Part 1(Dedicated to the memory of Todd Sees of Montour, PA)

North Brunchilli, Australia 1992 
Watch this video!

New York City, September 11th, 2006

The following is a detailed analysis and description of the gruesome AA Ambulance Film Clip from Ray Santilli’s comedy film “Alien Autopsy (with Art and Dec). This article is being published in reply today, September 11, 2006, to an email from Mr. Nick Balaskas, posted this morning on UFO Updates, which read:

Hi Everyone!
The video on the web site below was brought to my attention by a friend on Saturday after I came to work to watch fellow Canadian and York alumnus Steve MacLean blast-off in space in Atlantis live on the big screen and, afterwards, to do an interview for a student film documentary on UFOs in Canada. This video is being promoted as authentic film footage of the recovered alien bodies from the UFO(s) that crashed near Roswell, Arizona in 1947.

Is this video, which depicts what look like naked and sexless dummies just another very clever hoax or simply apparently aged B&W footage taken from a new or upcoming film documentary or movie on the Roswell UFO crash?

Nick Balaskas”

I would first like to thank Stuart Miller who brought this film sequence to my attention after he viewed the premiere of “Alien Autopsy” in London earlier this year. I would also like to express my appreciation to Ed Gehrman, Neil Morris, William Sawyers and Mark Center for providing me with earlier versions of this film clip for analysis.

Disclaimer: The analyst will leave the determination of the origin and authenticity of the film clip to other UFOlogists to judge individually. The views herein expressed are strictly my own and do not reflect the opinions of any of the aforementioned individuals. The following analysis is simply a description (as I see it) of the contents of the film clip presented as the climactic ending of Ray Santilli’s film, “Alien Autopsy,” starring the English comedians popularly known as “Art and Dec.” I began working on this analysis in April of 2006 and revised and edited the following on May 9th and September 11th, 2006 and have shared it only with those experts cited above until today.

corpsePurported Photo of Crashed Saucer Recovery (Source unknown)

List of activities and contents Observed in the AA Ambulance Film Clip:

The purported Roswell AA Ambulance (AAA) Loading Scenario (as I call it) is very clear to me now, having spent at this point more than 40 hours on the analysis and its description. That is 40 hours studying 58 seconds of film.

What follows is my personal interpretation of what I discern to be shown in the film:

The “smaller Army ambulance” seen in the background is being used to shuttle a large number of bodies, EBEs, humans (and human body parts) “somewhere”.

I write “The smaller Army Ambulance.” The reader may ask ” Smaller than what?”

M* reply: The ambulance is “smaller” than the heavy duty multi-axel, multi-ton Army TRUCK, also technically used as an ambulance, which is seen and presumed to be brining the coffins containing ETs, human bodies and body parts into the transfer area. It quickly becomes apparent that many corpses are being transferred from a very large multi-ton Army truck seen entering the location of the operation on the left side of the screen early in the video clip to the “AA Ambulance” (so dubbed by me).

As seen in this film clip, several coffins, off-loaded from the multi-ton Army truck by military and police personnel are being opened in the area between the truck and the ambulance. EBE (or ET) bodies along with human bodies and body parts. Some of these are taken on litters with several being removed directly in view of the camera from single coffins to the ambulance and stacked in there.

Speaking only for myself, I believe that the final clip is authentic and that what is depicted involved the shipment and offloading of the corpses, EBEs and human victims, secretly and under heavy guard to a Top Secret military location, which has yet to be discovered or revealed. Let us take note that Col. Philip Corso in “The Day After Roswell” described the shipment of alien bodies via truck convoy, which stopped at Ft. Riley, Kansas, a highly topic debated in UFO circles. This is not an assertion on my part that this film depicts Roswell related events, simply a statement of facts. Corso stated that the specimen he saw was being conveyed by truck. These bodies are also being conveyed by truck.

I believe that there is a Female EBE, demised, to be seen apparently being lifted and removed from a body bag to be loaded into the ambulance early in the film clip.

This is a very sad and pathetic sight to me. I suppose it is an innate male instinct in me to view the death of any woman with archetypal sadness, even an Alien Female such as the one that I see here, for in a fundamental way, the sight of a dead female signifies the end of the continuity of life,” not just human “Life” but any life, be it animal, human or alien. I find that single frame deeply moving and very disturbing.

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Her physical form, in fact, is quite beautiful and well proportioned: petite, delicate and human-like from the neck down and presenting very fine, delicately chiseled features in her EBE female head, with big black eyes and a pointy triangular chin.

Her right breast is beautifully formed, like some of our human females and presenting a very lovely curvature of the back and right buttock in side view. Her pelvis is well formed, clearly defined and distinguishable. This female specimen could well be an early ET/Human hybrid.

It appears to me that 2 ETs are brought out of the truck on litters, placed and on the ground before being transferred to the ambulance. One is dead, the other injured, barely alive. I state that another creature may have been alive as I discern in the film a momentary lifting and flexion of the right arm as the litter is lowered and placed on the ground. There also appears to be a live alien (“IT”) walking around there in the area.

This detail, the ET’s presence in the background was first noticed by Stuart Miller and reported on UFO Updates for which reason I contacted him early on in April.

