Recently I posted an extract from John Rimmer‘s _The Evidence for Alien Abduction_ which suggested that there may be gender differences in the way that males and females experience, interpret or report abduction experiences.

What bothers me about the whole abduction phenomenon is that it seems absolutely random – at the moment.

Now if I were an alien, who would I abduct? That would depend on the purpose of said abduction, of course.

*If the purpose was mainly medical or scientific, as in ‘studying that funny species inhabiting planet Earth’ or trying to cross-breed both species, I would abduct people who live alone, in outlying areas. That would eliminate the risk of my alien craft (which you humans call UFOs 🙂 being spotted, and of the partner waking up while the abduction is in progress, or the abductee is returned. If, for some reason, the subject of said abduction wasn’t sleeping alone after all on the night I picked for abducting him/her, I would take along the partner too – hey, two for the price of one! I wouldn’t complain…

* If the purpose of the abductions was political or to find out more about what is *really* happening on Earth, I would abduct a few leaders. Not presidents, of course not, we all know they are mere figure heads. I would go after the people behind the IMF (and related instances) for instance. If I were an alien I would have superior technology and be able to pick up all sorts of communications, hence be able to find out where these buggers live. They are likely to live in huge villas with security guards all around. No problem, I would take my laser gun (we borrowed the design from Star Trek, TOS – we aliens always liked ST TOS more than the later ST versions) (Oops, sorry, I’m getting into the spirit of the thing now – hope my flippant way of getting the point across in dealing with a serious matter isn’t offending anyone?) Where was I? Ah, with my laser gun (set to ‘stun’) I would take out the bodyguards and other house mates for a few hours, abduct the IMF hot shot, and do what aliens do to get the info out of the subject’s brain. Vulcan mindreading comes to mind, or the use of some truth drug. Then the big shot of the IMF would be returned, memory of said abduction properly erased (we have this amnesia drug too – we borrowed it from UFO, the British 1970 series !!), and again nobody would be the wiser…

Now since

1/ I’m not an alien (surprise surprise) and

2/ The abductions are remembered by some abductees, I would say that the above doesn’t particularly fit the ‘logical’ picture of the abductions, does it? So what’s left as a reason for said abductions? Spreading of confusion? But that could equally well be done by parking one’s alien craft on the White House lawn. And don’t say that would cause panic – the US government would quickly come out with the statement that the alien craft on their lawn was either a hallucination, a mirage, the latest McDonell Douglas transatlantic supersonic jet prototype, or an April Fool’s joke.


Well, all I am really trying to say, is that this abduction phenomenon doesn’t make sense…. Because, as I said in former postings, we have insufficient data to compute (or was it Spock who said that? 🙂 Until we find a pattern in the abductions it’s anybody’s guess what ‘they’ are up to….

But IS there a pattern to abductions? Have I ever outlined my ‘Safari’ theory here? It goes as follows : there are different aliens coming here, from different planets and different solar systems, (all flying different types of craft). The logic in that is obvious – either we here on earth are unique, in other words life developing here was an accident of nature, OR life growing is a natural phenomenon which takes place on other planets as well. We believe the second, or we wouldn’t be on this list, right? So we now have various planets, in various stages of development. Some are somewhere in the Stone Age still, while others (like our visitors) are way ahead of us. Now like on Earth, there are various groups (this is still my theory, not a fact). Some planets (similar to our countries on Earth) have formed alliances, others are on their own. They come here for various purposes

* some to study us either medically or scientifically

* some may indeed be a dying species and use humans to further their own species

* some come here to conquer perhaps

* some to get something we have and they need (some substance which grows naturally on Earth and their planet doesn’t have?) (or the formula for Stella Artois or Heineken beer? 🙂

*some because they are worried we might one day blast ourselves to smithereens and affect the course of the planets circling our sun if earth is destroyed by a series of nuclear blasts?

* while others maybe come here just on a tourist trip (today is Tuesday, this must be planet Earth)

* and others ‘on safari’, i.e. taking a human back as a trophy, much like some of the early settlers did, or lion hunters or elephant hunters in the ‘old’ days.

