While it is not the scope and purpose of this document to discuss theology, it is important to keep in mind that there could be a possible link between the phenomenon of today and what has been recounted in ancient documents. In 1968, Barry H. Downing published a book called ‘The Bible and Flying Saucers’. In this book, Mr. Downing attempts to relate the Bible to this phenomenon. What makes this theory so difficult in this day and age is the fact that mysticism has been replaced with science. As science has made such leaps and bounds in discovering our roots, it seems that the Bible and God have been traded off for science text 101.

But, even with all of science’s knowledge, the basic meaning of life has still not been discovered. We have always needed a balance of Science, Philosophy, and Theology to get us where we were going. For nearly 6000 years men have tried to discover their meaning and roots of being. Yet, in today’s modern world, we feel that we are so close to the answer.

Accident. I have heard our existence justified as being part of the ‘Cosmic Cookbook’ where you add a little of this and a little of that and poof! outcomes instant life. But who or what has been doing the ‘adding’ of the ingredients to this large cosmic pot? While I am not a scientist, I can say that so far, nothing to my knowledge has been discovered that will validate the principle of perpetual motion. In any event, if motion is to exist, something external must be applied to that object to put it into motion.

Once motion is achieved, then periods of external intervention are necessary to keep that object in motion, lest it would eventually cease to move. Let’s take a large metallic ball and suspend it from a string. That ball will just hang there until we apply the force to it to get it to move. Once moving, we will have to continue applying an external force to that ball to keep it moving. If we don’t then that ball will cease to move. Now all of us are not scientists, but we do know that the ball exists since we can see it. We know that by hitting that ball, it will move.

See also  1988: A Strange Connection

We also know that if we do not keep hitting that ball, it will stop moving in a short time. Science has taken this everyday phenomenon and studied it. They have come to the same conclusion scientifically that we have. Now science can acknowledge this because it has been observed, but science cannot necessarily determine why this is so. If they had, then we would know all there is to know about perpetual motion, but we don’t. This same discussion could apply to our existence. We know that everything around us is in motion.

This would lead us to believe, that some external force had to be applied to get things moving. What was that external force? Until these answers are beyond reproach, no one can say that this is wrong and that is right. Even science cannot definitively state that we are the products of an accident. The universe is in motion, but what force put that process in motion. Arguments will be that if God is responsible then who created God? But, until we reach God, then we can only speculate. Nevertheless, there are several viewpoints in favor of and against what I am saying here.

If God created us, what does that tell us about God? It tells us that God is the Greatest Scientist around. We have been created in a physical world with physical bodies and senses. We know that we know we exist. Thus, God must be bound by the same physical laws that we are, only He has the only real understanding of these laws. We know from the Bible and other ancient documents that have been found that throughout man’s history on earth, he has been visited by beings not of this world, representing God and appearing to have physical bodies just as we do.

See also  A Strange Connection 4

These beings, while not revealing the mysterious meaning of life, have been instrumental in changing world events, both directly and indirectly. These beings have been referred to as angels. Recently, I utilized my computer to count the occurrences of angels in the Bible. Using Today’s English Version, I referenced the word ‘angel’ and came up with over 400 occurrences of the word in the entire Bible. Thus, it would seem that there were angels reported quite a bit in the Bible.

Where does this all fit in with the modern world? Many will say that the Bible is a collection of mythological tales designed to symbolize something moral, etc. Yet, the Bible is historically correct. There have been cataclysms on this earth that were recounted in the Bible. There are events that are recounted in the Bible that are historically correct. How could a book of mythology be correct historically unless these events that we call myth actually did occur?

Aside from the Bible, there are ancient documents that recount flying shields and strange visitors interacting with earth people. What about our modern world? Are we to say that the hundreds, even thousands of people that claim they have been abducted are the result of mythological beings? If this be true, then we are all victims of this biggest hoax to befall us in the 20th century.

Below follows an excerpt taken from the Pseudepigrapha’s First Book of Enoch. As some may recall, Enoch was the seventh descendant of Adam and as Genesis 5:24 recounts, ‘…Enoch walked with God. Then he vanished because God took him…’. Most scholars agree that this work was written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, Aramaic being the language that Jesus spoke. As you read this, recall the modern abductions that have been taking place.

See also  A Strange Connection 3

The Fall Of Angels

6 In those days, when the children of man had multiplied, it happened that there were born unto them handsome and beautiful daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them and desired them; and they said to one another, “Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from among the daughters of man and beget us children.”

And Semyaz, being their leader, said unto them, “I fear that perhaps you will not consent that this deed should be done, and I alone will become (responsible) for this great sin.

“But they all responded to him, “Let us all swear an oath and bind everyone among us by a curse not to abandon this suggestion but to do the deed.” Then they all swore together and bound one another by (the curse). And they were altogether two hundred; and they descended into ‘Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon. And they called the mount Armon, for they swore and bound one another by a curse.

And their names are as follows: Semyaz, the leader of Arakeb, Rame’el, Tam’el, Ram’el, Dan’el, Ezeqel, Baraqyal, As’el, Armaros, Batar’el, Anan’el, Zaqe’el, Sasomasp w e’el, Kestar’el, Tur’el, Yamayol, and Arazyal. These are their chiefs of tens and of all the others with them.

Part 3

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