Then continue questioning. However, since you are doing this telepathically, you need to be super fast and very gentle. The person may not even know that you are doing anything. In any case, the whole experience of kinesiology is so strange to most people, that they won’t wonder at this.

In the case in Dallas, I got that we had two reptilians in the room. Now, this does NOT happen with most of my clients. Maybe one in 20 or less. My problem was – as is often the case – how to deal with this… Generally, I ask the person something like, –

“I’m going to ask you a very strange question”. (So they aren’t so shocked when you ask them …) – “Do you believe that UFOs exist?”

If they give a flat out vehement “No”, then I drop the subject like a hot potato and see how I can help the person as best I can. If the person is not open and willing to learn more, then pushing too fast can do more harm than good.

I think with the woman in Dallas I may not have asked her this question. I think I may have just said something like –

“I’m getting that we have some kind of spiritual interference in the room. Would you be willing to pray with me to remove it?”

She looked kind of wondering but nodded. We each did a silent prayer, which removed the reptilians. I then went on with the session. Unfortunately, I learned later after I left Dallas, that she later got pregnant to her newlywed husband, but then had a miscarriage at 4 months. I am quite sure that the reptilians took that baby. I will never know whether or not I should have told her more, but one cannot help anyone if the person runs from the room thinking that you are crazy. And one can’t give too much information to anyone at one time.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 5


For the rest of this article, I will assume that you are working with a willing client who is open to what is possible.

If the person is still blocked after you have done as much as you can, drugs may be involved. In that case, it can help to muscle test for –

“Indicator change if there are any drugs that this body needs to balance out” and test the number (zero, one, two etc.)

The trouble is, if they are blocked, how are you going test them? One way is that when you are very good and practiced at correct muscle testing, you can sometimes get some kind of answer, even when they are blocked. When you do this, your test is super, super light. They may not even move their arm, but you will still ‘get’ the answer you are looking for (the truth). You are using the body to access your own knowingness. As always, you still keep an open mind to the answer and ask yourself “Is there a lock?”.

If you ‘get’ that there are drugs involved, to get an unlocking muscle so that you can balance out the drugs, you may need to simply use INTENTION to get them to put the drugs into circuit, so that you can balance them out.


Testing a client telepathically can also be useful if you have ANY thought that they could be an intel spook. In fact, this is a good idea to do for all clients. If they are a spook, don’t’ tell them you are onto them. They may not even know they are one if they are mind controlled. Just do what they came for – eg: fix up their back. Or before you book them in, tell them that you are sorry but in their case you are not able to help them. Do not give any reason, just say that you can’t help them.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 7

A word of warning about INTEL spooks. If you ever ‘get’ that someone may be a spook, and decide you want to do a session anyway, make sure you ask them AT THE LAST MINUTE if a friend of yours who is learning kinesiology can also be present at the session. Especially do this if THEY are bringing a second person to the session. I once had a man book in with me who was a new customer, who had only a few simple problems. I think it was Michael who “got” that he was a spook, especially after the man asked if a woman friend of his could attend the session. We tested Michael to find out if he was a spook or not, and got that he was. So when he turned up I asked if Michael could be present, since he was learning kinesiology. The woman never came in – she stayed in the car. Nothing abnormal happened during the session, but I think that something would have happened if Michael had not been there.

Remember that these are people. They have lives just like you. They are overworked and underpaid. And in addition to all the government rules and B.S. they endure, they have no one to talk to about their job or the projects they are working on. And THEY get mind controlled to make sure they keep everything secret. So if you become a practitioner, always protect your physical person (never be alone) and try to help whoever you can. They are not the enemy. The beings that control them are the enemy. And when you help someone, you do YAHWEH’s will and those bad beings plans will be set back.

See also  2008: Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction

Another thing to remember. Never get involved with “secrets” or “classified” information. If ANYONE ever offers to share with you ANY secret information, run, do not walk, to the nearest exit. You ARE NOT a spy or law enforcement professional. You are not a part of their world. Do YAHWEH’s work to help others and that’s all.

Hopefully, you will never need this kind of warming in your whole life. But depending on what you are doing to help free the planet, and until you know everything about what has been done to you, and what your abilities are, and how important your bloodline is to the evil ones, anything is possible.

In any case, it is always important protection to not see anyone at your own home, unless you know them well. All strangers must be seen at a public center where there is someone else present in the building who has seen your people. You can rent rooms at alternative health centers and at some chiropractors.


Be prepared for anything with a brand new person, even if you know them well. I will always remember the first time I worked on Pat of “The Mars Force”. We had communicated a number of times by email and I liked her very much from the emails. I also liked her when I first met her, after she traveled to our home in Norfolk, Virginia. She seemed very intelligent and ladylike, with a lot of gentle-ness, and internal strength. She is very soft-spoken. I will quote from “The Mars Force – Pat’s Story” –

Part 5

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