by Dan Smith and Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Directors, Center for North American Crop Circle Studies

We stand accused, according to the various rumors that are circulating, of being key figures in one of the greatest conspiracies ever to hit the paranormal field.

Well, golly… shucks, folks….

Actually, we wouldn’t mind taking the credit, but out of a sense of sheer honesty and modesty we have to report that we are a bit short of realizing this conspiratorial goal. Nonetheless, if others want to continue this conspiracy, then we should not be too modest or too honest, but do what we can to keep those rumor mills grinding.

First, though, a little background for those of you who are joining us late. Rumor has it that we are working for the CIA, and specifically the Aviary, to spread disinformation throughout the crop circle-ufology fields. Lately, we have been named as part of an alleged international disinformation conspiracy in “Schnabelgate,” the Jim Schnabel-Robert Irving-George Wingfield- Henry Azadehdel tape circus that hit crop circles last fall.

Wingfield, one of England’s leading cereologists, suspected Irving and Schnabel of hoaxing circles in order to discredit the phenomenon and its researchers. He enlisted the help of Henry Azadehdel, a.k.a. Armen Victorian, a journalist who specializes in writing exposes in the UFO field. Posing as an African journalist, Azadehdel called first Irving and then Schnabel to ask questions about the “conspiracy.” Irving and Schnabel say they knew what game was afoot, and put one over on Azadehdel by embroidering a tall story of a conspiracy involving intelligence agencies in the US, UK and Germany, and the Vatican as well.

The conversations were taped, and Wingfield took them as gospel truth. The resulting controversy has damaged cereology and alienated researchers. Now Wingfield comes along to stir the pot even more, talking about a CIA lunch we three were at last year, showing in his lectures a slide of Rosemary seated next to a member of the Aviary. The implication is that this was the Big Approach to Compromise George. Sorry, George, it ain’t so, and more about “The Lunch” in a moment.

We’ve been publicly silent about all these allegations, because denial only fuels more intense belief on the part of the paranoid. Those who love rumors will continue to believe in them and spread them, regardless of what we say. We’d rather stay out of the rumor gutter and talk to people who are interested in the truth. We’ve been asked what we’re really doing. Here’s our answer.

In the beginning there was eschatology–the branch of
theology dealing with the end times. Dan, having spent many
years first studying physics and then metaphysics, came to the
conclusion that the scientists have been looking at the world
upside down. Mind, not matter, is the foundation for all
realities. Moreover, the materialist paradigm was in danger of
imminent collapse, being subverted on the inside by its own
contradictions, and on the outside by the growing body of
evidence for the paranormal.

See also  Russian military spooked by UFO

Creating and maintaining a reality is no easy game. It
requires a lot of magic, and a lot of conscious critters like
ourselves who are pretty good at collective self-deception.
Fortunately–or perhaps unfortunately–our particular reality
game has about reached its natural conclusion, and we are waking
up to the fact that mind and matter are not separate. We are
undergoing an exciting but stressful revolution in our collective

This revolution, or global spiritual emergency, will bring
upheavals and overloads in our global consciousness that will
impact the material Earth for better or worse, and may quickly
get out of control. We also will be opening up to other
realities that will be impacting us as well.

Our present very tidy sense of reality and its boundaries is
due to become much more fluid and permeable. Every spiritual
tradition takes very seriously its prophesies about the end of
the world, but for the first time we are seeing these prophesies
turning into believable predictions of earth and reality changes.
That is how Dan fell from physics into eschatology.
After experiencing numerous slammed doors among his former
scientific colleagues, he decided that the most logical place to
find fellow eschatologists would be in various intelligence
agencies and among investigators of the paranormal.
Dan next addressed how to communicate about the eschaton.
Even a small hint that the government is worried about the end of
the world might start a chain reaction of panic, which could
possibly serve as a trigger for the eschaton. On the other hand,
people inside the government might be wanting to set up a kind of
civil defense network vis a vis the eschaton, and so they would
be looking for people on the outside who could much more freely
network among the general public.

An important link in the communication chain is what has
become known as the Aviary. This is the final link next to the
public network, and so it must be heavily disguised by its own
surrealistic smoke screen. The Aviary functions best by
amplifying people’s own misconceptions about the paranormal. It
does this by helping to overinflate individual pieces of the
puzzle so that particular investigators get pushed further into
their own blind alleys. People are encouraged to be so
distracted by the trees that they fail to see the forest.
This cacophony by people looking for truth in all the
strangest places provides an excellent cover for the deadly
serious business of clearing the decks and battening down the
hatches for the eschaton event. It is like a Manhattan Project
going on behind the scenes of alien grays and praying mantises
having sex with humans. However, this eschaton conspiracy is
being orchestrated by higher powers, and we don’t mean the
Committee of 300. Very few of the people even near the center of
the orchestration have a clear picture of what is coming down,
but they do know that something is coming and that they will have
front row seats.

