Ernst Zündel‘s views on censorship

TELEPHONE (416) 922-9850





Due to an overwhelming number of letters and telephone calls requesting details about our new books, new products, speaking tours, psychic research projects and our intensive experimental UFO-construction programs, we have to use this less personal form of keeping in touch with our many friends and collaborators around the world.

Your response to our most recent mail out and activities has been most encouraging! We have received orders and enquiries from as far away as Noumea in the south Pacific, Easter Island, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, Soviet Satellite countries, China, South Africa, Persia, the Congo, Australia, Japan, as well as from every country in Western Europe and almost every state in the U.S.A. Not only is this response extensive, it is massive–a clear indication on the part of knowledgeable UFO researchers and members of the public that they are tired of the ‘Junk food’ being served up by old-line UFO groups and publications who expound the official CIA-KGB alibi that all UFOs are extraterrestrial. What the UFO-watching world wants now is the real meat of the matter–a serious investigation of UFOs whose origins are terrestrial.

SAMISDAT is the only organization making such an effort, but we are not alone, for we have thousands of supporters like yourself who want to know the truth which the saucer-charlatans have for 30 years tried to cover up with fairy tale fantasies of ‘little green men’. It is people like yourself who have made SAMISDAT the most active UFO Organization and publisher on Planet Earth!

Certainly we can be proud of this achievement which is the result, not only of our own Herculean efforts and sacrifices, but of your faithful support during this 5 year long struggle against the forces of vested interest, deceit and prejudice which have attempted to hide the UFO story under a cloak of childish nonsense and outright lies. For many years we have determinedly pursued this new course of investigation, firm in the knowledge that man is able to achieve that which he perceives.

Our researchers’ keen sense of direction and perception has guided them unerringly in their discovery of seemingly insignificant clues and the derivation of meaningful patterns there from. Only such devoted and painstaking research could succeed in unearthing the present array of facts which indicate the earthly origin of most flying saucers. As one vital discovery has led to another, we have reached certain conclusions which are logical and inescapable, however unpopular they may be today.

Our discoveries have led us into the production of a number of currently suppressed and sometimes vilified books which are now underground bestsellers. “UFOs–NAZI SECRET WEAPON?” was our first title, now sold out in 5 complete editions. Our second book, “SECRET NAZI POLAR EXPEDITIONS”, is coming up fast and has sold out 2 full editions. Foreign language translations of these books are selling briskly, and it is becoming obvious to everyone that the media-enforced blockade of the truth has now been broken.

See also  2000: Earthbound Hypothesis and the New Breed of Ufologist

Three additional books are currently under production and these will round out our Phase I Publishing Program: “THE CIA-KGB-UFO COVER-UP”, “THE ANTARCTICA THEORY” and “THE LAST BATTALION”.

During the course of our research, we have discovered some of the original German flying saucer scientists who are still alive! These space pioneers are, of course, old men now in their 70s and 80s. Our interviews with them will be incorporated into our regular lecture program as well as into our future books.

We have also been able to establish research teams in Canada, the U.S.A. and in particular, Germany, whose task it is to rediscover basic wingless flight which brought the original Nazi UFOs into being. Already, these teams have designed and constructed small scale models, some using conventional power and others which have propulsion systems unprecedented in today’s aerospace technology. With additional research, we hope to make available several different models in kit form for hobby-builders. Any contributions to these research projects, whether of ideas or money, will be very much appreciated. Checks should be made out to SAMISDAT with the notation “For SAMPROJ R-1”.

Very popular among UFO fans and researchers, young and old, is our currently available working model of the first German design incorporating the “Flügelrad” or ‘winged-wheel’ principle. This model was the big crowd-drawing attraction of our recent Star Trek Convention display in New York City. For a scientific demonstration of the inherent in-flight stability of disc-like aircraft–or for just good fun–indoors or outdoors, SAMISDAT MODEL I is a safe, exciting, entertaining and educational introduction to the world of flying saucers. Model I is smokeless, odorless and requires no electric cords or batteries. Rising from its launcher in free flight, it soars as high as 100 feet, hovers and is capable of traveling 200 feet or more outdoors, making a beautiful takeoff and landing which any UFO pilot could be proud of! Indoors, the model ascends rapidly to the ceiling and hovers at maximum altitude for sometime [sic], before performing a graceful and controlled descent. Model I is available for $6.95 + $1.00 for postage & handling–a perfect gift for a boy or girl, whatever age he may be! The price includes launching unit.Or, buy a SAMISDAT SAUCER-FRISBEE for $3.70,all inclusive.

