Ancient Crossbreeding & Genetic Experimentation

Just like modern UFO abductors do, demons have long been collecting sperm samples from male victims. According to the ancient reports, the succubus gathers semen from the male victims so that the demon can fully perform the sex act and sometimes impregnate its female victim when acting as an incubus. In Thomas Aquinas’ 13th century book Summa Theologica he wrote:

…if sometimes children are born from intercourse with demons, this is not because of the semen emitted by them, or from the bodies they have assumed, but through the semen taken from some man for this purpose, seeing that the same demon who acts as a succubus for a man becomes an incubus for a woman.

It was believed even then that a crossbreeding of sorts was occurring between the demons (fairies) and humans. Tradition has it that the magician Merlin was the result of crossbreeding between Satan and a human female. And most readers are familiar with the many matings of the Greek and Roman “gods” with humans. Their offspring spurred many of the great legends and myths of old.

For several thousand years there have been reports of alien abduction for sexual purposes. Because of the number of reports coming from early church members, much attention was given to the phenomenon during the 1200s and 1300s. Here are a few summaries by the church from this time period:

De Trinitate: “Devils do indeed collect human semen… therefore devils can transfer the semen which they have collected and injected it into the bodies of others.”

See also  1994: Alien Abductions Through The Ages

Bonaventura wrote: “Devils in the form of women yield to males and receive their semen; by cunning skill, the demons preserve its potency, and afterward,…they become incubi and pour it into female repositories.”

Just as in modern UFO reports, the incubus desiring to have sex with a human will adjust its shape to one that lowers the resistance of its victim. In 1698 Johann Klein reported on a court case where a woman claimed to have been impregnated by her long-gone husband. A creature taking his form appeared to her at night in her bedroom where she simply couldn’t resist. Many other victims of an incubus claimed that the incubus appeared to them as a person (deceased) they knew and loved.

Some of the most interesting reports about the incubus come from nuns. During the mid-1400s, many nuns in certain sites were victims of incubus attacks with the nuns often displaying amnesia over the event. The copious amounts of semen present left no doubt that something physical actually happened.

Other accounts of incubus attacks leave one with the definite impression that something physical was happening rather than the experience being a purely psychological event. One impressive account had numerous witnesses. The writer Sinistrari wrote of a nun that was locked into a small, nearly barren cell after dinner. She was alone when they closed the door; shortly thereafter, however, sounds of passion (between two people) came from the cell. When the cell was immediately opened for inspection, no one but the nun was in it.

Another nun then bored a small hole through the wall and was astonished to see a youth “appear” on the bed with the nun. Quietly, the nun gathered other sisters to view the scene in the cell between the locked-up nun and the “youth.” When they went back into the cell, the youth again disappeared. However, the nun confessed that she had been intimate with an incubus for some time and that he appeared as the youth that they had seen. None of the nuns recognized the youth, nor was he seen again. In addition, that report indicated that there was no way that anyone could escape the cell holding the nun. He simply appeared and then vanished.

See also  Alien Abductions Through The Ages 6

Another interesting feature of medieval witch reports that parallels modern UFO reports is the so-called Devil’s mark. This is not the same thing as a witch’s mark, but is rather a mark conferred upon victims by the devil himself. According to ancient beliefs, the devil marks his victims for identification. The mark is scratched on the victim with a talon. The marks are usually a straight scar in an odd spot, typically not seen without some difficulty, or some sort of a tattoo. Daneau (1564) stated in Les Sorciers that, “(Not a witch exists) upon whom (the devil or a demon) doth not set some note or token of his power and prerogative over them.” Sinistrari’s De Demonialitate stated that the mark of the devil…”is imprinted on the most secret parts of the body.”

Were we not in “modern” times, the marks seen on many UFO abductees would be seen as the marks of the devil. Cuts on the back of the leg, purplish circular spots, bruises, circles of warts and spots surrounding the abdomen and genitals, facial holes, and nasal cavity holes all would have qualified. These were the exact same marks and areas of the body used for the Devil’s mark. These are also similar to the “fairy bruises.”

Part 5

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