At first, IT is seen in and around the loading zone and later IT is to be seen inside the ambulance. It appears to me that the alien has been dressed and disguised in a black uniform with an MP armband for some reason. At one point the creature crouches down over one of the open coffins or litters (hard to tell which). What appear to be 2 male humans, shown with their chest and abdominal cavities opened and eviscerated are seen briefly being moved on litters toward the ambulance. In one clear frame, one can see several ribs near the heart region have been cleanly cut through as if the ribs, heart and pericardium had been removed whole. One of the victims presents a horrible and tortured expression on his face as if he had been a victim of vivisection.

What appear to be at least 2 female human bodies, partly dissected, are viewed at close range as their coffin is opened and length-long pans of the camera reveal:

1. Dissection of a human, along the left hip joint of the closest one, an adult female.

2. A deep gouge of flesh has been removed from the left buttock in a coarse “V.” It would appear that the so-called “Grey ETs” mutilate human bodies or “mark” them in this was (with a “V shaped cut,” similar in a way to the manner in which cattle are branded to show ownership. The same mark appears later in the clip, incised near the ankle and arch on the left foot of one of the victims. Another frame shows a round section of flesh has been excised and gouged out in a perfect circle from the right buttock. The rectal area has been cored out.

3. The body appears at first to have been in a prone and partly kneeling position (right knee flexed and tucked under) revealing many incisions (hip) and parallel lacerations in strips of the left thigh.

4. The right thigh is not visible as it is tucked underneath and in a darkened region (still in the coffin). As the camera pans down, one can see the lower extremity of the calf and foot but in such an unnatural configuration in relationship to the hips and buttocks seen earlier that one must assume that the leg was flexed at the knee joint and only a part of the right foot appears briefly.

5. A partially severed leg appears in which the front thigh has been dissected and the muscles of the rectus femoris have been excised. Another leg, a left leg, shin and foot appears and although it may still be attached to a corpse, it has been twisted around and appears with the lower leg and foot pointing most oddly with deep gouges taken out of the instep, with other strips removed, also apparent in the shins and the foot.

6. Close-ups of another leg and foot reveal a sharp “V”-shaped incision made deeply into the inner (medial) region of the inside of a left ankle (for which reason I believe that it is part of a severed leg or a second body lying underneath the one described above).

With the first body described above (point 3) seen prone and partly kneeling, the leg and foot should appear to be the back (posterior aspect) of a right calf foot and ankle but this is the opposite: the right leg, shin and foot (as noted above, seem to be the leg of a second body lying below the first one of the female described above (Points 1-4, above), shipped in the same coffin.

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Alongside it, inside the coffin is a severed human left leg (female) and the right leg of what I believe is that of a second body packed under the first one , which I believe now, after viewing this a score or more times, is actually the case.

7. Conclusion # 6 is based on the fact that after the removal of the mutilated female described above in points 1-5, a front view of another (younger, smaller) human female apparently younger, possibly an early adolescent girl (no pubic hair, female genitals evident) is shown for several frames as her corpse is lifted from the coffin, filmed at close range and carried to the AA Ambulance.

8. This is followed by close-ups of the back and shoulder region of a coarse & crudely decapitated human torso, demonstrating deep incisions, opening the upper thoracic region of the spine. A few frames later, with the corpse having been removed, there appears inside the coffin, a section of skull (occipital and parietal bones) partly attached to the visibly identifiable cervical and thoracic vertebrae, stripped of all flesh and surrounding musculature.

The brain stem has been surgically removed from its seat in the cervical region, severed where the medulla oblongata joins and branches nerves into the spinal column. I believe that this segment of the occipital/parietal region of the skull along with cervical/thoracic vertebrae of the spinal column belonged to the victim described in the opening sentence of this point (# 8).

9. Another body is seen lying in a coffin, possibly an EBE.

10. Another decapitated human body is shown briefly. Its head has been surgically and very cleanly severed across the neck as if in one smooth slice done by machinery.

11. A large carcass that appears to be that of a man is seen momentarily seen being lifted and loaded. Its right flank has been sectioned. The side of the abdomen is stripped revealing the outer aspect of the right rib cage, flayed and reflected from the region of the right hip through the length of the body and straight through the right shoulder and arm, which is seen dangling from the carcass with the limb twisted around.

12. Close-up views of alien heads and human bodies, backs and buttocks appear briefly being stacked into or hung upright in the ambulance, where one can see the live EBE, previously, noted earlier in the loading area, standing inside the Ambulance, dressed in black but with a hood-like head cover over the back half of its head. The black shirt “IT” is wearing is reminiscent of a Nazi Gestapo uniform (and this may be one reason that so many abductees have reported “a Nazi presence” in UFOs as far back as Barney Hill when he viewed the approach of the Flying Saucer, which abducted him and Betty through his binoculars).

13. A few quick, overexposed frames of what appears to be a dissected, exposed human spinal column is seen for just a moment as it is loaded into the ambulance.

14. The distraught faces of two humans who have been handling the bodies appear briefly as the film clip ends. The film clip noted in the links given in UFO Updates by Mr. Balaskas today is of much better quality and larger than the ones with which I originally had to work and I feel confident that any viewer, using this article as a guide, will clearly see what I have described.

