While the Greys seem to be able to successfully cross-breed their genetic material with that of Terran humans, their actual knowledge of truly advanced genetic engineering concepts seems to be lacking. They are not able to manipulate their (or human) genetic code beyond that necessary for the mixing of the two types of replicating molecules. This implied that they either lost the knowledge somehow or never had it in the first place. Either way, it appears what the Greys don’t have very much control over the genetic code of the hybrid created. Thus, cloning from clones creates a dilemma that is fatal to a species dependent on cloning as a method of survival.

The way that they propagate is also the method of their death as a species. However, it may be possible, with the genetic engineering techniques that the Greys seem to possess, to infuse viable DNA or other genetic material, suitably modified, into their own next generation of clones, thus creating hybrids and others much like those often by abductees. While some may say that if they have the technology to do all that, why not create the genetic materials they need and repair their genetic code themselves without resorting to abducting humans?

The answer is very simple, and is a matter of economics:

It is by far cheaper, energy-wise and time-wise, to ‘harvest‘ the DNA needed, rather than create the genetic materials themselves.

Why spend energy and time building factories, setting codes of purity, as well as finding a source of raw materials for the creation of the replicating molecule, and then reconstructing an entire, functional molecule, when there is a planet of six billion humans which do the job themselves, naturally? The strategic location of underground bases could make this far more economically advantageous, but even a civilization that is FTL-capable, traveling from a distant star, it would save time and energy as opposed to massive efforts to create a replicating molecule from scratch.

See also  An Alien Harvest 5

Thus, this theory would not only explain current abductions but also past visitations as well, due to the premise that the abductions are for the purposes of harvesting DNA and other genetic materials for infusion into their own genetic code.

There does appear to be a problem In this situation:

While the Greys seem to be able to successfully cross-breed their genetic material with that of Terran humans, their actual knowledge of truly advanced genetic engineering concepts seems to be lacking. They are not able to manipulate their (or human) genetic code beyond that necessary for the mixing of the two types of replicating molecules.

This implied that they either lost the knowledge somehow, or never had it in the first place. Either way, it appears what the Greys don’t have very much control over the genetic code of the hybrid created. The reason for this deduction comes from an analysis of the fact that abductions are occurring: If the Greys had advanced genetic engineering knowledge that they actively used to the extent that they appear to, then it would be plausible that they would be able to repair the errors in the genetic code as they appeared.

This is contrary to the fact that abductions are occurring, and so other hypotheses must be made to account for this deviation from the expected. One possible explanation is that the Greys do not do the genetic engineering themselves, but that the system is completely automated, with or without a supervisor. In this manner, the genetic engineering involved in combining both types of genetic code would be contained in a computer of some type and would create a hybrid embryo from human ova or sperm, with the addition of Grey genetic material suitably modified to be compatible with Terran DNA.

See also  An Alien Harvest 2

One possible method, which would explain the taking of both sperm and ova, would be the following scenario:

The ova are modified only very slightly, made sure of no compatibility problems with the new set of genetic code. The DNA from the human sperm is then removed, and replaced with the

Grey genetic material modified to interact accordingly. The sperm is then allowed to combine with the ova, ‘mixing‘ the two gene patterns, and if the code is viable, the resultant embryo grows and divides. At a certain time, the embryo would be put into stasis, by freezing or by another means, for storage, and implanted into a human female mother for further development whenever convenient.

This scenario would circumvent the apparent ‘hole‘ in the theory, and would explain why the Greys seem to have advanced genetic engineering technology at their disposal, yet be unable to repair errors in their genetic code, nor diversify their own code through such manipulation. They have either lost the knowledge sometime in the past, or simply used the knowledge that another civilization gave them, without understanding what exactly was going on.

Physical Appearances: Other evidence comes from abductee reports on the physical appearance of the Greys.

According to abductees and certain government informants, the following physical profile can be deduced about the Greys: The average height of 4 ft. to 4 ft. 6 in. for the ‘doctors,’ or the leaders of the abductions, and 3 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in. for the workers or ‘drones, with an overall humanoid shape. Their skin coloration is light grey dark grey and appears to be non-porous. The head is proportionally large and inverted triangular in the vertical plane. The rear skull area is large and rounded, and the eyes being large and slanted upwards toward the rear of the skull. The arms and legs appear to be very thin, with a neck that appears to be far to thin to support the weight of the head.

See also  An Alien Harvest 4

Part 4

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