
Increasingly over the years reports have come in concerning sightings of the chevron or boomerang-shaped craft.

Many of these are multiple witness reports. Perhaps the reason for this is simply the size of the craft reported. The smaller of these two UFOs’, is generally described as being chevron-shaped, while the larger is generally described as resembling a boomerang.

The latter has been a witness at times to be of enormous dimensions. Both craft have been witnessed by individuals and groups to pass overhead at relatively low levels, and with speeds sometimes comparative to walking pace.

Often, both crafts are observed as totally silent, and at other times as having a droning type sound.

They have been reported as illuminated like a carnival ride, normally with brighter lights on the leading edge than the trailing edge.

And again the opposite applies, for equally they have been witnessed as just a gray or black metallic-looking shape, gliding through the sky.

One feature that does seem almost unanimous concerning the boomerang/chevron type craft is it’s turning habits. These crafts do not turn in the sky, but rather they rotate.

UK Sighting from Robert, Chairman of BUFORA

Date: 1999

Time: approx. 1.00am to 1.30am

Place: Harrow, London

My event took place mid-summer of 1999 whilst standing in the back garden of the house I lived in at the time, at around 1.00 to 1.30 am.

I wasn’t tired on this particular evening, and as it was a warm cloudless night I thought I’d brew a mug of tea and go out in the back garden and enjoy a quiet moment or two to take in a star-filled sky (allowing for city light pollution that is).

As I looking up to my right at one point (more or less east) I caught a movement to the left of my peripheral vision (northern direction). I could actually see an ill-defined dark shape apparently some way off.

Within a few seconds it was obvious that this dark shape was getting decidedly larger as I watched it, which suggested that whatever it was, it was approaching my position both swiftly in curious and apparent silence!

As investigative researchers, conditioning doesn’t allow us to instantly accept what we either see or hear about as highly strange or UFOs, yet this ‘thing’ was closing down on me at a rapid pace, in total silence and without a solitary light showing anywhere upon its structure.

I have to be honest and say that despite my feelings on rash or unqualified judgments, I instantly understood that I was about to witness something quite unexpected and extraordinary!

The ‘object’ became defined roughly 100 yards away from the end of the garden and at a height of approximately 1000 -1500ft (estimation based upon experience in the aviation industry).

As it closed on my vantage point and passed directly overhead, I saw a dirty black( visually brown/black as opposed to pure black by definition) non-reflective coated boomerang shaped ‘aircraft’ spanning what I quickly estimated to be some 150-200 ft.


Drawing of craft by Robert

Under each ‘wing’ were three evenly spaced soft/dull golden brown spheres flecked with a dull yellow which seemed to move around the spheres in contra-rotation. This effect was in fact the street lights at the front of the house reflecting on the surface of the spheres as the ‘aircraft’ passed both over me and then the roof of the house!

I stood for a second or two both stunned and at the same time trying to calculate my chances of rushing through the kitchen, down the hall and through two front doors (main and porch) to follow the ‘boomerang’ across what remained of the visible sky before the houses across the street blocked my view. I more or less instantly reasoned, however, that I didn’t have a hope in hell of reacquiring it after such an obstacle course because of its speed, the virtual invisible nature of its totally non reflective finish and my natural inability to readjust my night vision and focus after such a frantic rush through a semi illuminated interior and out into the street.

See also  Changing Shape UFO's

As a result, I stayed put and instantly replayed/recalled what fleeting details I had taken in whilst it passed overhead. The total time span of my sighting, from ‘positive acquired visual’ to obstruction by the roof of my house lasted no more than 10 seconds in all whilst the whole episode from initial peripheral awareness to natural obstruction, lasted no more than twenty five seconds.

Perhaps the most striking aspect of the incident was the complete silence surrounding it. Given the time of the morning, the district was decidedly quiet, and in combination with the still early morning air, the absolute silence of this bizarre ‘aircraft’ as it transitioned the sky was distinctly noticeable and actually more disturbing than any other aspect of the whole event to be quite honest.

I clearly recall standing there shortly thereafter thinking somewhat ironically ‘well bugger me…I finally get to see a ‘UFO’ in the middle of north Harrow, whilst drinking a mug of tea and thinking about anything but UFOs!!’….

Regards and best wishes, Robert (Chairman, BUFORA)

New V shape craft report From Phil, currently employed in the Aerospace Industry.

Myself and my family saw this large V-shaped craft pass over our house in the country.

It was about 8:00 PM in the spring and my brother and sisters were playing in the backyard, we lived on a high area with few houses around so the view is pretty good, our dad walked around the house and looked up and said “look at that” (as a WW2 Vet, nothing seemed to surprise him!) we looked up and there was this HUGE V shaped craft with lights on the leading edge and it appeared to be about 1000 to 2000 feet up and about the width of about 1/4 mile wide!

It made no sound and seemed to move smoothly from the North to the South directly over our house, I would guess the speed at about 40 to 60 MPH, a couple of friends of our family from Scotland was staying in an RV in the front yard and as the husband came around the house he said “What is THAT?”… we watched it pass over and from the back it seemed like it was totally flat (no curves) and it just disappeared into the night.

About 10 minutes later a small light airplane with very bright lights (they reminded me of the large submarine locator aircraft) made pass after pass through the area like it was looking for something! My dad was a pilot and there was a small airport nearby but nobody (the next day) knew anything about the mystery “search” plane as it didn’t take off from our airport!

Perhaps it was an Air Force search plane sent out to look for the V-craft? One thing I am sure, the ‘search plane’ was conventional, the HUGE v-craft was not like anything my family or friends had ever seen before or since! It was witnessed by eight of us that night.

