One of the holes kept bringing up dirty dust, putrid odors and broken off machine bits that were sent down the hole. Boring machines and lasers came back up damaged when they were sent down there. A probe was then sent down that came back up totally missing.

Eventually people were sent down. Phil was the first person to go. He was lowered down into the cave and when he got down there, standing around ten feet away were two seven-foot greys. He became petrified but managed to empty one clip from his pistol into the greys. As he was reloading one of the greys hit Phil with some kind of particle beam weapon which gave him a very high dose of nuclear radiation poisoning, similar to cobalt radiation but even worse.

Phil’s lung was burnt out of him and he has a huge scar running down his chest which he showed at his lectures which are available on video His fingers on his left hand were burnt off, his bones were burnt. He was basically cooked. He was in radiation isolation therapy for 400 days plus. In the cave large metallic vats were found filled with human body parts, generally glands. In the vats were high tech stirring devices that stopped the blood coagulating.

In Aztec in New Mexico on the 13 February 1948 a crashed flying disk was retrieved by the US military. The craft was 100 feet in diameter was made of a light metal resembling aluminum and contained ET reptilian bodies. A large number of human body parts were also found on board the craft.The ‘above top secret’ security lid was screwed down on this even tighter than Roswell to stop mass panic. The very next day after the crash (the craft was probably shot down by the military) the government bought up the property from the local landowners. Witnesses in Aztec observed covered military trucks going in and out of the area for days after the crash.

See also  Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials e

The craft was transported to Wright Patterson air force base. The disc incorporated large rings of metal which revolved around a central stabilized cabin. There were no rivets, bolts, screws or signs of wielding.

People in Aztec carefully guard their words as to the accounts of the crashed disk. The Aztec citizens are still being monitored by the military to this day. One elderly woman said her husband watched the military trucks going in and out of the crash area for days. She said she was very nervous about the whole thing and didn’t want to talk about any of it other than her husband seeing the military vehicles. She was asked if she believed there had been a UFO crash. Her response was “ If something hadn’t happened out there, how come the military rushed right in… why was the covered military trucks going in and out of the canyon…why did they deny being there…and why were they buying the near and surrounding land where the UFO supposedly crashed?

In Cambodia in 1972 at the height of the Vietnam war, a US special operations team out on patrol came across a group of alien creatures loading various human body parts into large metal containers and sealing them. A pitched battle ensued, which resulted in fatalities on both sides. As the soldiers pulled back the aliens quickly retreated to their craft taking the body parts with them. As usual a major cover-up was quickly enforced.

One of my contacts in Wales who I will call ‘D’ to protect his identity, was approached by an elite intelligence organization called ‘Group 5-8’. This group was formed by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980’s to work at the sights of crashed ET craft in Britain. This is the first time this information is being made public. Even though group 5-8 was formed by Margaret Thatcher it is a UN group. The group 5-8 man called George showed my contact a UN identity card with UN holograms on it. George then drove D to a clandestine meeting on a motorway services.

See also  Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials f

It was here that George showed D photographs of human mutilations they had found near the heavily guarded Breaken beacon DUMB in Wales. These photos were taken at a sealed off area where UFO activity had taken place. The photos showed a girl of sixteen and a boy of twenty who had their genitals removed, eyeballs removed, lips removed and directly half of their skin was missing. George said group 5-8 regularly found camper vans around this area where the occupants had vanished. D understandably had nightmares for weeks after this and was soon after followed by a high-tech American utility van with blue lights underneath it. I believe this was a NSA van.

Days after this D had his life threatened over the phone. The call was anonymous but told him to keep quite or his house would be burnt down with him in it. George then called D and told him his life was in danger and to get the information out as soon as possible to protect himself. The next day a gasman turned up pulled out his ID the moment the door was opened walked in and checked the meter. When he left a fire broke out which nearly burnt down the house with D and his wife in it.

The house was wrecked and the fire brigade said the fire had mysteriously started in the bin in the room where the gasman was. After this D another man and myself were investigating reports of a DUMB and missing children around the small village of Zennor in Cornwall. There had been many sightings of alien beings on the cliffs there since the 1960’s and many UFO sightings around the area and large amounts of covert military activity. Some of the UFO’s had disappeared into the ocean there according to witnesses.

See also  2006: Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials

Part d

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