For the truly dedicated UFO researcher, SAMISDAT is embarking upon a magnificent and awe-inspiring experience! We are negotiating with several international airlines and chartered air carriers in regard to our planned investigation of the “Inner Earth Theory” coupled with our search for “Hitler’s Flying Saucer Bases in Antarctica.” Our ‘launching pad’ for which we are also negotiating will be located in Rio de Janeiro or Buenos Aires. This site will be the gathering place for an International UFO Convention which is scheduled to take place some time in 1979 or 1980. From this convention site, those who are interested and financially able may join Christof Friedrich and members of a specially-selected SAMISDAT research team on the Antarctic Expedition who will not only search for Hitler’s Saucer Bases in German Antarctica, but who will further attempt to settle the controversy about Admiral Byrd’s “Flight into the Polar Opening” by actually flying over the South Pole! Our tentative flight path is here shown. It is anticipated that a specially-prepared, long-range jet will be available for the Antarctic Expedition’s polar flight.

See also  1997: L.A Meteor was UFO

This is the most daring scientific operation ever launched by any UFO organization and publisher. The estimated cost for the Antarctic Expedition is well in excess of $2,000,000.00–from which at least $500,000.00 is required for allocation toward the charter deposit fee and modifications on the special aircraft. A fantastic sum? Certainly, and it is just as certain to be worth every dollar in terms of the knowledge to be gained.

SAMISDAT’s Antarctic Expedition in Search of Hitler’s Flying Saucer Bases and the South Polar Opening into Inner Earth will be the unique event of a lifetime. As only a very limited number of people can be accommodated, our selection standards are of necessity rigorous. The approximate cost per person on this expedition may be as high as $9,999.00. However, the cost could be reduced considerably, provided we are able to raise money from our SAMISDAT SERIES of lectures, tapes, conventions, UFO models and book sales in this interim period. You can help to realize this dream of a lifetime in several ways: (1) You can become one of our book distrlbutors by buying SAMISDAT books and other items at wholesale dealers’ prices and then retailing them to friends, colleagues, UFO conventioneers, and visitors to county fairs, psychic fairs and flea markets. By purchasing SAMISDAT titles in bulk, you could easily realize almost a 100% profit on each item sold. This money you could then apply toward your share in the Expedition or use as you see fit. (2) You can organize a UFO club and hold your own UFO conventions on a profit-sharing basis with SAMISDAT. (3) You can help us find sponsors for the Expedition. (4) If you are rich and conscientious, you can underwrite the whole or part of the Expedition and realize our goal of a lifetime much, much faster. But empty promises and other hot-air products from windbags and do-nothings, however well off, will not serve to waft the Expedition to Antarctica and back. The only thing capable of doing that is cold, hard cash up front. If you’ve got what it takes and want to put your money to work right away, then please contact us! (5) You can set up your own fund-raising campaign for the Expedition. For details and assistance in regard to these and other ideas, do not hesitate to contact us.

See also  1996: The Scientific Context of the UFO/Abduction Phenomenon

These are but a few of the ways in which we can hasten that glorious day when we board our sleek, silvery aircraft and wing our way to Antarctica and beyond–to our rendezvous with history. When we return, we shall have unearthed Inner Earth and/or found evidence of Hitler’s UFO Bases–or we shall have gone a long way toward dispelling two of the most tenaciously persistent mysteries of our Scientific Era. Will you join us and help?


As of this mailing, all those who do not respond to this letter or who have not ordered SAMISDAT items in the last year will be removed from our mailing list. We are sorry that such a policy is necessary, but it must be if we are to remain as an active forward-moving organization in this field of multi-faceted research. To maintain our headway, we must have rowers on the oars, not idle passengers in the boat. We therefore [sic] request your understanding and support. Overhead costs for labor, printing and postage are going up rapidly and steadily. Thus, we cannot carry thousands of in actives on our mailout list. We shall miss you, for we were happy to have you as a friend and reader.

If you do not fill out the attached form and return it to us with a token of support–whatever you can afford–this will be our last communication to you. I am sorry that we will not be able to send you further bulletins concerning the progress of our UFO research and development program in Germany and North America. Nor will you ever know when the Antarctic Expedition takes off nor what we have seen and discovered. Too bad.

But for you, the active Samisdat Supporter, who continue to show interest, loyalty and diligence, I extend my most hearty greeting and sincerest gratitude. Welcome aboard the Adventure of a Lifetime!

Yours Truly, [signed] Christof Friedrich

Note that “Christof Friedrich” is a pseudonym for Ernst Zündel himself; see



Samisdat Supporter and Financial Contributor: Please cut out and return this card, properly filled out and completed, in order to quality as an active Samisdat Supporter.

I enclose a donation of $_____ in order to receive subsequent issues of The Samisdat Insiders’ Report. Please keep me up to date on Samisdat Activities.

I enclose a donation of $_____ toward SAMPROJ R-1 for research & development of flying disc aircraft. When model kits are available, please notify me.

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I would like to take part in SAMISDAT’s proposed UFO CONVENTION in South America. I understand that the costs could be as high as $2500.00 for transportation & accommodation. Yes No

The Nizkor Project

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