A: At least that is what you have been told. So, therefore, it is possible for a being to be in 3rd and 4th density. And as we have also told you, when 4th density beings visit 3rd density environment, they are, in effect, 3rd density beings, and vice versa. The so-called abduction takes place, especially if it is a physical abduction, the subject becomes temporarily 4th density because it is the environment that counts. And the key factor there is awareness, not physical or material structure.

Q: (L) I have a paper here that talks about the Grays and say that they have two brains: an anterior brain and a posterior brain; and that if you shoot one – this is what it says, I am not suggesting that I want to shoot anybody – that if you shoot one, and only shoot one part of the brain, that it does not die; that you have to shoot it in a special way and get both brains in order to kill one. Is this a correct concept?

A: Well, it is rather puzzling. This Brings up a lot of questions. One question that comes to mind is: why would one seek to shoot anything.

Q: (L) Well, I didn’t suggest that I wished to, this is just what this paper says here.

A: The physical description is accurate in terms of one variety of what is referred to as the Grays. It does have an anterior brain. However, this is secondary to all other issues. And, also we would suggest that it would not be advisable to seek to cause physical harm to any particular species. Therefore, it may be advisable to disregard the information contained in the work that you are describing.

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 8c

Q: (L) It also says that the Grays have to be very close to a person to telepathically link with that person. Is this correct?

A: Close? No, as we have described to you before, there are technological processes involved that do not require close physical proximity as you measure it. But, this is very complicated. It follows dimensional windows and that sort of thing, which you do not fully understand, therefore it would not be advisable to go into that in great detail. But, the general answer to that question is no.

Q: (L) It also says that they implant some sort of crystal on the optic nerve of humans that is 2 to 4 microns in diameter and that this crystal is tuned to the frequency of the individual’s implanting it, which allows them to establish a mental frequency for communication. Is that anywhere along the line of what you are talking about?

A: Physical implantations do occur. The precise locations vary according to the desired effects. And when it comes to the interactions between the human species in 3rd density, and other STS issues in 4th density, there are a variety of mechanisms in use as well as a variety of directives and objectives. For example, some implants are used merely for tracking. Others are used to alter consciousness, and still others are designed to be mind altering or motor altering mechanisms. Each of these has a different structure and a different material content according to which is being employed and for what purpose. The particular function you are describing there has been used, or, rather, something similar, though we are not completely familiar with that which you have described. So, we suggest that this may be fabrication to some extent, or expansion of accurate information. But, in any case, it is true that implants do get implanted for various reasons.

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 8b

Q: (L) What is the classification that the person has to fall into in order to be abducted and studied?

A: What makes you think “classifications” correlates with abductions?

Q: (TK) It’s not the classification, it’s…. It’s gotta be the type of person…

A: Yes.

Q: (TK) And how easy it would be to influence….

A: Of course. And many other factors.

Q: (TK) It would have to have something to do with what they could do for the abductors. I mean, they have to be in a position to help them… Is that a correct assumption?

A: Yes. STS.

Q: (T): STS; Service to Self..

A: Vibrational frequency.

Q: (L) OK, so if the person has an STS vibrational frequency, that already predisposes them to abduction. Is that correct?

A: Some.

Q: (T) OK, that’s a factor. There’s more than one agenda involved with abductions. Are the military personnel that are being abducted, is that a specific agenda that is being followed?

A: Artificial classifications, such as military designations, are important to human groups only.

Q: (L) How many times has she been abducted?

A: 4. Snow scene was only 3rd density.

Q: (P) Does that mean that the snow scene was only in this realm?

A: No. Abduction which occurred there was strictly physical.

Q: (L) Okay, the abduction that occurred in the snow was a physical abduction. Perhaps the others were not. Were they physical also?

A: The others were 4th density. 3rd density abduction only occurs rarely, and is of great import.

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 8a

Q: (L) Was it because of her husband and his work that she had this physical abduction?

A: Perhaps.

Q: (L) Maybe that is why there is a higher rate of abduction among family members of government employees, so that they can be activated or controlled? (P) But my husband wasn’t really working on anything secret.

A: He had access to sensitive facilities.

Q: (L) Did he have a security clearance or was he friends with others who did? (P) I had a security clearance too! (L) So, P had an implant put in. An actual, physical implant. Where is it?

A: Behind sinus cavity.

Q: (L) What is this implant designed to do?

A: Activate behavioral control reflex and thought pattern generation and alteration. Very complex, in fact, parallel subject. P is “locator probe” for the purpose of monitoring those in her midst. Telling is not important, reading is. Besides, most of the work performed did not involve conscious awareness.

Q: Is this still going on?

A: Partly, but also, P could be used as a probe to monitor all events taking place at JPL and other laboratories by examining aural imprints of her husband and others with whom she was acquainted. All events leave permanent imprints upon aural energy fields. This explains, for example, some sightings and apparitions. “Ghosts” are sometimes merely spontaneous activations of the aural records of the natural surroundings.

Q: [Question lost in static burst.]

A: No, P, the “blue thing” you saw was not an aural imprint reading, it was a 4th density craft partially transferred into 3rd density. Your deep subconscious memory remembers much, much more.

Part IX


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