features, but the aliens were humanoid shape. They had arms and legs but strangely their hands seemed club-like except when they sometimes showed “webbed” digits.
Muscles and bone structure could also be seen in the entities’ bodies. The short beings entered the man’s room around 2:00 AM, on a cool weekday night in the early winter of 1997. On coming outside into his backyard and despite only being able to move his eyes and head slightly, he saw the outlines of a truly huge saucer. Only the “dark- light” edged perimeter of the craft could be seen. When measured against the entire length of the street he lives on, the outline of the UFO exceeded 1700 feet. This is nothing like he had ever seen in movies or TV. He seldom watches TV and claims he has not seen “Independence Day” so he did not know how his saucer would compare to what the props purport to show in that movie.
He went on to say this was “not like you see in movies. This was real!” The UFO was 100 to 150 feet high and hovered above the many trees in the area. A portion of the dark craft hung down immediately behind his house. Below this portion of the craft, a light emerged. In an instant, the witness and the entities were inside the craft as if there was no “gravity.” There was no beam as the movies sometimes depict. Just a flash and they were inside. The interior of the craft was brilliantly bright, like on a sunlit day “in the middle of a three million acre farm.
The witness said, “The UFO interior looked like a hi-tech “factory.” There were aliens everywhere and he was put on an examination table. Although he could barely move his head, he could see the tables were full of people. He was asked whether he saw men, women or children. He answered, “All I could see was the bottoms of their bare feet.” Machines with long arms, similar to x-ray machines were moving around each table. A probe thumped his right front calf, while he laid on his back. He was then flipped over and something thumped his left rear buttocks.
A mechanical arm also grabbed the crown of his head. The machines were indescribable he exclaimed, “Their technology is beyond anything we’ve got and I’ve never seen anything like what I saw. You have to be there to know what I’m talking about. I can’t describe it.” Humans and aliens with their attending machines were as far as he could see. The investigator asked if the witness thought his whole neighborhood had been abducted? He replied, “I surely am not going to tell them, I had been abducted!” He does not know how he got back to his home. The witness awakes each morning at 5:30 AM, but he slept until 10 AM. He had over-slept and was several hours late for work.
When he awoke he found a perfect circle of peeled skin, the size of a quarter on the front of his right thigh. The circle was painful and red as if someone had taken a “catfish skinner and a compass” to make it. On his left buttocks was a large sore bruise. On the crown of his head was a scab. He said, “I knew for certain on discovering these painful marks the next morning that my abduction had been real!” I “felt hot inside all-over.” He is certain that since the UFO didn’t move it would not have been seen by passing aircraft. This is a typical case where a large craft loiters under the cover of darkness in a low-lying area that is masked by hills. There was also surrealism outside during the abduction. “You could hear a pin drop.” The only noise he heard was the sounds of moving machines. The aliens spoke in a low and unintelligible language.
Without the physical marks left on his body, he said he still would not believe in abductions and UFOs. It was his first and only encounter and he had never believed in UFOs or aliens before. He claims he has “never taken drugs” and was not drinking. The next day, he showed his best friend his circle of peeled-off skin. For those who still think UFOs and aliens are a joke he said, “When it happens to them, they’ll believe in it then. It’s no joke!

See also  1996: Demon Possession and Alien Abduction: Similarities of an Enigma

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