Exclusive Boomerang report by Elizabeth Fucci

Ossining NY, 31 October 1988

It was a Wednesday night. As volunteers for a Halloween program at the local Cable TV Studio, my friend, also named Liz, and I had just returned to her house from a shoot at the studio. It was nearly 8 PM when I went to my car in her driveway. I had just opened the car door and was about to get in, when I noticed a long string of lights in the sky straight ahead, and flying very low.

See also  Box Shaped UFO's

Because this string of lights didn’t resemble any aircraft I had ever seen, I just stood there and stared at it as it approached. As it got closer, I noticed a low vibrational droning sound, very similar to the sound-effects of the deep-space ships featured in “Star Wars,” the movie. It was a sound that could be felt as much as heard. It was not loud; rather, it was just at the audible range for a low droning sound. I also noticed that this thing was flying very low, not much above treetop height, and it couldn’t have been going faster than about 25 mph.


(Sketch drawn by Elizabeth Fucci)

It took a couple of minutes for it to come directly overhead, which it definitely did, and at that point I was stunned at how large it was: easily the length of three B-52 bombers placed wingtip to wingtip (roughly the length of a football field, maybe larger). Before it flew overhead, I noticed that it had only white and yellow lights, closely spaced in two or three offset rows. The lights spanned the entire facing edge of the object, which was somewhat boomerang shaped, although I didn’t realize that until it was directly over head, and I could see the entire underneath of it. It had no lights at all on the underneath. Rather, it was simply a huge span of pitch black, starkly outlined against the night sky.

To see it from wingtip to wingtip, I had to turn around and around. There was too much to see from standing in one place. It took easily 30 seconds to pass completely overhead, and then I could see its trailing edge. It had lights, but nowhere near as many as on the leading edge. I cannot recall if any of the lights flashed on and off…..

When I realized that I had seen the notorious “Hudson Valley Boomerang,” I raced back to my friend’s house and pounded on the door. It took awhile for her to answer (she thought I was a trick-or-treater, and she was out of treats), but when she opened the door, I pointed to the UFO, still quite visible, and flying in a northerly direction. My friend’s husband also came out, and we watched the UFO until it disappeared out of sight behind trees in the distance.

The time, when I looked at my watch, was 8:05 PM.

Elizabeth Fucci

I am a 45-year-old office worker. On May 26 at 9:28 p.m. I was in my back patio.

As I was walking to go back inside, I looked up and saw a boomerang-shaped craft slowing gliding directly overhead. Its shape was that of a 90-degree angle, with very sharply defined, angular features, like 2 long rectangles joined to a point in the front. It had 3 large, white lights on each wing. It was the size of an index finger held arm’s length, slightly smaller.

My guess is that it was approximately the elevation small planes fly, traveling about 200-300 mph, and I would say it was somewhat larger than a commercial airliner, maybe twice as large.

The lights were very soft looking, not bright or glaring at all. I could just make out the boomerang outline of it against the sky. If it didn’t have lights, I’d never have noticed it. It traveled almost directly overhead going N.N.W. Then 4 minutes later, to my utter amazement, ANOTHER one flew directly overhead, this one going N.W.

See also  1952: Operation Mainbrace

The second one was identical in every respect except that as it approached, I noticed that it looked asymmetrical, with 3 lights on one side and 4 on the other, the last light on the left wing being considerably brighter.

As it passed overhead, I saw that that 4th light was actually a separate object flying a short distance off the wingtip at exactly the same speed. As it flew off in the distance, that extra object kept perfect pace and distance with the boomerang.

These craft were completely silent. Then, at 9:55, I saw a very bright, silvery white streak of light go across the sky in that same N.W direction. I’ve witnessed many meteor showers, and this wasn’t one. The tail looked like light as opposed to a debris tail left by a meteor, and it disappeared to a single point of light in the distance.

On January 2 of this year, I reported another boomerang that flew overhead at this same location, which looked exactly the same except it was traveling much faster and the entire craft was much easier to see because it had a sort of florescent glow outlining it.

WOODLANDS — On October 26, 2000, with rows of lights on the underside of each leg traveling silently and at fantastic speed. It is a clear, cold night and I was outside with my telescope facing E.S.E at Orion.

I looked up from the telescope when at about my 11:00 position I spotted a V-shaped formation of circular diffuse white lights on the underside of a ‘solid’ V-shaped ‘fuselage’ which was transparent (could see star field behind it) and shimmered like a mirage. From 4 to 6 closely spaced lights down each leg of V and 1 at point. Their diameter was nearly the width of each leg.

They pulsed slowly at one-second intervals and simultaneously, and shimmered in sync with rest of craft. At first sight, it was at least as big as both fists held at arms length. Estimate altitude at between 2000 and 5000 feet. Traveled straight and level S.S.E at what must have been thousands of miles per hour and was completely silent. Fantastic, dizzying speed. Within view for approx. 5 seconds.

At last sight it was about the width of my pinkie at arms length.

On Thursday evening, March 12, 1998, William W. “observed a huge boomerang-shaped UFO…blocking out the stars in Orion’s Belt. The object then dropped in altitude to about 200 feet and moved north along and above Hampton Boulevard” in Norfolk, Virginia (population 261,229).

The object flew slowly at a speed of between 40 and 50 miles per hour, he reported. It was so low that light from Hampton Boulevard’s bright amber streetlights illuminated a portion of the craft. “It was boomerang in shape…and consisted of two right angles coming into the apex.

The UFO was between 800 to 1,000 feet high with a groove along its length on the back side. The object had no lights and was dark in color.” At first the witness thought he was seeing U.S. Navy SEALs on a nighttime training exercise with hang gliders. But the sheer size of the object convinced him otherwise. “The UFO did not appear to be aerodynamically shaped because its right wingtip did not have a tapered appearance. The UFO disappeared moving north behind some trees in the direction of Hampton Roads Bay.”

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