Now, I must state directly here that there is some possibility, of course, whenever there is a hypnotized subject it is often stated wants to please the hypnotist, therefore might confabulate details that would fit that hypnotists’ particular thesis. I must say that Veronica came up with the CIA thesis long before I ever met her. She was saying that that was just one possibility among others.

It also seems to be a nagging possibility that other abductees that I have read about and talked to have come up with, although they didn’t explore it. There is something about the idea of being in contact with alien beings that is extremely attractive to them, and they don’t want to give it up very easily.

Anyway, to go back to the hypnotic session she had talked about I won’t give you the details of this kind of terrifying session that she underwent in this man’s house but, after the session, I found out later she was told under some sort of hypnosis, even though the hypnotist had tried to get her out of it, and she said that she was no longer in trance, but apparently she still was. But I said, “Well, okay, let’s drive there.”

And we did. And I got a location, we found the location, and she suddenly got very scared and we had to turn back. Well, I later did a little bit of detective work and I found out who lived there. I won’t give the name, because there is obviously a certain possibility of liable involved, but I found out that the man who lived in that house was a scientist who worked on the CIA’s mind control programs. These programs had projects like ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, MK-ULTRA.

See also  Mind Control & Abductions 4

Not only that, while on the way there, but Veronica also described the interior of this house, including one specific unusual detail that almost nobody has in his living room, and I later found out from somebody who had been in that house, that she described it accurately. Unfortunately, Veronica now says that she can remember nothing of our conversation together and I didn’t tape her admission of what was inside the house, so there is no way I can prove this, which is why I am very, very wary of mentioning names, and possibly giving way to a libel suit.

But I will say that for my purposes, and I can’t prove it to anybody else, but it has been proved to me that in at least one instance this thesis is correct.

I must tell you right now that I am as loath as anybody else to give up on the alien hypothesis. I mean I grew up with it, I read alot of UFO books in my time. I’ve never been plugged into the UFO Network… I’ve never spoken to the actual researchers until just recently. And even then it’s only quite tangential. Aileen is probably the one I know best. And so, it gets very, very difficult for me to give up entirely upon the idea of the aliens. And I know that people will get angry at me, because I am exploring another possibility. But it just seems that this is a path which has to be looked at.


I do know that from the internal CIA correspondence that I’ve looked at in Washington, that one of the problems they had, is that it was a “disposal problem” whenever they were experimenting on someone to see how firmly they could control that person’s mind, even though they would try many techniques to get them to forget the session, as it were, it was almost impossible to make them forget entirely. Memories would come out, often-time in dreams, of what was going on.

See also  Mind Control & Abductions 5

One of the scientists who worked on it, I think that was Martin Warren, you may recall Martin Warren because he’s mentioned prominently in Philip Klass’ skeptical book on UFO abductions. Martin Warren what Philip Klass doesn’t tell you is that Martin Warren was a CIA operative going back to the very early 60’s…

But one of the things they mentioned in this context of people remembering, was they will remember any scenario that they are told. In other words, you can tell them: “Yes, something happened there… but you know…”, you can fix the memory in other words, arrange a cover story. And so, yeah, the person might wake up in the middle of the night with this terrible, terrible feeling in that back of his head that he has been hypnotically told to forget something that happened to him. But as long as he misremembers that, then the actual truth of the matter will never come out.

Now I think that something very much like that happened to a man named Marty Kosky. Marty Kosky was a Finnish citizen. He was staying in Canada sometime in the mid to the late 1970’s, and I have alot of material from him. He claims to have been a victim of mind control. Now, by the 1970’s this whole technology was getting extremely baroque. In the 50’s and the 60’s, according to John Mark’s informant, nobody knows his name, I don’t even think John Mark’s knows his name he was given the nickname “Deep Trance” according to Deep Trance the mind control was basically, the technology had to do with drugs and some with hypnosis. In the 70’s it started to turn to things like implantations in the brain and microwaves. And the two of them can work together.

See also  1988: Mind Control & Abductions

Now Marty Kosky claims, this Finnish citizen claims to have been a victim of the microwave experimentations happening in Canada. He had first, in 1977 or thereabouts, came out with a brochure that was, well you know, he learned English only a couple of years previously, and he wasn’t a professional writer, and claimed to be microwaved in his brain, and so obviously you can tell that the pamphlet that he came up with was not very impressive, and people looking at it probably dismissed him as a nut.

Part 3

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