Grounds For Further Research

John Keel’s ground-breaking Operation Trojan Horse, written in an era when abductees still came under the category of “contactees,” includes the following intriguing data, gleaned from Keel’s extensive field work:

Contactees often find themselves suddenly miles from home without knowing how they got there. They either have induced amnesia, wiping out all memory of the trip, or they were taken over by some means and made the trip in a blacked-out state. Should they encounter a friend on the way, the friend would probably note that their eyes seemed glassy and their behavior seemed peculiar. But if the friend spoke to them, he might receive a curt reply.

In the language of the contactees this process is called being used… I have known silent contactees to disappear from their homes for long periods, and when they returned, they had little or no recollection of where they had been. One girl sent me a postcard from the Bahama Islands — which surprised me because I knew she was very poor. When she returned, she told me that she had only one memory of the trip. She said she remembered getting off a jet at an airport — she shouldn’t recall getting on the jet or making the trip — and there “Indians” met her and took her baggage…The next thing she knew she was back home again.[194]

Puzzling indeed — unless one has read The Control of Candy Jones, which speaks of Candy’s “blacked out” periods, during which she travelled to Taiwan as a CIA courier, adopting her second personality. The mind control explanation perfectly solves all the mysteries in the above excerpt — save, perhaps, the odd remark about “Indians.”

Hickson and Mendez’ UFO Contact At Pascagoula contains the interesting information that Charles Hickson awakes at night feeling that he is on the verge of re-awakening some terribly important memory connected with his encounter — yet ostensibly he can account for every moment of his adventure.

See also  1996: The Controllers - Introduction

Hickson also received a letter from an apparent abductee who claims that the grey aliens are actually automatons of some sort — perhaps an unconscious recognition of the unreality of the hypnotically-induced “cover story.”[195] In this light, the film version of Communion — whose screenplay was written by Whitley Strieber — takes on a new interest: The abduction sequences contain inexplicable images indicating that the “greys” are really props, or masks.

Communion and Transformation contain passages detailing what seems to be a hazily-recalled Candy-Jones-style espionage adventure, in which Strieber was shanghaied by a “coach” and a “nurse” (both human beings) who apparently drugged him.[196] Recall the example of Keel’s informants. Moreover, Transformation contains lengthy descriptions of alien beings working in apparent collusion with human beings.

Abductee Christa Tilton also recalls both human beings and aliens playing a part in her experience. Ever since her abduction, she claims, she has been “shadowed” by a mysterious federal agent she calls John Wallis.[197] Christa’s husband, Tom Adams, has confirmed Wallis’ existence.[198]

In his Report On Communion, Ed Conroy — who seems to have become a participant in, and not merely an observer of, the phenomenon — describes harassment by helicopters, which as we have already noted, seems to be quite a common occurrence in abductee situations.[199] Researchers blithely assume that these incidents represent governmental attempts to spy on UFO percipients. But this assertion is ridiculous. Helicopters are extremely expensive to operate, and the engines of espionage have perfected numerous alternative methods to gather information.

After all, we now have a fairly extensive bibliography of FBI, CIA, and military efforts to spy on numerous movements favoring domestic social change. Why have no veterans of CHAOS or COINTELPRO (either victim or victimizer) spoken of helicopters? Obviously the choppers serve some other purpose beyond mere surveillance. One possibility might be the propagation of electromagnetic waves which might affect the perceptions/ behaviors of an implanted individual. (Indeed, I have heard rumors of helicopters being used in electronic “crowd control” operations in Vietnam and elsewhere; alas, the information is far from hard.)

See also  1996: The Controllers - Table of Contents

Contactee Eldon Kerfoot has written of his suspicions that human manipulators, not aliens, may be the ultimate puppeteers engineering his experiences. He describes a sudden compulsion to kill a fellow veteran of the Korean conflict — a man Kerfoot had no logical reason to distrust or dislike, yet whom he “sensed” to have been a traitor to his country. Fortunately, the assassination never materialized.[200] But the situation exactly parallels incidents described in released ARTICHOKE documents concerning the remote hypnotic induction of anti-social behavior.

One last speculation:

Renato Vesco’s Intercept But Don’t Shoot [201] outlines a fascinating scenario for the “secret weapon” hypothesis of UFOs. Vesco points out that if these devices are one day to be used in a superpower conflict, the attacking power would be well-served by the myth of the UFO as an extra-terrestrial craft, for the besieged nation would not know the true nature of its opponent. Perhaps, then, one purpose of the UFO abductions is to engender and maintain the legend of the little grey aliens. For the hidden manipulators, the abductions could be, in and of themselves, a propaganda coup.

Final Thoughts

I do not insist dogmatically on the scenario that I have outlined. I do not wish to dissuade abduction researchers from exploring other avenues — indeed, I strongly encourage such work to continue. Nor can I easily account for some aspects of the abduction narratives — for example, any suggestions I could offer concerning the reports of genetic experimentation would be extremely speculative.

But I do insist on a fair hearing of this hypothesis. Criticism is encouraged; that which does not destroy my thesis will make it stronger. I ask only that my critics refrain from intellectual laziness; mere differences in world-view do not constitute a valid attack. God is found in the details.

See also  1996: The Controllers - The Technology - A Brief Overview

I recognize the dangers inherent in making this thesis public. New and distressing abductee confabulations may result. I would prefer that the audience for this paper be restricted to abduction researchers, not victims, who might be unduly influenced. However, in a society that prides itself on its ostensibly free press, such restrictions are unthinkable. Therefore, I can only beg any abduction victims who might read this paper to attempt a superhuman objectivity. The thesis I have outlined is promising, and (should trepanation ever provide us with an example of an actual abductee implant) susceptible of proof. But mine is not the only hypothesis. The abductee’s unrewarding task is to report what he or she has experienced as truthfully as possible, untainted by outside speculation.

Whether or not future investigation proves UFO abductions to be a product of mind control experimentation, I feel that this paper has, at least, provided evidence of a serious danger facing those who hold fast to the ideals of individual freedom. We cannot long ignore this menace.

A spectre haunts the democratic nations — the spectre of technofascism. All the powers of the espionage empire and the scientific establishment have entered into an unholy alliance to evoke this spectre: Psychiatrist and spy, Dulles and Delgado, microwave specialists and clandestine operators.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste — and a worse thing to commandeer.

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