Beings of Light: Another popular theory held by many involved in New Age philosophy is that the Greys are truly the benevolent race they claim to be and that they are here to guide humanity into the next millennium with the spiritual understanding of each other, in order to create a more perfect society. It also finds support among those who claim to be in contact with the Greys and claim to receive information about what they are doing, as well as why.

This information, however, seems to be too much like propaganda as well as disinformation to the author. This theory holds that the Greys come from a society whose gene pool has become overly inbred or otherwise has become depleted. It is somewhat similar to the old science fiction scenario, with a dying Mars coming to Earth in order that they can survive. This theory is much simpler, as well as much more direct in its thought process, than the one above, and is entertained more by various groups devoted to the spiritual and mental evolution of mankind.

Supporters of this theory say that same Greys have spoken to them and told them the reasons that they are here. According to these individuals and groups, the Greys are trying to help humanity save itself by saving the planet because the death of Earth is soon to come and tell of great storms, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, as well as war, pollution, famine, and starvation that will soon to sweep across the face of our planet. The Greys claim that they know these things will happen because they aren’t limited by time flowing in a single direction, but can move forwards and backward through time. While they cannot stop it, they only want to prevent as much suffering as possible. While they are here, though, they could use come of our DNA, because their supply has been drastically reduced, for reasons rarely told to the contactees who communicate to them.

See also  An Alien Harvest 4

Analysis of Theories: These theories both have their various sources and both have evidence that supports one theory while detracting from the other. The author’s personal views lean towards the first theory, due to several key points of evidence. Most of the evidence for the Grey-government conspiracy comes from sources within the government, and from careful observation and analysis of government activities over the past 50 years.

The benevolent Grey belief comes directly from the Greys, who have implanted into their abductees’ minds certain instructions and ideas to give to society at various times, as they determine. Using the abductees as ‘virtual recorders,’ the Greys claim that they are here to ‘help humanity realize its potential,’ and to ‘watch over humanity.’

The government files, on the other hand, claim the Greys are adept liars, and they are not to be trusted. This data comes from the few applicable documents gleamed from the military using the Freedom of Information Act, as well as former and current government workers who claim to have broken their oaths of silence and come forward to tell the truth. Admittedly, the government is also run by accomplished liars, so it is a choice of whether to believe a totally alien group, or to believe the US government (Many would have a difficult time with this, and the author is one of those). If the Greys are telling the truth, then we have little to be worried about, except for our own government, and the occasional abduction in the middle of the night. If they are lying, them we are faced with a great dilemma: the people of the world are being manipulated without their knowledge by at least two forces, the Greys and at least one major world government, that of the United States.

See also  1995: An Alien Harvest

Analysis of Reasons for Human Abductions: From the various documents, informants, and abductee reports, we can postulate what the Greys are. There are many reports that can be found today, if one knows where to look: Some theorize that the Greys are descendants of modern humans from the future; others state that the Greys are a totally different lifeform not related to Terran humans. This document will hopefully finalize the various theories, and weed out those hypotheses that are deemed highly unlikely due to contradicting evidence and reports.

Abductions and Cloning: First of all, the fact must be established that the Greys truly are clones. This is not a new theory, simply a modification of others that have been circulating for a while. There are several reasons why they appear to be clones, of one takes into account behavioral patterns and visual appearances, as deduced from abductee testimonies and other related reports. However, the most intriguing evidence is their abduction plans themselves, and not merely second- and third-hand reports from semi-reliable witnesses about ‘tanks of human and alien body parts‘ somewhere in the deserts of New Mexico. The Greys are abducting human males and females for the purposes of extracting sperm, ova, and other samples of our genetic sequences for reasons unknown.

There does appear to be an answer as to why they do so if the relevant data is taken into consideration, as the reader shall soon see. The Greys must be clones, and the best evidence is in the conduct of the abductions. One can extrapolate from the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle (which refers to quantum mechanics and the uncertainty of the location and momentum of an electron in an orbital) that genetic sequences break down and begin to have errors in the sequence after several generations of continuous cloning from clones, which is what many believe is occurring with the Greys.

See also  An Alien Harvest 3

The result of cloning from clones, after several generations, is equivalent to inbreeding, where errors creep up in the code, so to speak, and eventually, clones are created that are unable to function, i.e., stillborn. This phenomenon is also likened to the recording of a audio or video cassette from another recording. As copies are made from copies, the overall quality decreases. This postulate can be extrapolated from the fact the at the human DNA chain is very long, and contains much data. If the Greys have, a similar, genetic code, this hypothesis will still stand. Humans have great genetic variation and mutations from one generation to the next increase the diversity.

However, the mutations that are created generally don’t involve the function of major systems of the body. Sexual reproduction is also a buffer to radical mutations affecting the entire body in drastic ways from the norm. With clones, however, the mutations, while small individually, will be copied from one generation to another, and as the number of mutations build up, the greater the chance of a fatal mutation. The sheer complexity of the DNA molecule (in humans) makes it exceedingly difficult to keep tract of every bit of genetic code, and so errors will slip past investigations.

There is another problem In this situation:

Part 3

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