* and whatever else motive you guys can think of….

See also  UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 7: April 1, 1996

So how can there be a pattern in abductions? There would only be one if the people orchestrating said abductions all belonged to the same group…. Maybe the way to go is not only to try and find a pattern, but classify the abductions in different groups or types, and then find a pattern for each individual type of abduction?

I think where we go wrong in judging the whole UFO/alien/abduction/etc. phenomenon is that we are applying human standards and trying to find human reasons for why the aliens come here. Why don’t the aliens land in the centre of New York for all of us te see? Maybe because they couldn’t care less what we think, if we believe that aliens visit us or not. They are here doing what they want to do, they are far superior to us, technology-wise, so why would they care what we think? We can’t catch them anyway…. They are perhaps merely playing a game with us…

This whole line of thought is rather scary, really… Can you really blame the US government for trying to cover up the whole UFO/alien phenomenon? As I said before, if the US government were to state that aliens come here and that mankind is powerless to stop them, since their craft and weapons are far superior to ours, what would it do to the stock markets world wide? Nobody would invest, since this might be futile – earth couldn’t survive a massive alien onslaught. And since most people are aware of movies like Independence Day, something like what happened in that movie would be the first thought that came to mind – would we survive? The primal instinct, self-preservation.

Maybe I’ll abduct an IMF board member myself, get some of his money, and invest in an island way off track – hoping there I would be safe… And that is perhaps a thought one could follow up on. I don’t mean we should all start stealing from the rich (although if one of you has a brilliant idea in that direction, you can count on my help :-), but we could perhaps check how many of the rich and powerful do have secret hideaways away from where aliens would be first expected to strike….

What is the net result of the US denial of the existence of alien craft/aliens? The masses believe them – and the ‘masses’ are, by definition, stupid. Maybe panic would not break out at a sudden worldwide confirmation of the alien presence by a large government, but can you see Tom, Dick and Harry just go to work again the next day, if they fear that perhaps next week the invasion is due to happen? No, the US government denial serves its purpose – the thinking people of the collective body of humans are aware of their existence, and the amount of people realising that aliens are here grows steadily. In a few generations, or decades, everybody will just accept the presence of aliens, without panic breaking out. Get the sensible people to accept the phenomenon first… These people might be afraid when they start thinking of the implications, but they won’t panic – even if some do… an individual panicking here and there won’t upset the balance of power…. Good lord, am I actuallly defending the US government? Somebody shoot me, quick !!!!

See also  Jacques Vallee Discusses UFO Control System

Anyway, me thinks the whole thing is organised – take, f.i., that Belgian UFO flap of a few years ago (1989-91). My government holds a press conference, in spite of the American government denying that UFOs exist. Did my government defy the Americans, and ‘publish and be damned’ rather than toe the line? Ha – of course not. Belgium, like most countries, is dependent on the goodwill of the powers that be, the big guys, the guys with the money. So my government wasn’t being brave – they were probably just following instructions. The American president (spokesman for the ‘guys with money’ – don’t want to get into the whole Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission/CFR/NWO/etc. thing right now, or this post would grow to twice its present length!) probably said ‘let’s see how the Belgians react as a nation to an Air Force press conference – admitting chasing a couple of UFOs’ while he thought ‘Who cares if the Belgians panic as a nation, they are expendable’. Hell, the American government probably staged the whole show and used us as guinea pigs… Then take the various books being published about UFOs, the various lists on Internet and the multitude of sites about UFOs, the lectures, the movies, etc…. do you really think this would be allowed if the ‘powers that be’ didn’t ‘let us’? No, we are but a cog in the wheel of their idea of letting the truth out gently, softly, without causing a huge tidal wave…. If the US government wanted to close the lid on this thing, how long would it take? Take this list, f.i., they would probably get me for tax evasion, get Perry for secretly distilling genever in his garage, get Doc for not keeping his front lawn tidy, etc…. they needn’t use lethal means, they could plant plenty of evidence and get all of us out of the picture easily enough….

We are playing their game, gentlemen… we have to, whether we want to or not…

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