William C. Treurniet, July 2007

Summary. Analysis of the alien abduction story suggests that the sequence of events is comparable to some experiences of the shamanic spirit world as revealed by DMT, a hallucinogenic drug. In the trance state, some people see beings similar to those reported by abductees. Therefore, it is possible that abductees involuntarily manufacture excessive endogenous DMT, which then opens the door to the spirit world. Further, the physical evidence associated with some abductions suggests that happenings in the spirit world can manifest in the physical world. Finally, since the alien abductors appear in the DMT visions, they are inhabitants of the spirit world and likely are not directly responsible for the UFOs seen in the physical world.


Many people recognize the presence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the skies around the earth. However, there is little physical evidence available to the public that would help to identify their origin with any degree of certainty. Their nature is further confused by stories about alien abductions. These have created a modern myth that puts a face to the extraterrestrials and attributes motives that may or may not be correct. This paper offers a useful distinction between the abductors and other extraterrestrials that may be visiting our world. It also expands our notion of reality to include an objective spirit world familiar to shamanic traditions.

What we know about UFOs has been gained by consistent observations over the years, and these allow us to list a number of accepted facts regarding the nature of these objects.


Facts from UFO sightings:

  • made of solid matter or are luminous balls of energy
  • appear spontaneously to individuals or to large numbers of people
  • motion seems not to be constrained by inertia since acceleration can be very high
  • shapes of solid objects are typically cylindrical, ovoid, or triangular
  • shapes of luminous objects are typically spheroid
  • estimated sizes vary from a meter to kilometers in width
  • have appeared on land with humanoid occupants

A possibly related phenomenon is the repeated temporary abductions of people by beings unknown.   The abductees describe their captors as alien to this earth, and often describe the place where they are taken as an alien spacecraft. Occasionally, a UFO is seen in the vicinity of an abduction and, sometimes, abductees report being transported off the earth in a spacecraft. Consequently, the abductors are often thought to be the occupants of the mysterious UFOs. However, there is little evidence for this conclusion. An excellent description of a typical abduction event is provided by David Jacobs who has spent many years investigating this phenomenon. Reports from many different abductees allow us to list a number of consistent observations associated with this phenomenon.

General characteristics of abductions:

  • abductions occur while people are awake or asleep
  • abductions follow a script that evolves over time
  • the script leads to creation of human-alien hybrids with paranormal abilities
  • abductions are usually associated with missing time
  • the appearance of the abductors is consistent across abductions
  • the ultimate purpose is to facilitate “The Change”
  • the fate of non-abductees is never mentioned

Private observations:

  • people float, pass through walls, rise in a beam of light
  • abductees have very little control over their own actions
  • family members are usually unaware – may appear to be in a comatose state
  • the abductors appear to have a hierarchical chain of command
  • medical procedures involving the reproductive system are performed
  • communication with abductors is telepathic
  • the mind is controlled via eye-to-eye contact
  • visions are induced to communicate various scenarios to the abductees
See also  2008: Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction

Supporting evidence:

  • abductions have been observed by other people in the vicinity
  • abductees may be missed by family members for the duration of the abduction
  • abductees may awaken with clothing on backward, and blood stains on the bed
  • abductees may have implants in the head, and scooped skin on legs
  • people abducted together may share memories of specific encounters and events

The private observations are from the viewpoint of the abductee, and are entirely subjective. Abduction reports consistent with the list of private observations do not necessarily include any supporting evidence. The supporting evidence is occasionally noticed after the abduction experience. For example, physical aftereffects from the medical procedures may be found, and there are occasional reports of shared abduction experiences, where two different individuals recall similar details in separate interview sessions.

Floating through walls does not happen in normal physical reality, and a medical procedure during a dream does not leave physical aftereffects. Yet, both phenomena are said to occur during some abductions. What kind of reality can accommodate these seemingly impossible events? To simplify the issue, I propose that we distinguish between two types of abduction scenarios – Type A and Type B. In the Type A abduction, the activity takes place entirely within the psyche of the abductee and there is no “supporting evidence”. In the Type B abduction, physical effects or bystander observations occur as well.

Part B

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