One of the lingering “legends” of the Roswell event, reported by Linda Moulton Howe, the late William Cooper and others, is the story of the suicides of several MPs just a few days after the recovery. The gruesome scenes depicted in this film clip would go far in explaining the causes for such actions.

That is all that I can say at this time except that if this is an example of what was found inside the Roswell craft or other UFO recoveries around that time, the reluctance of world governments to acknowledge or discuss the issue of the UFO phenomenon publicly is perfectly understandable and, in the context of the typical psychological mindset of the general public in the 1940s & 1950s, the UFO cover-up was conducted with the best interests of public at heart by ignorant and impotent officials trying to come to grips with the horrific implications of what had been discovered and recovered. At all costs, they must have judged, the public must never know.

Therefore, denial was their only recourse. If the story of the MPs’ suicides is true, what else could they do when battle-hardened men chose to end their lives rather than face the truth, realizing that the government and military had no power to stop UFOs or over their occupants? All they could say was “Nothing happened.”

After 60 years of preparation (as was predicted by Frank Edwards in his classic “Flying Saucers – Serious Business” circa 1967), the American public is better prepared psychologically and technologically to confront this threat and face this issue today after many years of exposure, preparation and psychological conditioning through films and mass media.

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All of the historical disinformation strategies and MIB activities to silence and discredit witnesses in the 1950s/60s/70s to maintain “Above Top Secret” classification now make perfect sense to me and would appear to be partially justified given the typical “Duck and Cover” mindset of government bureaucrats and military-industrial complicit scientists of the time.

AA Ambulance Film Clip Link (Full Screen):

Addendum: The Sad Case of Todd Sees, a Pennsylvania Hunter, in 2002

I began studying cases of ET homicides (and cattle mutilations) several decades ago. The following case of Todd Sees is one of the most disturbing, as well as, one of the most recent. It was this pathetic case that compelled me to “go public” with the information that I have gathered over many years:


Excerpt (from Rense.Com):

Farmer saw an object above Montour Ridge at the power lines, on top of the mountain, it was round and very still over the lines. Suddenly it moved what looked like a few hundred feet to the east, it stopped and a beam of blue and white light shined to the ground.”


“What was seen next was very unnerving, he saw what appeared to be a man suspended in the light, he was being pulled up head first, he was moving his arms slowly in the light. What looked like a man was pulled up into the bottom of the craft. A few seconds later and it started shuddering, then went west very fast stopped briefly, then went straight up and out of sight.2 days later a naked body except for his underwear was found, the man found rode up the power line looking for deer signs at around 5:00, his 4 wheeler was 2 miles from where his body was found in thick brush.”


It is interesting to note that this event, the disappearance and death of Todd Sees, occurred just 20 miles from the site of the Kecksburg UFO recovery of December 1965. At that time, Montour was the site of an Air National Guard Unit, which was the first to arrive at the Kecksburg recovery area. Of course, to this day, the government asserts “Nothing happened” then but something happened to Todd Sees and we still don’t know what that was.

The repeated glare and “burn out” as various shots begin is a product of “flashover”, a momentary overexposure that occurs when the aperture of a 16-millimeter camera opens initially.

There was no “autoexposure meter” built into cameras yet in the late 1940s.

The Electric Eye” was still in development.

24 fps was the standard for 16 mm. film in the 1940s. Some cameras had 16 fps settings in order to conserve film. The rapid body movements of these people appear to be speeded up as if shot at 16 fps and shown at 24 fps.

The “flashovers,” the abruptness and multiple cuts of the shots look to me to be the result of repeated “starts and stops” as if the cinematographer was trying to conserve film in a single magazine/roll of film (during a very hasty, rapid, quick-paced operation) by shooting only a few frames of film at a time in order to get as much of what was going on as was humanly and technically possible on one roll of film.

The age of the film and, perhaps, as your colleague points out “repeated replication” and conversion to modern media could account for the rest. However, if the film was staged recently, what need for repeated replication. Any necessary alterations could have been accomplished digitally.

Certainly, particularly gruesome things seem to have been intentionally darkened and/or masked.

The army truck, the ambulance is authentic 1940s “GI Issue” and the MPs and policemen all look real 1940s. Ed Gehrman’s work has shown this clearly to those of us who have been working on it since April.

Actors today cannot really mimic the 1940s “body language” or facial expressions and that is the most telling characteristic of this strip of film.

That is why films like “Pearl Harbor“, as good as they may be, graphically and technologically, fall flat when the “girlie-Hollywood beach boys” of today start to move, running in battle, for example, and try to play or emulate “the real men” and veterans of the 1940s and 1950s who had really gone through WWII and Korea. They don’t “cut it”…the men seen in this film clip do.

Want to see real WWII GI/USMC “body language”? Check out Audie Murphy and James Whitmore in 1950s films.

I believe that the film is real. Whether or not it is Roswell is another issue altogether. It looks real to me.

The content is what is important and that could not have been so easily staged or choreographed particularly in terms of the haste and “body language” issues previously described.

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