See also  1988: UFO Cover-Up?: Live! Full

The Manhattan Project relative to the eschaton is a global
civilian network of people who will serve as a lightning rod for
the cosmic energies coming in during the consciousness
revolution. They will be looking to channel these energies
into expanded realities. Thus, they will provide a degree of
protection for those people who can find their places alongside
the network. Outside of the network there will be greater levels
of trauma and confusion.
The pieces of the network are already in place, the
remaining task is to properly activate and link the pieces
into a critical mass of awareness. This last step is now
underway. This is how an Aviary helps to spawn an Aquarium,
and how birds learn to swim. The Aquarium is our business, and
we are working to reach people who are ready to be activated in
the consciousness revolution.

Now about the CIA lunch with George Wingfield. It was
organized by Dan as a networking effort, and took place on April
15, 1992 in a restaurant in Arlington, Virginia. Besides
ourselves and George, participants included George’s wife,
Gloria, three employees of the CIA and an outside colleague of
theirs. None of us knew in advance what would be discussed.
Conversation centered on eschatology, crop circles, and an
explanation of the Aviary given to George by “The Pelican.”
There were no requests, no offers.
Afterward, George wondered what it was all about. The
answers are obvious, but they won’t be found in rumors.

Editor’s Note:
I was intrigued after reading the “Aquarium Memo” because it, in
essence, raised more questions than it answered–especially on the
eschatology issue. I drafted a response and uploaded it to Don Allen,
(moderator for the FIDO UFO conference) requesting that he forward it
to Dan Smith and Rosemary Ellen Guiley. Several days later, I received
a call from Mr. Smith. I must confess that, being at work, I was
unprepared for the interview that followed.

Surprisingly, he confirmed the existence of the “Aviary,” the shadowy
UFO intelligence group that includes the infamous “Falcon” and “Condor.”
Smith also indicated that Richard Doty was still an active member of
the “Aviary,” although his primary contact with this group is “Pelican.”
Pelican’s principle duty is to track millennial/eschatological communities,
“entering a twilight zone where psychic techniques are being generated by
humans and other entities.”

See also  1992: Nazi Germany achieved its technological advantage with aliens’ help

Mr. Smith recounted the October 28, 1992 event in South Korea where
religious devotees of a particular sect awaited the “end of the world.”
Over 20,000 members of the South Korean armed forces deserted during
this event and U.S. Army psychiatrists were sent to deprogram and
debrief them.

According to Mr. Smith, UFOs are primarily a psychological/metaphysical
phenomenon which are both preparing us and pressuring us to develop our
own psi abilities. Not that UFOs are a single type of entity, Smith
asserts that there are “powers and principalities” at work–presumably
angels and demons.

Furthermore, a radical program of psychic research and development is
currently underway near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This group’s development
of psychokinesis, parapsychology, and psychotronics (a term used to
denote psychic warfare techniques) represents a danger of eschatological
proportions. “These techniques have been available, but controlled,
throughout history. Now, other entities are forcing the issue,” says Smith.

The “Aquarium,” as outlined by Smith and Guiley, is devoted to assisting the “Aviary” in establishing a network of “spiritually advanced” individuals to lessen the impact of the eschaton event.

During the course of our conversation, Mr. Smith seemed unable to
provide proof for his claims. He did report that his government sources
“hinted at” an eschatological emergency. To prove the evil intent of the
entities involved, he referred to reports of human mutilations in the
Amazon which have been officially attributed to drug dealers, but according
to his sources, were committed by these evil entities.

In closing, I passed along Armen Victorian’s question (see Letters section) concerning Rosemary Guiley’s association with Vance Tiede and “RADM” (Rear Admiral?) Harold Bliss and their “involvement in the UFO affairs.” Smith responded that it was Vance Tiede who originally suggested to Ms. Guiley that she get involved in circles research and facilitated her contacts in this field.

So what does it all mean? Mr. Smith revealed that the eschatological issues raised related directly to the Biblical prophecies in the book of Revelations. On the surface it could be that we’re experiencing millennial fever at the close of the 20th century. Then again, there are many reports of secret military psi programs such as reported in Howard Blum’s Out There and the accounts of Ed Dame’s commercial remote viewing enterprise, PSITECH.

Mr. Smith has been invited to write an article for HUFON Report that will articulate, in detail, his views and why he holds them.


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