Below is a video of a recent UFO sighting that took place in Sa0 Paulo, Brasil in early August of this year. The footage is extremely clear and shows multiple objects that are clearly unidentifiable.

Remember, “UFO” refers to an unidentified flying object, and they are constantly tracked on airport and military radar. To read more about that and to look at some more specific examples, please click HERE. 

There are plenty of UFO videos floating around on YouTube, with little doubt that many of them are fake. On the other hand, the rate of  UFO incidents continues to climb so much that people are witnessing them for themselves. The UFO problem has been examined in detail for a very long time, especially in South America. You can read more about that after the video

How To Decipher Between What’s Real and What Isn’t

Below are a few of the many examples of authentic documented UFO encounters. As far as video footage goes, there are some real ones floating around out there. Contrary to popular belief, UFOs are caught on camera all the time, and the best way to decipher between what’s real and isn’t is to actually research the subject for yourself. It’s a serious topic that deserves proper attention.

“The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data. Maybe when this group of nations acquires more precise and definite information, it will be possible to release the news to the world” – General Carlos Castro Cavero, Spanish Air Force General (0)

One of the most dramatic of all were two encounters that year on December 16th by the Chilean Air Force:

“Two pilots on a training mission, each flying an F5 fighter aircraft, tracked the object on their airborne radar. It gave a return equal to ten or more aircraft carriers-except this object was in the air, not floating on the water. Each pilot assumed his radar equipment was faulty, until he learned that the other pilot was also getting the same return. Not only this, but ground radar from a nearby airport also picked up the object and confirmed its huge size. The pilots also saw the object with their own eyes. One pilot later said that at a distance of twenty miles, it looked “like a plantain banana swathed in smoke.” The pilots were frightened, having no missiles or weapons. As they approached the massive object, which had been motionless all this while, it took off at an unimaginable speed. All at once, it vanished from the three radar screens.”(0)(2)


“The very next morning the Chilean Air Force scrambled some F5 fighter jets to intercept another very large UFO. The pilots described this one as very bright, and very large. The Chilean Air Force has officially acknowledged these events, but could not explain what had occurred.”(0)(2)

Here is an NSA document describing a case from Iran.

See also  UFO military documents - SIOANI - for download

Brazil (where the above footage comes from) has a number of interesting documented cases, one in particular (for example) happened On May 19, 1986. There was a large portion of Brazilian airspace that was constantly occupied by UFOs. The Brazilian air-force constantly scrambled their jets to get a closer look at what they were picking up on radar. Here is a quote from the Brazilian Minister of Aeronautics, Brigadier General Otavio Moreira Lima:

“At least 20 objects were detected by Brazilian radars. They saturated the radars and interrupted traffic in the area. Each time that radar detected unidentified objects, fighters took off for intercept. Radar detects only solid metallic bodies and heavy (mass) clouds. There were no clouds nor conventional aircraft in the region. The sky was clear. Radar doesn’t have optical illusions. We can only give technical explanations and we don’t have them. It would be very difficult for us to talk about the hypothesis of an electronic war. It’s very remote and it’s not the case here in Brazil. It’s fantastic. The signals on the radar were quite clear.” (0)(1)

More Video Footage

When it comes to real footage of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), the film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission is definitely one at the top of the list. This footage is real, well documented, and has been the subject of rigorous scientific investigation by multiple researchers and institutions. (source)(source)(source)

The video below shows as many as a dozen objects moving in an unusual fashion. Apart from that, the most fascinating part is when we see one object at a point near the horizon, as a flash occurs, followed by another object or stream that moves rapidly across the field of view, the object shoots off into space.

See also  1988: UFO Cover-Up?: Live! Full

HERE is a clip of scientists from Norway capturing multiple UFOs on film. The list goes on, even the Mexican Air Force has released their footage of UFOs from scrambled aircraft, it made headlines but was attempted to be debunked by many mainstream media outlets. You can check that out HERE.

The point here is that the internet is flooded with UFO footage, and their existence has been documented for a long time.  There are thousands of pages of government documents that illustrate it, and you can learn a little more and view some documents by clicking HERE.

For the new readers, I tend to use the below video in many of my articles, but there are always those who have never seen it.  Another example of someone who did their research, from the interviews I’ve watched of him he seemed very enthusiastic and passionate about changing the world.

Again, I do not mean to imply that the UFOs seen in the above video from Brasil are extraterrestrial/dimensional, but it’s definitely not out of the question. As Dr. O’leary reports in the video, the evidence that is available for ET races points to different looking beings, although there are many reports of human-looking ones as well.


(0) Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014

(1) Department of Defense JCS Message Center, Subject: B6/BAF Has a Close Encounter of the First Kind. Date: 20 May 86. Subject: Numerous Unidentified Objects Were Cited in the Skies over Brazil. But BAF Fighters Were Unable to Intercept Them. Berliner, Don, The UFO Briefing Document, p. 121-127. Huneeus, J. Antonio, “UFO Alert in Brazil,” MUFON UFO Journal, 11/86. Andrus, Walt, “UFOs Over Brazil,” MUFON UFO Journal, 9/86. Smith, Dr. Willy, “The Brazillian Incident,” International UFO Reporter, 7-8/86. Smith, Dr. Willy, “More on Brazilian OVNIs,” MUFON UFO Journal, 9/86. 

See also  2010: Ancient Astronaut Theory

(2) Huneeus, J, Antonio, “A Chilean Overview,” MUFON UFO Journal, 6/86; Huneeus, J. Antonio, “A Historical Survey of UFO Cases in Chilie,” MUFON 1987 International Symposium Proceedings (MUFON, 1987.)

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