by Dr. Gregory L. Little

The abduction stories form a continuum with old legends and beliefs …They do contain a message …given to us by the hidden parts of our being. — John Rimmer – (The Evidence for Alien Abductions – 1984)

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore – While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. — Edgar Allan Poe – (The Raven)

“We stepped into the fringe of reality,” Karla Turner replied to a questioner — after relating her incredible story to an immense group at the 1992 Ozark UFO Conference. “Our book comes from the journal that I kept (about these events).”

Karla [now deceased; a victim of insidious cancer many “abductees” mysteriously succumb to -B:.B:.], who holds a Ph.D. in English, hypnotized her husband Casey in the mid-1980s to attempt to find the source of Casey’s anxiety and tension. Casey, a computer software consultant, had been seeing a therapist at the time and was suffering from a variety of nervous problems. What they found in the hypnosis was not what they expected.

Casey had numerous memories of alien contact — sexual contact. One of his earliest memories was a white-haired, old woman appearing in his bedroom when he was 13 years old. She had a deeply wrinkled face and deep, piercing eyes. Unable to resist, he had sexual intercourse with her. Casey also recalled other times that creatures entered his bedroom and forced him to have sex. One such experience left him with claw marks on his back, while another incident in 1987 resulted in a painful scar on the back of his leg.

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Interaction with the abductors wasn’t limited to Casey. Karla told of walking into her home at night when a being grabbed hold of her arm. The creature told her it was her mother, but Karla stated that it looked like a giant grasshopper. Another time, Karla was coming home through her back yard when she felt like she “had hit an electric fence. I wasn’t feeling right… wasn’t moving right …there was a glow everywhere …I stopped… and saw four gray beings standing side by side in my backyard.”

“I assumed I was having a hallucination (but) I’m awake — why? I felt I could see through them and they talked to me telepathically.”

“Greetings, we are your ancestors,” they said. “We are a part of you, but we are real.”

“I couldn’t move as I normally do,” Karla continued. “Then two females behind me came up close — they started buzzing.”

“They are giving you some instructions,” they told me.

Karla and Casey have become involved with a variety of MUFON investigators since the uncovering of their memories as well as conducting a variety of their own investigations. They have somewhat specialized in sexual abductions and been influenced by the popular books Intruders, Missing Time, and others. Karla told a story about a grandmother with her young grandson. The grandmother had been a widow for several years when she was forced to drink a liquid handed to her by an alien who appeared in her bedroom late one night.

After she drank the thick fluid, she became young again. A reptilian-like alien then attempted to have intercourse with her but she resisted. Then the alien brought in her dead husband who began making sexual advances to her. The grandmother had intercourse with the creature that appeared as her husband but eventually saw that it was a reptilian. After finishing with the grandmother, the reptilians had anal and oral intercourse with her young grandson.

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At the 1992 Ozark UFO Convention, cattle mutilation expert Linda Moulton Howe also focused on sexual abduction stories. She told a story about one man who had become so plagued by a particular female alien coming to him each night that he repeatedly masturbated before sleeping so that he would have trouble getting an erection when the aliens appeared. This so disturbed the female alien and her mantis-like “keepers” that they made an agreement with the man. Howe stated that the aliens are probably collecting genetic material from cattle and humans.

In discussing how the beings appear, Howe said that “the air itself is like a curtain they can go behind.” They come out of “tears in the air.”

The “modern” aliens associated with sexual abductions now appear to fall into three broad categories. The traditional grays are nearly always present. Male grays seldom engage in intercourse, but some female grays do. The grays often connect bizarre devices to the sex organs of abductees and insert needles in an apparent attempt to collect sperm and ovum samples. Then there are the more sinister creatures described as reptilian, grasshopper-like, or mantis-like. These creatures, whose sexual organs are described as ice-cold, often have intercourse with humans. Finally, there are creatures that, except for their dress, would be indistinguishable from humans. They are sometimes described as Nordic in appearance — tall blondes with blue eyes. These abductors have, at times, had intercourse with abductees. All of the appearances taken on by abductors appear to be fluid and plastic; that is, they can easily change their shape to whatever they wish.

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Aileen Garoutte, director of the abductee support organization UFOCCI, has interviewed and used regression hypnosis on numerous abductees who have claimed sexual contact with the aliens. One couple was abducted during a drive between Princeton and Penticton in British Columbia, Canada. Two hours of missing time occurred during their trip that was later “remembered” as a “classic” abduction. Both were given a special drink, medical exams, and had sexual encounters with the aliens. The woman became pregnant as a result of the abduction though she had been using two different types of birth control. After their abduction, she had spots on her body over her ovaries and her husband had a ring of spots across his groin. Literally dozens of similar stories have been uncovered by UFOCCI.

Part 2

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