A: No.

Q: (L) But you say it is a natural thing or part of a natural grand cycle. Is this natural grand cycle just part of the interaction between light and darkness which just simply must be?

A: Yes. We are at “front line” of universe’s natural system of balance. That is where one rises to before reaching total union of “The One”. 6th level.

Q: (T) Now, the battle you had with the other side…

A: Are having.

Q: (T) This battle goes on… do you have the light power back?

A: Never lost it, you did.

Q: (T) Okay, I guess that for us the Lizzies are the main force even though they have others on their side…

A: Yes.

Q: (T) They took our light, not yours?

A: Not against you. Currently in union with you.

Q: (T) So we are but one battle in the universe in an overall, ongoing struggle?

A: Yes. Balance is natural. Remember, it’s all just lessons in the grand cycle.

Q: (L) I am really curious… when you guys and the Lizzies “go to it”, what do you do? I mean, you obviously don’t shoot guns at each other and you don’t have tanks…

A: Too complicated for you to possibly understand because you are not at 4th level yet.

Q: (J) When you are fighting, is it any way at all possible for us to detect the battle?

A: First: We don’t “fight.” Second, yes; it’s nature as in meteorology and earth changes.

Q: (T) Your form of confrontation takes the form of physical changes in the atmosphere and environment of the planet?

A: And in space.

Q: (T) But that is how we detect it? The more activity, the more conflict is going on?

See also  An Analysis 6

A: Remember, we are the light. They are the dark. We are both high level thought forms reflected at all levels of reality.

Q: (T) So, what we perceive, then, is what comes through to third density which is not what we would perceive if we were looking at it from 4th or 5th or 6th.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Now, you have referred to the movie, “The Wizard of Oz.” You say that we have an ability within us that is something like the Ruby slippers that can take us back to STO any time we wish.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, all this stuff we have been talking about, the realm border, the wave, raising the frequencies…

A: The coming Realm wave is the “tornado.”

Q: (L) Was going to the land of Oz the STO state?


Q: (L) So Oz was STS. And Kansas, not necessarily the physical surroundings, but the state of mind of Dorothy prior to the Oz experience, was the STO state.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, we need to look at the “Kansas” state of mind. The going to Oz…

A: And Elvira Gulch. The witch is the Lizards.

Q: (T) Yeah, okay. Tornado. Dorothy fell from the STO to the STS state through the tornado. Is this true.

A: Yes. Analyze more carefully, suggest break to do so.

Discussion: (T) They are equating the tornado as the shift from STO to STS.

(L) Maybe it also is a shift from STS to STO.

(J) Yes, a shift from one to the other would be dramatic.

(T) Was it a density shift also? The realm wave is supposed to be a density shift. A window between densities. Is there also a shifting between STO and STS? Is there a gateway that you go through? A door?

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction: An Analysis

(F) Oh God! There are so many possibilities here.

(L) And if you switch into STO do you find yourself on a different Earth?

(J) They have been saying “Ruby Slippers, Ruby Slippers,” not “tornado, tornado.”

(T) But now it is the same symbology. The tornado took her from one point to another and the slippers took her back to point A again. Two different concepts.

. (F) There are all kinds of intricate little things here, somehow there must be a way to connect it. You know what it is, remember the slippers, they said, meant that the pathway was always there for her to go home.

(J) Yeah, but she had to kill the witch to get the slippers.

(F) No, she thought she had to. Don’t you remember Glenda telling her “Ooh, no dear, you can always go home. All you have to do is say ‘there’s no place like home.'”

(J) Yeah, but you had to be wearing those slippers…

(S) Now, you know what, the tornado could be 5th density, as she was looking out the window all these things passed by…

(T) Yes, her life passed by her.

(F) Yes, but they have told us that the realm border passage itself is going to result in all kinds of hairy stuff going on.

(J) Like I say, switching from STS to STO or back, or from 3rd density to 4th density, it’s going to be a violent… it is not going to be an easy passage either way.

(F) Right.

See also  An Analysis 10

(J) It is a radical change in reality.

(T) Yes, but for Dorothy, in the movie, it was violent in the fact that it was a tornado, though it did not physically hurt her.

(J) Yes, and that is what we have been told, too.

(F) She was scared…

(T) Yes, but that was a mental thing… it was up here [pointing to head] where the hurt was. She didn’t get hurt physically.

(F) And that is also another whole thing to speculate about: throughout the entire movie, she was never hurt physically; through all the threats, she was never actually hurt.

(T) It was also 1939, if the movie had been made in 1995 they would have had machine guns, missiles, chainsaws, and there would be body counts all over the place. And she still could have gone home anytime she wanted. You know, “Dorothy Meets the Terminator.”

(L) “Dorothy and the Chainsaw Massacre.”

(S) “Dorothy Goes to Elm Street.” [Laughter]

(T) It’s the cross between a children’s fairy story and a Stephen King Nightmare.

(F) You know, the fundamentalists have attacked the Wizard of Oz?

(L) They have? Why?

(T) Because it is Satanic.

(F) Yeah, they say it’s Hollywood’s effort to pull people away from Christianity and fundamentalism and all that jazz.

(T) The Wizard of Oz is evil to the fundamentalists.

(F) Yes, because you don’t need the crucify Christ to get back to Kansas.

(L) Well, I’ve heard that Cinderella is politically incorrect nowadays, too.

(T) Because she didn’t sleep with one foot on the floor like all the sitcoms.

(J) Excuse me?

(T) I don’t know.

Go to: Analysis Part V

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